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Society Officers

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A.1 the ajiiiu.-i! nneettog ol t lio M. E. Suiid.-iy Schoon held om Thursday nhïlit last. the followimg aífScers were ehosen tor the year : Supt.- E. E. As-t. Hiip'l- Htvnr.v O. BBiltom. Lady Ass't. - Milss !'!■ ti'i-rett. Supt Prknary Dep't- Mise BSaa M. Benmei t . Secrertiary- Miss Nina M. Davlsnn. Treastirer- MiBB Bessl '■' tt. Libi-avia n- ("arenco AV. Noble. Ass't. Librarían- Paul Voorheis. The local lodge of Knilshtsi of kis lield Wa animal electiion Friday ( niíg'ht. with the fo'lücfwiing reeult : ., Cliaucc!l(i.r John liar , donsi-himlttt. Yk'e C C. - Fred Barker. , Preliate- Ir. J. I.. Etose. M. of E.- Heory ' ! M. of F.,- M. C. Peteraon. K. oí R. and S.- Chas Reaan. M. of A.- Xick Gíazer. Delégate - Jota lndensehmitt. On Tlrarsday eveming test Golden Ruíle Ivodge F. & A. M. c lióse officem a.s folio ws : i W. M.- Henry 1!. DodsSLey. S. W.-W. W. Wadhame, J. W.- Hermaai F. Mil'ler. Secretary- Norman D. Gates. Treasurer - L. C. Goodrich. S. D.- TV. H. Rutlier. J. D.- Sid W. MiMard. Stewards - Chas. Kyer, August Dieteuie. Tiler- Dr. Artlinir C. Xichols. Th.e Catholic Mutual Benefit Assooiatlon will be officered as follows during the year : Chancelloír - Thos. Haven. Pres. - M. J. Cavanaugh. lst Vice Pa-es. - N. Camp. 2d Vice Pree.- Ben O'Netl. Ree. Sec'y- "Wm. H. Mclntyre, Jr. Financial Sec. - B. St. James. Treaeiirer - James Boyle. Marshal' - George W. Cropsey. Guard- M. W'illla-ms. Trustees- Willl Oonlon, Frank Camp, "Wm. McBonaild. Repvosciu;ii tve to Graud Oouncll- GeoTge H. Filsher. Aflteniate- M. J. O'Brilein. A-t the anmual meetilng of Fraternity Ixdge, No. 2G2 F. & A. M.,'heild Friday evenfimg, the following officere ■were choisen for the year : ■W. M.- F. G. Novy. S. W.- H. G. Prettyman. J. W.- Blmer E. Beal. Treas.- O. E. Hiecock. Sec'y - Ohvis. W. Greerunan. B. D.- Waltw T. Seabolt. J. D. - Alvick A. Feorson. Tiler- Capt. Tlios. Taylor. A commiittee oí eeven, coteietlng of Ohias. E. Hifecock, Walter T. Seabolt, E. F. Jolunson, Ealph C. McAJlaster, CDaxide Price, Tom W. Mingay aod Geo. B. Rluead, was appoioted, to act with a like coimmittee of Golden Rule lodge, to diistritiute baskets of provistons to the poor on Clirietniae Eay. The Bum of $50 wias ateo appiropriated for the purpose. Sis candidates for üegrees were elected amd sevfen others presentad. Installatiion will be on Wednesday eviening Dec. 23d . Wasbrtenaw Chaptr R. A. M. ñas elected officers as follows : H. P.- L. C. GaodricJi. King- Dr. W. H. Dorrcuncie. Scribe- J. F. Hoelizle. Capt. of Host- W. B. Howe. P. S.- H. G. Prettynuan. Treasurer - Chas. E. Hisoock. Secretary- N. I. Gates. R. A. C- Geo. L. Mbore. M. of 3d V.- Ellmer E. Beal. M. of 2d V.- 0. F. Buirkhardt. M. of let V.- Rtobert PhilAips. Seintinel- Oapt. Q?liiO6. Tayloi". AVdlch Post G. A. R. elected the foltowiug ofticers for the coming year : Com. - Horace P. Daniortih. Senior Vice Coan.-Wm. A. Clark. Juntar Vite Coan.- N. Woodmansee. Cliapiata- W. K. Childs. Post Su.rgeooi- W. F. Breakey. Offiteer of the Day- Hi A. Sweet. Quartei-master- C. S. Büner. Offücör of the Guard- W. H. Fisher. IneMe Sentinel- Ckmrad Noli. Oiïtsidc. Sentinel- Joe. T. Jacobs. , Delégales- Dr. Breakey, C. Noli. AWemates- W. A. Clark, Patrilck Irwiïi. At the Ami Arbor SaTisngs Bank the same offilcers and directoi-s were chosen ae last year : PresMentC. Möx;k. Vilce Pres.- W. D. Harriman. Cashiler- Chas El Hiscock. . AJss't Oashler- M. J. Fritz. Secretary- Dr. W. B. Smith. I)ir toi-f- C. Mack, "W. D. Harriman D. Hilscock, Wm. Deiubea, W. B. Smith D. ÍRilnsey, L. Grumer. The electlon of directors at the State Savimgs Ba-uk resulted as follows : DJrectoi-s- W. ,T. Booth, Johm V. Shehan. John Haarer, N. J. Kyer, V. C. Vaughan, E. E. Beaï, E. F. Millls, Johin Heinzman, Wm. Arnold, John Koch, J. H. Wade, D. Zimmerman, ChriBtian Marliji, D. A. McLachlan Detroilt, Geo. P. Glazier Chelsea. The F. & M. Bank' elected the followimg üirectors yestei-day : Reubeo Kempf, Clias. E. Gneene, J. E. Beal, D. F. Schairer, A. Kearney, W. F. Breakey. W. C. Stevens, O. M. Martín, Gr. F. Allmeiidinger.


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