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The Comers And Goers

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S. W. Giiarkson spent yesterday in Detroit. Dr. WHA 8. Loorais has gone to 'Atlanta, Ga. , ' Judgre Hinrriman visited Detroit on business Saturday. J. I. Eyan went east last Friday to puTehase goods. Miss Ida Sthumaeher, of Cheltsea, epemt Sunday in the city. A. B. Smitli of thp Ml'jan leader, was in the city Saturday. E. S. Wells of Oolorado Sprtngs, has been visiting In the city. School ComraissioiK-r "Wedemeyer ■was in over Bunday. Mts. D. F. SchaSrer is entertaining Miss Louise Gaunt, of Chicago. "Wini. Dansfriginirg, county clerk, spent the past week 2n Chicago. J Ernest Dieterle has been ill for a few days at liis home 011 W. Huron st. Prof. Richard Hndson has moved into has new residente on Tappan st. Miss Huson oí Packard st., has been eetertaining Miss Allie Clay of Jackson. James E. Carr of the Dumdee Reporter, was an Aun Arbor vteitor yesterday. Mrs 6. P. Johnson öf Packard st., has gone to Homer, N. Y., for the winter. Harry DonneHy has engaged a positior. in a Wholesale grocery house at Chifcago. AVan. Cady, of S&nlït Ste. Marie, has been visitiaig Ann Arbor friends during the week. Mtes Faiïuie Cooliey, of Liansing, is the guest of her grandfather, Hon. Th os M. Oooley. Dr. 'and Mrs. J. W. Herdjnan gave a very pleasant receptian last eveniiif to their friends. Mts. George E. McKean of Granger, Ohio, is the guest of her párente, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Moore. Mans R. C. MeAHaSter and little daugiiter have botli been ill with la grippe dmring tlie week. Mrs. II. M. MoBttgomery of Lansing has been visiting har son Morris, who is attending schooi here. Proi. George T. Wtastom, of the University of Texas, lias been visiting the U. of M. duritkg tlio week. Mts Fred WendeM, of Minneapolis, Minm., is visitiog Miss Oarrie L. Watts and other relatives in the city. On Ëund-ay evening Mail Carrier Jas. O'Kskt.''s v . :- tii Jaimes Joseph O'Kaiie, was christened. Mies Mary Truebliood oí the Saginaw high Behool, has been the guest of M'Ps. J. B. Angelí duriog the week. W, W. Wadhams has returned from Mt. Clemems leaviimg his wife there, who is bèing benefited by the baths. Mrs Stella McClure has gome to TVheelüng, W. Va., but will vfeit with friends at Logansport, Ind., on the way. HnTy D. Platrt, of Pitsfield, was ín town Monday, on his way to Lantsing to attend the meeting of Farmer's Clubs. A very fine reception was given on Friday evening laat by Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Xanorede, attheir elegant home on N. Ingallls st. Mr. and Mre. H. A. Wrlliams of E. Ann St., have been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sftl and son George, during the week. A nnmber of the frtemds of Mise Mary Uutz, of S. First et., gave her a a surprise last Thursday vening, that betag her birthday anniversary. PhHip and Robert Cochran oí Toledo, O., were guests oí Mies Grat-e Moore last Friday and attnded the leap year party at Granger's that evening. '. George P. Wanty, of Grand Rapids, was in the city Monday. He carne down to congratufljate Mr. and Mrs. Johai W. Maynard upon tJieir 60th aunivereary. i A verj plcasant gathering oi irk-ndS at the home ol D. F. Schaixer of S. EtrviBkm st., Tesday eveming, in honor of their guest, Miss Gaunt, of Chieago Chas. W. Greenman Jr. can be made a MasUT Masón juist 21 years from to-day. It seems a long time to waH, and yet Charites, Br., thinks th tilme wiill be all too1 ehort.


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Ann Arbor Courier