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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor ■ Thie miaJaPïty of sufferers from ABtbma and kimdred oomp'laiiuts, after tirying doctors and niirnjberless remedie! advertised as poeitive cures wittoout avaü, liave come to tille conclusión bhiat there is no enre fior thiis' most dfebressiing disease, and tauese same persons w:A be thíe more ita doubt and wkeptical when Uhey learn througli fhie columns of the pi'ess thiat Dr. Rudo! p'h Sdháffrrjíui'n., the recognized aptihiority wtoo lias treated more case ai Obeso diseases tillan any living doctor, has aohieved success by perfeeting a remedy walton not only gives lmmedlatrt relief in the worst oases, but bas posütiveiy cured tlhousands of sulfei'ers whw were ccmsódered incurable. These Xvere juist as skeptical as som of o ar readers now are. Dr. Scilllmanm's remedy no dioubt possesses the merit which is claimed for It or ha would njot autborjze this paper to anoio'imce that (he iis n,ot only willing to gl-ve free fo eacli person suffering from Asöhma, Hay "Pe:ver o{ Broucfliiitiis in tfhis city, one liberal "free trjal hox" of hila Oureí. but urgentüy re'quesU all suíferers t,o cali at G-oodyear's Dras Store. Aun Arbor, wátlhín t)h.e next three days and receiTe a packagc' absiolutely free of charge, kniowmg ttoiat in mn.king the claim be dloes for h!s Cuire, a doubt ■miay arise in 'tbe mindis oí many and Wiat a personal test, as he offers to fl.ll, will be more comvimcing, and pwve iba m.erlfes, ttuan the pufblishlng of thouisands of testimoniáis from person s wfro hiave been permanently cured by the uise of luis Asthmia Cure. "Dr. Sdhdiffmann's Asthma Cure," as Hit is called, has been sold by dnigglst of thís oilty evensince it was first lntroduced. althiough maoy persons may never have heard of i't, andi it Ís wlth a view to reatíh:i)nir thee that h raakes thte offer. ' This is certainly a most generouis and fai'Jr ofíer, and all who are euffer5ng froim, amy1 of the atove oomplalntis Bliould remember tlie dat-e and place wfiere the dlBtirilbulion -w-ill be made, and avall themselvea of the svame. Persons llving out of thiis city who deslre to teet fhe effücacy of thte most won derfut remedy wiial receive a package f re by writimg to Dr. Sc'hiffnwuin, 830 Rosabel etreet, St. Paul, Mlnn., providiing thelr letter is recelved before Oct. 16t!h. as no free samples can, be obtatoed after that date. LESS TUIN ONE CEHllÜ 1 B1RE CH1NCE %& gags,fai,""J 156 FOR $1.50 Au arrangement Just made with The Detroit ''ree Press makes it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takes advantage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE Hl ARBOR C.JURIER AND MBii THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. He Wen-Week h hl Is the Best Posstble Snbstltnte for a Daily Psper. Pnblished on Tuesdaj and Krldar Horninga ta time to catch the Earljr Train. AU the Latest News np to the time of golng to prcsN. Complete Dlarket Reporta In each isssne. All who cannot get a Daily shosld Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press is offering Premiums at Special Low Bates to Subscribers, and you can easüy save the cost of both papers by taking advantage of THE MAN Y BARGAIKS OFFEEEÜ. WRITB THEM FOB A SAMPIiE COPY. In No Other Way ('nu ïnu et As Much For 8 fjittle Money. SUBSCRIBE NOW. 00 NOT DELAY. Sale of State Tax Lands. STATR OF MICHIGAN, ) AUDITOK GENEKAL'H DEPARTMENT, L Lansing, Nov. 7, 1896,7 NOTICE is here by given that certain lands situuted in the county of Washtenaw bid off to tiie state for taxes of 1893 and previoue years, and describad in statements which have been or will be forwarded to the office of Treasurer of said county, wil] be sold at public auction by sald Treasurer at the county seat, on the first Monday of December next, at the time and place design ated forthe Anunal Tax Sale, if not previously redeemed or cauceled according to law. Said statements con taitiR fnll descirptionof eac i parce 1 of sald lands and may be seen on ppllcation at the oilice of the t'öunty Treasurer after tliey are receivüd fy nim and before the day of sale. STANLEY VV. TURNER, Auditor General. Dr. Pritc s Cream Baking Powder A Purr QraDe Cr-ain of 1 ar car Powder.


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