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The L. O. T. M'b of Mooreville, cleared $9 by a recent social. Harry Stever, of Ipswüch, N. Dak., la vteiting his parents at Milan. ■Wm. Brtke and famiily have' moved írom Sharoai to Mïllwaukee, Wils. Miss Nettle Herrick and TVm. Alber of Sharoa, are to be married soon Thero ie to be a dance In the Dexter opera house on Thanksgiving nfeht. ' The Eeading and Literary CLub of Dexter held it first meeting with Mrs. Seeper. The aew deskís, seats, etc., have arrived at Milan for their new' school building Whitlaker has three aspirants ior the póstoïfice. Must be a paying concern. John Merriimane, formerly of Grass Lake, i the new niight operator .at Chelsea. ' The people oí Pimckney are to decide by (ballot who fe tóbe postmaster at tli at place. Ann E. Smith has boughttwo houses and lots -oí Jas. Beasley on North street, Cheïsea. The lacles of the of Milan. will hiold a bazaar om. Saturday, I)ec. 12tlu No ThABiSgllvülg party will be given by eïther the girlslor boys of Manchester thüs year. Verne Hendershot of Dundee, got GO aays in jail for and misusing a horse. Tlhe Chelsea fice department now reveis iai two 'new holse carts and 1,000 feet oí new hose. Robert E. Kellogg, of Pïttefleld whose ban were burnecl recentiy, luais commeneed to rebuild. ,T. Quigg, of Webster, died suddeoly at his home in "Wayne, recently. Martin Merkei, of Chelsea, has been serving as a juror in) the. U. S. court at Detroit, during tbe past -week. Hog cholera is ragtng among the farms uorth of Pünckney, over 100 hogs havlng died within a short time. Baled rye straw has beenzone oí the commodüties shipped from Manchester tbte season in considerable quantities. A ffiau rolled three barrels of apples tato the yard of Mat, Blosser .at Mancheste-, and Mat. d'Jdn't getmad about Kt ! If rhe küds at Manchester don't stop jumpi.ig on the Xake Shore train at the crcsstng, they wiU get pulledl in by the village marshal. Mrs. Mary Himckey, vno was born to 1812, died at Lansing recently, and the rematas were taken, to ■Pinckney, tel home for inany ylears, for Mis. Mnry E. Ttibbs, oí'Dexter, has purchassed the farm oí Job A.. Marsímil. Id Ixxli. Mr. Marshall expecte to remove to Ano. Arbor to live. TlurCll be a settlement with turfcey T)(.'íore our next issue. A. dead rtuck, mire !- Milán Leader. Bet that editor -xvi'll be a grobbler of turkey too. John Ootts will put up rods of patent fence ïor Wateon Barr.of Stony Creek, without money and without pricc, all because he beton the wrong man. IiiKhom county rejok-e in the possessiOii oí a school house calledby Jhe queer cognomen "Break o'day school house." They must keep oarliyihours in that aocation.- forthville Record. P. R. Milllen's old blacksmith sliop at Manchester í-i to be turned into an üce house this season. "Well, the. ice caused many a shoe to te turned out oí that shop. Thte is another turn, that's all. They drw the name of a IVuiidee cltizen wbo had been dtead tor OTer two yeara, for one of ttue jurors in the ü. S. court at Detroit, recentíy. But even courte can mot raiise; the dead, bo h-e will not attend. A Cheteea scholar in physiology descrtbed his "diabolical" nerve. How is it, Bro. Hoover, is he 'any relation to the man who stoppeü hïs paper ajid then borrowed hïs neighbor's toread? - Stockbridge Sun. Eaton, while feeding a corn sbreddmg machine at work on the farm of George Hoffley near Saline, Friday, had nis left haoid drawn in, and ground to pleces, necessitating amputation above t)he wrtet. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Quisk, Mr. andMrs. I. í. James, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. .Thompson, and H. 0. Stannard, all oí Dexter, carne down to foe&r Richard Mansfield at the opera house last Wednesday evenlng. Burtless & Amspoker have a curíoe;ty in the way oPa five-liegged steer. The animal is about two years oíd. The flfth leg starts at the back of the neck ond hangs downward, but does not touch the ground.- Mancheeter BiïterpriseA brülliaait and pleasant social event was the marritage om Wednesday evenifcig last, of Miss Mary. daughiter oí Mr. and Mns. "Win. Henifon, at Manchester, to Frank Bavib, of Portsmouth, Ohiio. About 30 relatlves were present. Peter Vansntdrinhyster of Plymonth Ls Bick. We hope he will get well and go on heroically bearingi the burdens of Mie, as heímust have done lor :ti these years that haverpassed siuce the day of hls liiriKtening.- Ypsilanti Commercial. WtBaxd Folter, ivho had lived {or 60 yeart on the same farm in Scio, died on ThuKsday last, aged83 yeare 3 mos. and1 3 days. -'Funeral) services wei-e held Saturday (rom the house Rev. B. Ij. McBlroy eondueting the name. The remainis were taken to Detroit Sor burial. We are credibly fnformed thatfafter Jolm P. Kirk read the electtom returns trom Superior, and notüced the splendid vete given liiim for oiïice of prosecuting atltorney, he decided at once to select a liieartner fromthis townshlp. John needn't look any lurther.-Superior cor. Ypsi. Commercial- ; ' The Baptist chur'ch at Dundee has had its pulpit filled íor a time by Eev. Francés Percivel, an allegedl oonvert trom the Roman Oathoiic church. Same umsavory stortes were to be investigated during the week, and bn Tuesday evening last, he unceremoniously folded W= temí nudleft lor other parta- Ohk-ago, it is said. It is told that a tramp receaitly called at a residence in the village and petiltioned the lady of the house to give him a cup of cciffee. She very pleasantly told liim that iï he would saw a few sticks of wood he wouid give him his breakfast. "'niankyou, madam," b-aid humgry ■Villiam. "If anybody Btoouïd nsk me, juei xeu 'em that you saw me but you didn't Saw me saw."- Dexter leader. Mtes Casrrie M. Jackson, editor of the M&ford Times, was recently wedded to her foreman, GranfeRoe. Xow we look to see some editorial grifíin grind out hta "gat!" abo-utBoe "presstag" her "form"' In a loring "em brace," popping the "?'" and waiting durinj; the "periad" ol her "pause"' ïor the "!", "O, Roe me, O f" B "iiy newspaper monster, so ink lined, rises up in his junga It Wil! become the duty oí the editorial brotherhood to "chase" him with a "shooting-stick" and leave him "off his feet" tor the orows to "piek up," or "distribute" as "dead matt-er."- Adrián PTess. +--■


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