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Jas. B. Scotney lias gane to' Ohio for the wimter. John W. Dodge will for home the last of thils momth. jrr. and Mrs. Blaner Haydeo have gone to St. Augusttoe, Pltfi. T)r. John P. Fryer laf erecttog a new office buiWing on Ovo&s street. The Normáis wiill not be allowed to play the IX A. C. eleven.' on Thanksgtvlng Day. Will Bowtwick has secured a potion at WaukpraliTi. '-"-. fl 'W go thrc tliis week. Handl's "Creatton" will be rendered by the Normofl choir thisi year at their animal concert. Georgo A. Gilbert and Miss Minnie E. Scott, both of thtócity, were merrted Thursday tast. G-. H. Schart of Tpsilanti, is ome of the new members of the board ot representatiTes of the Xi. Aj W. ' Mrs. Dr. Boone, of the Normal, is entertaining her eister Mrs. Addlson Dixon of Lob Angeles, Gal. Geo. "Wiatterhoiuse has been receivvng a Tisit froin his brother John, who lives at 'Wlnnepeg, Manitoba. Frank Rafton forcnerly of YpsiU has appÜKil for a divorce from his wife Miainie, in the "Wlayne circuit. On Friday and Baturday the State Kindergarten Aeeociatton wffli meet 1d this city in annuali conventiom. Alban & Johnson's store at Ypsïlanti, was burglarized last Tuesday niight and a quantity of olothes stolen. A large number of Ypsdlantians went to Ann Arbor Tast Wedneeday eveni'ng to hear Richard Mansfieibd. E. 0. Eoss, the colored man who dlted i._ Tf_ 1 i HMJ-I 1 rt ,-mÁ .■■■■i ,-1t 1 nn '■Trtiíi lila un xpsiianxi íaet weeü, ieu,vra uio cu tiTe estáte, valued at $50,000, to Ws wífe. ' : ' , Whon the chnirs are prociired and placed, and the drop curfcaiM painted, Ypsi's new opera house will be oompleted. ' The Thursday Olub doesn't always prove true to frte name. It sometlmes meets on Frtday, but this week it meets on Thursday. Gustav Nass, wbo was tried at Ypsilanti reoently for cruelty to animáis was found not guiïty by a jury in Justice Beach's court. Dr. Boone, of the R't,ato Normal, and Prof. Pu+nam attend the memorial services at Lansing, in honor of the late Edwin Willctts. the fiirst time in) 13 weeks Mrs. jTidge.Babbitt appeared in town, liaving been detained at her home by ïlJness during all this time.- Ypsilantian. The Unïon Thank-igivins? Day servüces will be held in the Presbyterian church at Ypsflanti, at 10:30 a. m.' Rev. Eastïan Smits wllil preacn me sermón, whïch will be on "Propoi-tionate Prosperity." At the fiirst regalar meeting of the 'Michigan Whirt QtíI. ieM a1 Jaekson, last week, the Ypsilanti players secured fourth place, Jackson won ftrst with Kalamazoo n close secaad, and Marshall third. A few dajns after ilt was known that McKinley was elected Mr. H. P. Glover received an order from a city in Delaware, for 2,000.000 taffs- by iar the largest order the tag factory has ever filled.- Ypeilfuitian. The State Teacher's Association meets in Lansmg Lec. a, zw ana ov. Proi. Hoyt. o' this i y Is president anfl pil pers wlSH be readby Mips King, Miss Bchryver and Dr. Smith.- Ypsi1anti üep't Daily Tknes. Georgc .T. Ament, one of Ypsil'finti's wealihy citizens. was married last Wednesday, to Miss Grace Sanderson, at the home of the bridéis parents in Wïndsor, Ont. After a short trip they returnd hoone Monday. Ainsworth, Bat-helder & Co. have packed 6,000 barrete oí apples this ialll. They shilp to' Texas, Ix)uisiaina, Mtesissippi, Virginia and other states in the south, besides sending some to Indiana ana Minnesota. - lyomiuunu. The Womaii's llague objeete ta eertafoi advertisemente, wlilch are representations of figures cflotiied in underwear only, or corsets. TheyíwÜl the coiuncil to eniforce the ordinance prohïbitinig the display of indeceat pietures iii public placee. A. colored man named George Brown was an-asted Friday last, om.' a seriou8 charge preferred by his etepdaughter Rosa Washington, a girl iixed at $1,500 and tftie prieoner sent to the couwty jaUL. H oifense is proven, the penaürtiy wiül be Hïe inipriisonment. Tlie 1ady Maccabeee of the Ypsilanti Htve gave tlieir Urat animal entertainment last Wedneeöay evenink, and it was f. gtekt success. me program consteteil of three A's- Anecdotes, Artfllclee and Art Sonveairs The articles consilsted oï pop-corn balls and tbe art Bouvenii-a were batetuUy prm ed (pen and tok) inscriptions on corn husks. Au b Idress was miideby Lady Comranmlw Mre. Mae E. Stannard, to which there wero responses.


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