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Three hundred barreas of mineral water hs to be shipped to Washington, l. ('.. (or medical purposes. l'.y the ori sstng of hhe efectrlc llghi amd rail beil wines, at bhe Normal fj.yinn.-is'nim last 'riiursday nnirninir. a ïii'c alarm was turned in wlürh alarmed pecple very niiu-li. Peteir Stock, an olil soldier, who has the reputa-lioïi , Of gettllpg under tiie lini'luriH't' oí líquoT every lime hè getA lifc pension, was up betore .Tüstlce Ileaili ïor the tliird time Bast Wednesday, luid was sentenced to Lonln for one year. Ypsiïaiiti Lodge, N. 15, A. O. D. W., elected the toAowtng omfloers inr the enssuing year ; M. W., TUeodore Karper ;, H. C. G-ordon ; overseer, "Win. Hoto ; reoorder, II. Meren ees ; financier, G-uy Da vis ; receivi'i'. Charlee Eteinbsart; gulde, DeWltt Wobb , I. W., .laiiH-s Showere ; O. W., Jos. Hutting ; t.iiistee, .íohn P. Kirk ; medical examiner, Jr. ATilcoxson ; rtpri'sciitative to Grand Ijoilgr, Wn. B. Seymoxir; altérnate, A. R. Graves An excílange worfcs o E the Eoilowlug : Only a few weeks ago one of nuv eltlzens taught lite dog, a iine br?d. well bi'havi'd setter, t_i chew tobacco. Now 1 1 1 ■ dog comee loto i he iLfmse by the back door, never íí'"'s to chniTch, is careless at bis ineals, iïets bars ia b&s tall, goos wlfch a icwer grade of doge, aml is teaired 'tlwit ke is begiivuiug to take au imerest in politics. Tlio c.inton Local oí Dec. 4, contained thls item : "Master GeraZtí Brown, the Aun Artxjr b y soloist, ■who inng at the 8ared con■iTi Saturday eventfng, is one-trf .lie [imest nlngere ii has been uur "ot to ttetem 1d i ii many a day. He is eerain'.y a prodigy. To listen and not i)ook ut liim one would emrely thiuk ie a üady singlng. His voice is as clear is a ln'll. hc speaks iis worde very (■lêlnly umi touches the liigli notes witli -the oí oíd performers. Had the entertainment been property advertised he would have uiuloubtcdly been g-reeted with a crowded house." The OhrisMuas oi The Song Journal is oiie of tille ílnest and biest ever issued by tliiat eiiterprLsina' Llcation. TJiei'e are full page Iiluetrations oí Jain Van üorilt. ihc violinist, and of Mr. 'x. J. öorey. Uhe artifle and illustratioiiw oí Melba a ie rxct'fU'iit, and tlie en'Oire -ítí pages are ïi'Jled wlth go-od tliiiigs few those who desii'e to keep up witli. tJie times iu a musical way. T'ine pages of niasit are oí a superior ciuaracter. x''íiuces Li. York, tormei'.y o Aun .ubor. givee a spiwiwlid lesson iu "Harinuny Siinpiiiied." Tiiie cover is a btjauiy iro'm an. artielic ütandpoint, witL its portMüt oí M'lie Alice Verlet aad a maiden Baden wlth) branches Oí liolily, th-e dark red berries making a. pteasing contrast witb the green ■eaves. A recent concert gh'en In tihls city, was liíjtened to In Jackson by a nuinber oí people, and very much enjoyed. ïhos. J. Keech, oí our local telephone excliange, arranged the treat, and its success is lrargely due to liim. He is eonsuintly arranging same soa of a pleasurable suipKso ïor has customevs. The Jack8on Oítizen said oí tilie event : "Several Jackson people, at tlie Invitatioi! of Manager Mowrer, of the telephorno excliange, Satuirday evenlng, ifetened to fin music rendered ait a concert at A.nn Arbor. The sounds camt; over the long distance telephon wire and were reoeived at the telephcme oïfloe bene. The performers at the concert were Frank Stnith, vtolin ; Miss Mlnnle Davis, pianist, and Miss Liate Map Vollamd, Hoprano. The musit was dlstjjnctaiy heard."


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