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If Spain Wants To Bluster At Uncle

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ain a little let her do it. It :wcm't Inry him any, but may be a black eye for Spain, and bring freedom ior Cuba. _________ Hasn't the war gone far cnougti in Euba? "Would not our president be ntirely justified in recognizing the Chibaos as beltgerents ? It certainly wcrald seem so. "Wa-s come in eycles, so says the man who keeps track of such thimgs, and he cyole iB about up. Consequently tbe govermnent Is urged t o strengthen her coast defenses and in times of peace prepare for war. Now there wiH be a chance for the old-tirae greenbackers to squeal. The nest admiinistration will probably retire all .tbe greenbacks. Tliey came ■toto existenee as a war mensure and hey haTe served their time. Tlieir presenee now means mitschief. ' South Carolina always up to somethimg serusational, has now adopted a Mw coDStSfcution whlcb disïranchises nearly all the colored population. Congress may have the thing investigated to see iif it conPjcts with the XV. amendment to the constitution. This ni'ws will be good news to the people of the state who have placed Bubstantial aid with sympathy. The people of Ontonagon will not be obliged to live in temts this winter, as 175 Butstantial houses have been erected and the last one oí the iïre suflerers housed for the winter. TTm. J. Bryan was constantly on the wing in the oampaign, and it is eaid spoke to fully 2,000,000 people. "Wm. McKiiïley remained at home and over 1.000,000 caane to see him. Tbe election resulted in alout 1,000,000, plurality for the man who reaineil at home. Mrs. Cameron, the woman who run as a domocrat for rtate senator against her husband. who is a republiean. and beat him by 4,000 majority ov bo. is a Mormon, a íourth wlie. advocates poüygamy aml bi lieveS ín saloons. Of couirse they'can belong xo ouly ene state : Idaho. ■ It would probafcly be just as well to let President McKiailey eelect hte owu abinet- Oxford Globe. Oh, come off, Gannot) : AVhen was a president ever allowed to choose his own cabinet, or an editor to run bis own newspaper ? - lli'Ian Leader. Well, it is all right, isn't. it ? Everybody runs the öewspapere, and tbe newspapers run the government. A dupatch from Des Moisés, Iowa, ■nnder date of Nov. 18, says ; "Edward AV. Curry, chaivman of 'the democratji; state eommittee, died at thj Savery house to-day oï bloodpoisoning, the of initiationiinto the Elk's lodge here a few weeks ago. He was seated In an (cciric chair and horribly burned bei'ore those operattng it reaüized what they were dolng. It was kept quiet untiL this morning. It "vas given out at hw request that he had hemorrhoide." Electricity is not a very.good thing to play with. It is. a little too quick for the boys. Judsmont lias just been rendered'at Massillcn, Oliio, deelaring the linbility of sleeping car conipanie&íor money stolen from paseengers intheir cars. The speakership chances for erar representa Uve, Mr. Sawyèr, is veryigood indeed, and iniproivng every day. Being entirely conservativo and iriendly bo all. the two extremes who are fighting each other, naturally prefer biim to a victory for the opponents. And so he forges ahead. Newspaper readers wiU remember that W. C. P. BreckeflirWge, who lectured here two years ago, had lus box reoeipts at the lectnre in fbifinnati, attached for costs in the case of Madeline Pollard, who had a heavy udgmeint against him forbreach of promlse. The attachment was last winter, and decisión has just oeen rendeJ-ed againet Breckenridge. If he can't get pay for lectnring, he wil! probably eoncludenot to lecture, especially if people wom't go to hear Mm, as they showed him in Wisconsin. And ii he can't get intO' congress, as the people of Kcntucky have now twice shown him, he maylwant to do domething etöe. Mebby he'd better pay the judgment.- Tpsüantl Commercial.


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