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The Free Silver Democrats Of

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go are going to celébrate .Taekson ïay- probab'.y tecause Jacksoii is dead and eau not help himself. ' If ICentucky, Wairyla.nA and West Virginia sliould unite in recommending a man for a place in the cabinet, he would be pretty apt to get iit. "a social settletmemt, as it is called, has been started in Detroit, ivith Miss Mary Peckham iip charge. The object te to help the worthy poor to a, taappier life. Secretary Carliisle in his annual estiimat-ee puts down the river and harbor tanprovements of Michigan for a eool milllion dolíame. Hte entire esttaatc the nnti-on fe $421,718,970.60. Gov. El eet Pingree believes in limitIng the hours of labor, and he also believes in limiting tlue aniount oí weaTth any one man can aequire - but Jast what the limit should be he has aot etated. It is becoining more evident every day that the farmers were raising dollar wheat last suramer while the treesiiverites were trying to persuade them that the gold iStandard wooild eend them to the pow house. The city of MobiJte, Ala., expeets to become the cheapest coali port in the ■wond, by means of a new transportation company which promises to bring soft coal fram the mines at Tuecaloosa and sell it at $1.25 per ton ; The Plwladelphia Times thiiiks that on the whole "it is a good thing that there are boys and ohestnuts every year. The boys keep Uie chestnuts trom Boimg to waste and tihe chestats furnish the boys a lot of healthy njoyment." Seven cowities in Kansas cast an aa regate o' 1 s ; than a tlio sand vo-tes, and w9ll be Consolidated into thrce to save expenses. If Kansas st'itks to popujism a few years it wlil presemt great attractions as a buííaío range. highest vote ever in Nevada was 19,691, at the Presidential election in 1876. This year the totai. vote of the Btate was bat 8507. It is an absurdTy neurrow basis for threo presidentiat electo-rs and two t'nited States senators. Mt. Bryan telegraphed to t he presar dent eliect : '-We have submiitted the Issue to the American people, and ■thelr word is law." Having paid tliis tribute to the great verdict, the Doy orator ImmediateHy proceeded to apen the campaign of 1900. It ie seldom that Indiana gives any partíy a cfliear majo.rirty over all otheits, but McKínley has more than half the votes oí the state bV 9,610. Even ■svhn Hnrrison earrled Indiana in 1388 by a pluraliity of 7,125 he feil short oí a majority by 10,227. An excellent terrübory for settlement, Bays a writcr In the Journal' of Military Service, is southeastem Alaska, It has a mild climate, arabic land and great quantities of filsh and game. This writer reeonimends it especii:y to N'orweglans and Dames. A demoenat in Virginia has declincd a certifícate of election to congress that Tras awarded vto Mfaa on account of clerilcal irregularities In the returns, and IïSs republicftn competitor gets the place. And yet thore aro those who imsfct thut mii'actes never happen nowiadiays. New York CWy, fO'Mowing the exampTe of LOndon, hias been extablihilng email parks in different parte of the c!ty, a:nd has nmv sdxty-one, embracing 4993 acres. The consoiddation with Brooklyin will add 1465 acres and twenty-two miles of parkwayB. It is evident that the park systems of large cities are receiving increased attention, and that new sections will not be built up hereafter without tireathing spaces. How about Ann Arbor's parks ? Charles E. Cri'-p, who has been nomiiïiated for congress to succeed his father, the late Charles F. Crfep, ex-speaker of the house of representatives, is [ust oW enough to squeeze m. He te weil acquaimted wih t(he duties oí a oongressma.n, and has the rules of the house at hiis finger's ends, having been elerk at the Bpeaker's t able for several years. He will occupy th seat of his father, Nto. 93, on the democratie eide, that courtesy being extended ty general consent. Crisp is quite a youngtster. - New York Press. Eourke CJockran is not dlsposed to be at all equivocal or qualifying about his duty as a sound nwney democrat. "I am tired." he says, 'of masqueTading as a tariff reformer, and wtlil never again be found befoTe the public in tbat capaclty." Nor is tbis all. "We are boumd," he aáds, "to recogniize that the republtoar, party has been the party of victory, and we are bound to uppoott tJie repulblioan plicy." Such ta:k is sound and wtbolesome, and al] of the Paiïmeriites ought to look at the matter in that light. Barney Barnato seems ambitiouB to irtretch his minlng enterprises the wnrltl over, haviaig liesides lils Witwatersrand Reef, richer than Omar and Ind, acquired interests in Mexico, Peni and Alaska, and in the golden grottoes of the Take of tïve Woods, tilles of whiich have been toCd for a cent nry by mtesionariee and Oourriers d'e Bofe, wtth fev to prive them heed. There is, in a'J likelihoo'd, an important depopit of goM in that remóte and desrfíate región lojked beneath the ice and tniows of an Arctic winter during most oí tlie yeiar, and iï so the lucky Barney its the very man to find it. The great street corner orator known to fame as "Railroad Jack," has been denied the privilege of talking on the streets at Detroit.- Ann Ajrbor Courier. Previons to thSs in'orraaUon the last that was heard of this eminent deadbeat, he was a "whooper-up" for the gojd standard. But the campaipr; beinf over, the repub'.ix'an state centraa co.mmittee hias rao more use for hita, and he caw again take to the UndensMe of a frewrht traim, with his hammock.- Adrián Press. The assertion of tlie Press is siimply a Buppositipn, that's all. But suppoee It to be true. What of it ? Suppoeing the editor oí the Press had bSned a hoboo to runi off an edition of hits paper, wooild hO want htan to keep riglrt on turning the crank, under pay, after the work was done ? Eng:and has a boy hero who ''stood on bumnln? de;k." He fe íourteín year-old Horace Comer, who, after belng on the training shlp Esmcrath, wan sent to tí steamer Marino. The -rassel caught fire in the Atlantic and the crew were preparing to ahandoji her when the youngster arose and Bhonted : "What's the use of gotog on lake that men ? If.we have tj diiie, die like men, aaid Bnglïshmen !" That renewed the crew's courage, and they took the ehlp safely to the Azores. Yoiíng Comer bumed hte loot. and was so fuM of spáiri.fc as to pi-ay the doctor to cut iit off, but the physician's skin saved this draft oo his courage. He is evidently the stufl thwat good uailors are made ai. Tales of herofem may have given him unduly exalted liardilhood, but it was of the kind that stood the; test of reuJ (langer and accompiliishied real good.


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Ann Arbor Courier