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D you want lo see new and fsti-.-iiiLM-, Iry the Mexu-.-m fcour. Youtaii siuüDt alligators aul eat oíanse. Expenses are paJd in 50 cent Mexican dotlais. B-uy your tlcfcet over the Méxlcan CentraJ Railway. h on ratee and furf her iuiormaiion addressM. H. King, Gen. Weetero Agent, 236 tó. Olaa-k st., Chicago, 111. Holiday Rates of the aTa. Fy._ Chriistmas and New Year's Holiday rates via Aan Arbor K'y, Dec. 24tli. L'.jth and 31ac arad Jan. lst 1897. the Aim Arbor JR'y wiill 8eU excursión tickets grood for return irtii i: Jan. 2d, at fare and one-tlürd tor round trip. Oall on agents for furtber iniorraation. Something to Depend On. Mr. James .Joños, of the drug ftrm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in peaktag of Dr. Ki;in's .cw Diseovery, says tluii las1 . i':i;T h:-s vi e was nttack' d wïth IaGrippe, and her case grew so sertou i tbiat physj i ins at Cowden and i-i:..i cotfW dn notliling for lier. It seemed to d vetop tato Hasty Consumptton. Havjug Dr. King'g New DiRCOvcry in the slorp, and sollinir lots o. Lt, ie look a bottte home, and to the surpriöe of all she bega to get from the flrst dose. and half a dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. Ktng's New Discovery ior Consumption, Coughs and Colds iïuaranteed to do this good work. Tr.y lt. Free trial bottles at Eberbach Drug & ChemteaJ Co's Drugstore and Geo. J. Haeussler, oí Mancluester. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE A Red Letter Year for 1897. rriHE entire novelty of many of the plans A for 1897 is noticeable. For instance, the serles devoted lo " LONION AS SEEN BV CHARLKS DANA GIBSON." Mr. Glhson has not before appeared as awrlter. He vlsit-d London last. suramer for Sühibner's Magazine, for the purpose of depicting with pen and peneil those s enes and types wh ich the Muge metrópolis presents in endless variety. Of like novelty Is the first considerable NOVEL liï HI(HAKÍ HABDING AVIS, "Soldiers of Fortune." The nero is mie of the most vigorous men that Mr. Davis has drawu. Illustrated by C. I). Gibson. "TUK CONDUCT OF GKEAT ItUSIXESSES." A beauüfu'ly illustrated s ries of artilles of wliich the followInRuie already completed: "The Great Department Store." "The Management of a üreat Hotel." "The VVorking of the Bank.1 'A Great Mamifaetory. " "lINDKIUiltAlHATE UFE IN AMERICAN COLLEGKS." A spries of articles touchtng upon tli e life of our older nniversities as represen ted by the dOing#of the studeuts themselves. Judge Henry E Howland writes on "Undergradúate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexanderon "Princèton," and Kobert (irant and Edward S. Martin on "Harvard." 'JAPAN Al CHINA S1XCK THK WAR," wlll be a most interesting group of artioles richly illustrated. "TUF, CNÜUIKT SF.X." Under the title of "The Unquiet Sex," Mrs. Helen Watterson Moody will wrlteaseries of articles:- "Woman and Reiorms," "The College-Bred Woman," "Woirwn1 Clubs," and "The Case of Maria" (a paper on domestic service). W. D. HOWEMjS' "STOUY OF A PLAÏ." In this Mr. Howi lis gives us the best novel he lias ever produced in nis delightful veln of llght comedy. GKOKGE W. CABLE. In addltion to the flotion enumerated there will beaseries of four short stroies by George W. Cable, the only ones he has written for many years. HOW TO TIUVKL WISKI.Y with a minimum of wear and tear must be regarded as au art IHtle understood. Mr. Lewis Morris Iddines, In two articles, will offer a varlety of useful suggestions and data on " Ocean and I,and Travel." This will be happily roimded out by an article from Mr. ltlchurd Harding Davls on "Traiellers Oni Meets: Their Ways and Methods." The illustrations by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent. It is imposslble in a small space to even mentían the many altractive features for 1897. A beautiful illustrated booklet has been prcparcd. whir.h will be sent,ponlage paid, on request. Scribner's Magazine $3.00 a year 25 cents a copy. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 153-157 Kifth Avenue, NEW ÏOKK. Harper's Weekly IN 1897 Witl) the end of 1896 HARPER'S WKKKIA' ui lm e lived forty years. In thal time lt bas purtlcipated witii all the zeal and power at lta i'timuuiiul in the ereal ioliticiil events of the most iuterestin and important ]eriod in the history of the country, and it has spread before lts readers the accomplishments of scieuoe, arts, aud l. n, lor the lus truc tion oi' liiiinan mlndand me amelioratlon of human CondittODS and of manners. Whal the WHKKLY has heen iu its spirit and purpose, as these have bfcn manifested prlnoipally in its editorial paï will conti mie to be. Il is Impossible to announce with precisión allthatthe WEEKLY will coutaln during the year lf97. It were ns easy lo announce what is golng to bappeu in the world. what triumphs lor cood sovornnipiit are to be won, what adrsnces Of tlie propio are to made, what is be the outcome oi the contlnuous struggle between the spirits of war aud pcaoc, what is to happen In the far Kast. what is to be the stete of Enrope twelve montliN heuce, what nen marrela af science are tobe revealed, or what arj to be the acliicvements of arts ana letters, for tlie WEEKLY is to be a pictorial record of all this. Cartoons will oontlnue to be a feature. Serial Stories. A New Eugland Story by Mits Mary K. Wilkine, will liegiu in Jau'uary. A tale of a Ureek uprising ngainst the Turas by Mr. E. F. Benson. the author of 'Dodo," will follow. A seiiiel to "The House-Boat on the Styx," by Mr. John Kendrick Bangs, illustraleil by Mr. Peter Newell. More Short Storles wil] ippear in the WEEKLY thnn it has been posslble to Dubllsh. during 1896. Depnrtiiirnts; Mr. W. D. Howells' " Life and Lel ters' have been araong the most charminy: features of periodical ltterature; Mr. E. S. Martin, and others win contrlbute observatlons on what Is going on in 'The Busy World." '■ Amateur Sport" wlll remaln thé most important department of lts kind iu the country. TheWEEKLY wlll continue to present to lts readers Mie wond's oewa most inteiesting to Amrricaiix, to make important dTauceïin both the llterary and nrtitlc reutures, and to retain for ltself the leading place in the llustrate i Journallam of tlie wortd. Newspapers are nat to copy this advertisement without the expresa onltr oj Harper & Brothers, HARPER'S WEEKLY For One Year - - - - $4 00 Poslage Free to all siib.-scn'her in the United States, Cumula, and Mexico. Address II Ull'KK & liltOTIIKKS I'. O. Box 969, X. ï. City, Harper's Magazine IN 1897 FICTION: The Martlnu. the new novel bv Dn Maurier, the eagerly expected succesor tb "Trllby." begun In October Nnmoor, 18%, witn tllusi rationa from tbe author'a drawings A aew novel by Frank tt. Stookton- developlDg :i Tweiuieth Century Renaissance- full of humorous situaiions and charaeteristically illustinted. A Pair f Patiënt Lorers, by Willïam Dean Howells. Other striking i o vel et tes by Urerlean au thora, short Stories by Mark Tuain.ïhonirts Melson Page, Richard Harding DavIs.Oweu Wister, .lohn Kendrlok liaugs Ruth McEnery SUmrt, Octave Tímnnet, Mary H. YVilkms. aud other popular writers. SCIENCE: Story of the Progress of Science dnring the Mneteenth Oentury, a series of pn pers by Dr. Heory Smith tt'ililams, supplemented by eonlrlbutions on special snbjects by expert cientlsts. Anieles on the eurious psychological manifestations to phvgiology by Dr. .mli-ew Wilson. AMERIOAN FEATURES: The Mexico of Topi, a series by Charles F. Lammis, spleudidly illustrateil- the result of a recent vislt to Mexico unUertaken for HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Mexico Is pre-emiueutly a silver-produclng country, and lts monetary operations rest entlrely on a silv?r basis. Owing to the keen discussion of certain economie problema in cotineclion with issuesof urgent importance m American politics, these papers, will comniand Keneral attention. Amorican Historical Papers by Woodrow Wilson.Jonn Bach MacMaster, and James Humes. The true story of Slicriilairs Kide, by Gteu O A Forsyth. Contmuation of Howells' Personal Keminisrenees of tmiuent literary Americana. ÁFRICA AND THE KAST: White Man's Afrte, fully ilustra eil eiies of papers by Ponltney Blgelow, the reMiltof persona] observa. lons during a recent trip t África, coverï ny Uie w-hole field of Kuropean exploitation ofthat country. Illustratedarticles by Stephen Bonsai on the traiisforiniitions going on in Kastern Siberiu, recently visited by the author II linearían Sketches, writteu aud drawn by V. Hopkinson Srnith. The f uil story of thé recent Coronntion of the Czar, by Richard Harding Davis, illustrated by R. Caton Woodville, who was commisioned by Queen Victoria to paint a piciure of the ceremony. Newspnpers are not to covy this adverlisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S MAGAZINE For One Year - - - - $4 00 Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address IIAKI'KK L BROTHERS P. O. Box 959, N. ï. City. Harper's Bazar IN 1897 The BAZAR, a thoroughly up-to-date periodlcal for women. will enter upou its Thlrtieth Volume in 1897. As a fiishion journal it is unsurpas9ed, and 18 au indispensable requisito for evcry welldressed woman. Kathariue De Forrest writes a week ly letter on cnrrenl fashions from Paris In Sevr ïork Kashions. and in tbe fbrtnightly patteru-sheet supplement, ladies find full details, direotious, and diagrams for Kowns, wraps, and ehildrens clothing. Sandoz, Baude. and Chapius draw and engrave the newest and flnest Parisiau designs everv week. ' The seriáis (or 1897 will be: The Reí Rridee oijthliorhoort, by Maria Louise Pool ; and Kthcr (ninnallion, by Octave Thanet. Short stories will be conslautly presented bv brilliant wrilers uiuong wliom are Mary É. Wilkins, Hurriet Prescott Spofford, Marión Harland, Kuth McEnery Stuart, Viola Boseboro, ivlargaret Kution Briscoe. Wlmt Women are Doinit in varlous parts of the Union will form a series of special interst. Other interesting features are The Oul-Door Woman, devoied to healthful sports and pastimep; Muric,a. weekly crltical suinmary of music in New York ; Amateur Theatricals, Embroiaery and Needlework, Ceremony and Etiquete, Goud Housekeeptng, ■ What' (iris aro Koine," " CurrenU Social menté," and Personáis gleaned from origüal sources. Women and Men. Colonel T. W Higginson willregularly continue hiR valuable essays. Answers to Oorrespoiidents. '1 hls colamn is conducted for the benefft and convenlence of readers, and all questious received are answered in rotalion, as promptly and fully as practicable. Art. The BAZAR is a notable picturegallery. reproducing the most beautiful works of American and foreien. artlsts, as presented in tlieHnnua! Paris and New York exhibitious. Wit and Humor. Everybody lurns for a heaty 1íuií;1i tothe RAZARVS last page. An all around Woman 's paper. What more appropriate gift can be made to wife.daughter sister thanasubscriptiou to HARPER'S BAZAR? Secure it as a welcome visitor iu your household for 1897. Newspapers are not to cavy thie advertUemen without the express order of Harper fc Brothers. HARPER'S BAZAR For One Year - - - - $4 00 Postage paid to all subscriben in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HAKI'EK & KKOTHKRS P. O. Box 959, N. Y. City. C, L McGUIRE - - - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Mechanica Bank 1 Huron St., E., Ann Arbor, Michigan. All legal business attended to with promptness and accuracy.


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