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The Comers And Goers

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We thank thee, Father, for today In which with one accord, Withloveand peace in every heart, We gather 'round thy board Mrs. R C. McClure is visiting friends tn the city. J. Hrary VanTiisseil, oí Detroit, was fa the city over Sundny. NeQson J. Kyer returned Baturday trom hls Southern trip. 0 Aid. Feiner of the 2d ward, was a Detroit visitor Friday. Mrs. Entom of E. Aim st., wiil spend Thankigiving in Chicago. Jarnos S. Gillospie is visi-tiiig his old home in Caro, for a few days. Bishop Hall of Vermont is the guest of Kev. and Mra. Henry Tatdock. Chas. W. "Wagner was in Detroit Mond.iy and so was Theo. Reyer. Thte personal is from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reichenecker. A boy JS'ov.ilT. Miss Emma E. Bower has returned wom a week's stay un Louisville, Ky. Misses Katie and Minie Bchmidt, of Toledo, are visiting friends in the city. Mrs. W. B. Carpenter and son, were gnesís of Mrs. Waiter T. Seabolt over Bunday. Dr. and Mrs. Lynds have been the guests oí íriends Ín Icfcagimaw üuring tbe Tv-eek. Mrs. D. D. Tra-iis is visiting her áajig-hter Mr?. J. B. Be:'l, and sodj Johs Ë. Travife. Attcrney General Fred A. Maynard cf Grano Rapids, was in town Friday and Saturday. Mrs. R. S. Greenwood has returned hoine altor a visit with her parents in Bilver Lake. Miss Besste Dunster oí Toledo, has teen the guest of Miss Genevieve Duífy lor a few davs. Prof. Olarke of Chicago University, was tbc guest of Prof. Trueblood, while in the city. Henry 03. Masten win spend a few áays ir. Chicago, visiting his sons Charles and Frank. Dr. and Mre. Eoy S. Oopeland spent Snnday as guests of Rev. Dr. Ryan and family, of Ypsilaniti. Miss Nina M. Davison leaves to-day for a few day's vtedt with relatives and frlends in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beat have been guests of friends in Grand Raoids for BeVeral days during the week. PiM H. M. Randall of Sagina w, is Bpendlu? the week with hls parents, Mt. and Mrs. Seth C. Kandall. Gilbert M. Monroe, who host been at tomo for several days, returned to hls duties la Phliadelphia Friday. Ainong the pleasant caliere the Coumr office Friday, was John O. Thompson, of the Leader, Dexter. Miss Minnle Mulvaney of the Couriter office, goes to hef home in BeUeTue, to-day for a few day's stay. Mrs. T. W. Mingay has been entertaining her friena Mrs. B. Secord, of Kalamazoo, durioig the past week. Mr. amd Mrs. W. W. Wadhoms left ío-r Mt. Cíemeos Monday, where Jlrs. Wadhams hopes to benefit her liealth. Mrs. John Boylan of N. Fifth ave., has been entertainiug Mise Nettie Spaf' ford, of Rockford, M., during the week past. E. B. Hall has been sojourning at the Sanitarmm at gt. Louis, hoping to secure rtllef from an attack of rheumaiffcwn ProBecuttng Attorney Randail was ín attendance upon court at Monroe couple of days last week, returning SMday Ed. W. Staebler went to Jackson ■Mie last of the week, as h member of be L. A. W. board, to coumt the votes at the annual election. Mrs. H. S. Pingree, wife of the govnor elect, accompanled by her daughter, was a guest at the Alpha Delta Phi house a lew days ago. Geo. W. Ioty tI the probate oiiice, wUo was on the sick ;ist íor aíew d.'iys, is around again. Miss C. Strickland, ol Otiis, Mass., ia in tht city. and expects to remain durinji tlic winter wlth Mrs. Button, of Volland Btreet. It will be plensing news to her many friends in this city to leorn that JIi-s. John R. Milner, who is now at Fresno, Cali., is much improved in health. Mies Ijiiella Granger receives her young friemfls this evening, Njv. 25th, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. imvitations whioh she sent out'were very unique, consisting of a quotationfroni a popi'lar song. Friday evening last was the ove certing tlie nativity of Ed. Bchairer with Schairer & Mfcleo, and a dozen of liis young friends dropped in at his home and helped him to a pleasant memory of the event. At about 11 o'clock a supper was served, followed by toasts, responses, stories and pleasant converse. -- . Frattrnity Lodge F. & A. M. is do work tbe 3d degree Frklay night. The Ann Arbor High School ioot ball team was defeated Saturday by the Detroit High School team, the score tanding 12 to 0. Out boys made a plucky fight but couldn't win. Enough tickets" have already been sold to warrant the running of the $5 excursión to Chicago to-day at 9 a. m., aart everybody jyoes. Gefc on the traiu and see Chicago for a íew days. The Bibte class whieli meets at the Y. "W. C. A. rooms Thursday afternoons, at 4 o'clock, is a íree class and not ltniited to members of the Association. The topic taken up iis the Li'e oí Christ, studied in the Gospei records, maps, pictures, and sketches. luring the course several parlor talks wül be given by Prof. Goler of the Biblë School, Dr. McElroy, and othera. The Y. W. C. A. rooms wtl not be openei Thanksglving day and classes win be omitted for the evening. Monday evtning Nov. 3Oth, a meeting of all the committeas af the Association Is to be held in the assembly room at 7:30 o'clock. All clans dues must bie paif tliis week uniess special arrangement is made witli the General Secretary. Rev. T. I. Tama ma, the Japanese student who addressed an audience at Newberry Hall Saturday evening, was high!y entertaiuing, and gave his hearers a clearer idea oí Japanese customs amd ways tüian they ever had before. Mr. Tamema is a good speaker, lias a fair ooimmand oí tüe Englwh language, and takes iiis audience through "Tlie Iand oí the Efeing Sun," in a way tliat is'entertaiaing. The stereopticon views With which hiis lecture is illustrated, are aliso good. ; The great iield eaclosed at Cliicago, and known as the Coiiseum, widl be itrciu' iur t-ne iwi uajii xeaons to-aay, when the struggle takcs place between the U. of M. and Chicago. Tliis great struc.ture stiands where tlie wild west ebow was at the AVwld's Fair, which ohose who visited that great exposition will remember. It Ís some seew miles ar more froro the center oí Chicago, trat the elevated road, the íllinois Central suburban trains, several liues of street cars, all reach lt, so that is is really only 15 or 20 mitautes rid from the heart oi Chicar go. Great is Clulcajgo, and great wiü be the gaine to-day. Mnny thlnk th t the excitement will be almost equiaj to that of the great eo-caaied deinooratic national convention that met In the same place lat tumm r and waj led on toí renzy by the Boy Orator, Pitchfork Tillman, et al.


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Ann Arbor Courier