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Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mllilspaugh have a Bom. The Dress Stay Co. has closed down for a time. Geosrge Fuller has beon granted an originad pensión. Mtes Caddie Sauinders has returned from Marquette. Th eptof the new opera house is placed at $21,000. The new tralBDdlngB at the Xormal are about ready for use. Mira, Jos. Muller is hi Canada visitilng retetives (or a few rïays. Mr. and Mrs. Don Peck lost their four year oitd eon last Thursday. Jay Cross has given up being a trav elimg man ae an undesirable job. A fine new residenee is being erected on Chicago avenue by E. Li. Brown. Mire. Br. Boone's sitrter, Mrs. Dixoai, has returned home to California, Th Ladies' Llterary Society is to be incorporated under the state liaw. R. "W. HemphdlM thinks that the etetcric line will run to Detroit before next (all. The jeweiry stores are to be kept open evenimgs now, until after the hoatdays. Ten comverts were made at the week day services of the Baptist chureh last week. Prof. Scherzer took hte eliass to Detroit Friday, viisiting the ïaboratory of Parke, Davüs & Co. The bonus at the Ladies' Library Wlll'be framj 4 to 8 p. m.,until further notifce, instead of 6 to 8. D. P. SuMivan has been appointed Local Consul for Ypsilanti by Chlef Oomsufl. Hines of the L. A.' W. ' Justice Ohilds issued ourteen crimial complaints inside of eight days, recen-tly, and thinks business is booming. . v L , Prof. W. P. Bowea hias been elected a representatiTe to the Mich. Div. Iy. A. W. by the looal club of wheelmen. , .. i Tho Normal School faculty thiniks tJiat there should be better protection fnom fire few the Norm-al bnildImgs. Thire te a f eeling tihat Rev. Bastían Smite may be ioduced to remain in the city itf hls comgregatian -wi'.l erect a new climrch edilfice. Dr. Oamp bas purchased the Ed. Clancy property in the 4th ward, paytng $500 for the eanae. Oheap dlrt amd dirt clieap. John McCarty, o'f Ypsttanti, was engüneeT of the tram that killed two giriB on the D. L. N. R'y recently. He hae been exonerated f rom blame. Samson's skating park wouldn"t holl water when the. fluM was first turned on, but it hias been fixed eince, so "that skaters can enjoy themselTes there. Harry Neat has been promoted by the Wagner Palace Car Co., in whose employ he is, to assfetant superintendent of the Bouthern división, with headquarters at Donnison, Texas. Miss Sarah M. Pardee, died on Wedneeday last, at lier home on Cross street, aged 84 years. Siie had ldved In Ypsilanti since 1833. She was nn aiint of Sa.muel Post and Mr-, Edmund Hewitt. "Ten Nights in a Bar Room'.n-as glven at Iight Gruard Hall severa 1 nlghts last week for the benefilt of the Ldght Graards, and the houses were such that the Company's treasTiry has been greatly helped. Two of Ypsilaati's girls probably do not feel very happy over the f act that when the forger Monks was arrested at New York the ether day, their photos were foiind among his vataiableB. Said valuables consisting mostly of forged checks on various banks Yps4(Ianti Lodge Nto. 128, F. & A. M.. elected the followtog officers last Thunsday evpnilng ; W. 'M., Charles Stevens ; 'S. W., M. M. Bead : J. W., Georp;e ""üson ; treasurer, E. B. Newhall ; secretery, F. B. Deoibel ; S. D., TV. W. Brooks ; J. D., Elmer MeCullough : tiler, William Oourt ; stewards. Messrs. Doflson and Thompson. Martha M. Alban, a Normal student, died at her. home) in "WWis, on Monday of Tíist "week,, aged 21 yearsi 'Mitos AJIban's' father died from typhoid f e ver a few weeks ago, and she contracted the diisease whlle taking care of hálm. Funeral services were held Thursday at "Willilis, and the rexnains intprred at H%Mand cometery, Ypsilanti. Rev. Bastían Smits, of the Congregational church has recelved a cali f rom Charlotte. The denomination Is very stroing there, and has a church that coet $40,000, and a large congregation. The people of Ypsilanti, even ontadde of his own flock will tetrret to have him leave. Later lniormation fe to the effect that he has declined the cali, and will remaln here with hls flock Excelsior Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M., at ïtw annual meeting, elected the folloTvl'ng oflicers H. P., ffm. A. Moore, K.. F. H. Barmim ; 8., M. M. Read ; treasurer, George F. Schaffer ; eecretary, George A. Cook ; C. oí H.,lB. W. Kiel ; P. S., C. R. Lainbert ; R. A. C. C. R. Huston; M. 3 V., Wm. Hyzer ; M. 2 V., T. L. Towner ; M. 1 V.. "Wm. Webb ; guard, George W. ííishler ; chaplain, Wm. H. Sweet. The AntirSaloon League ot Ypsilanti has been organized with 24 men and 15 women as charter members. The purpose oí the League as set forth in lts constitutie n Is "to advance the causo of by all proper means, and to lsabor ior the abolition oí drinking places," together with the enfoircemeat of exJstdng laws. Prof. Daniel Putnam was chosen president. F. A. Todd vice president, Rev. E. 'P. Goodrich secretary, Bert Comstoek treasurer. CoüirTypsHanti, Xo. 1100, Independent Order of Foresters, had a visit ftrom gtate OrganLzer A. A. Weeks, recently, and initiated a class oí six new members. The following officers were elected : C. R., N. B. Harding ; V. C. R., F. C. S'haefer ; R. S., C. D. Church ; F. 8., W. J. iWallaee ; treasurer, C. R. Huestoin ; S. "W., N. B. Trim; .T. W., Geo. A. McNichoï; ■Chap., E. L. Brown : S. B., J. M. Bowen ; J. B., Wm. Weisamann ; Physicilan, G. M. Huli ; C. ., A. C. Ptagerle ; Rep. to H. C, -Tas. McGregor ; Altérnate, N. B. Harding. Laet Thiursday's Free Press contained the following account of the suicide of a farmer weU known Ypsllantian : "Pr-of Eirnest Lodemau,Kio!n of Prof. Lodonia:n, of the Ypsitónti State Noonal school, took his own life last night at Mexico, JST. Y. Prof. Lodemari registered at a hotel in the vüllage Monday, and yesterday mornJng he was found unoonscious, having taker an overdose of chloral wiit-h supp'osed euicidal intent. He boughit a revolver in the afternoon and shot hiránselí in tihe head, dying almost instantliy. He was siingle and aged aibout 80. He hiad for severaai years been oonnected wHtli the sbate agricwltural experimental station at Ithaca, N1. Y. Overwork is supposed 1,0 have üeranged hte mind." Comtracfs have been let for furnishing the opera house, and in the course of a couple of weeks it will be completed. A Chicago firm has the job of fumishing the scenery and tage settings. . There will be eleven complete sets of scenery capable ot foi-ming 25 different coanbinations. When completed Ypsilaati can boast of the best arranged and best equdpped opera house of any cdty iii the state outside of Detroit. That the people of any connnunity ghwuld invest in such an enterprise in tliese times, when everything is so duM, a.nd whén people are crying hiard ttoie nnlil the skim te aai "off theii' thwjats, is commendable in a high degree. It was hard luck that lost Ypsiilamti a ílee opera house, and it is sheer pluck that has secured a nev and better one for her. ■ fc -


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