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Harper's Weekly IN 1897 Wltu the end of 1896 HAKPER'S WEEKLY wUl lia-e live.l forty years. In tha t time it bas parttcipated with all the zeal and power "' ",KI imandlnthe (?reat polltlcal events of the most lnteresting and important period. in ihe history of the country, and it has syread before fts readers tBeaccomplishmenM ofseleuoe,arte,and letters (or the luatrnction ofthohuman mlndand the amelioration of liimian condltlons and of mannen. What the WEEKLY has been in lts spirit and purpose, as these have been manifested Priocipally in its editorial pages, it will coni!',.'' i'.','1'0?,5-',1?,'0 t0 ""oiince with precisión vi ' e )yEKKLY wilJ contaln dïring the i Lu? , Tere lls "sy to a"ounce what is goiiig to happen ín the wnrld. who. tnu.nphs for goo.1 Kvor„mont are tobe won n hat adrantes nf the propte to made, what s be the outcome oi the continuous struRgle between the spirits of war and peare, what s to happen In the far Kast. what is tobe the state of Kuropp twelve months henee, what re3'or?1rBKLY istobe k" Cartoons wlll continue to be n feature. Serial Storie. A New England Story by i Mr p iiJ'ueek uPns"'K galnst theTursï, w mí iP the uU'or of "Dodo," The stv?1" hA se'IUelrtcl'"rile House-Boat on More Short Stories will appear in the WEEKns lw'(' " Possille'opublish durr 2tSÍ?MÍ!?ti;KMri W" Howells' "Life and Lelters have been „monte the most charming features ol periodical Hterature; Mr E S Manm.andolhers wiil contnbute observaWorld "Amateur will remain thè the íoJílfry1". ' de9artment of ' ind in i.ïi'lSS? wi" ntlnae to present to Us readers the world's newa most iitercstinB t Americ., tomake important adraoces? both the llterary and u-t mío features, and to retain foritself the leading place ln the ilustrated journalism of the world. Newspapcrs ore not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Ifarper Brothers. HARPER'S WEEKLY For One Year - - . - $4 00 Poslnge Free to all subscribiré in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPEH BltOTHERS P. O. Box ft.!, K. ï. (ity. Harpe's Magazine IN 1897 FICTION: The Jlartlau, the öew novel bv rrllby. begun In October NumDer is% vitl, lllustratioiis trom theautlioi", Irawi nes' V newnove by Frank íevH -' Dg u Tweniieth Century ui umorous situations and characteiistically llastrated. A lr f Fatid.t Urers, by willam i Dean Howehs. Other striking , ovelettes 5 Mrerlcan authors. hort Storfes by Mark Pwiiin, Thomas Nelson Page, Richard Harí 8DavOWenWl8ter.JohnKendríckBang - wn ' e''yJs'l'art' Oo'ave Thannet, Mary S. Wllklus. and other popular writers. ,,í!!lKy,'E""y of the Progress of Science duung the .Nineteenth Century, a series of '?TJ? Dr' He"ryS"ilh Williams, ïupptegyyêlrocrtUttte"SiS u y. AMERICAN FEATURES: The Mexico of Toay a senes by Charles F. Lummis, ■ ly illustrated- the result of a recent visit to undertaken for HARPER!S MAGAZINE. Mexico ts pre-einiuently a silver-trodmiing country, aud Ita monetary onerntinn rest entirelyon asllver basis. Owingötë keeudiseuvsiouofcertain economie problema n conneclion wfth issuesof urgent imporiaSce In American politics, these papers ! "om ■ and attemion. Amorican Hlstorical I'.imt liy Woodrow Wil.son, Jo n Bach MacW.Vrtd nT THe truestorv S( Mierid! u's Hidp, by Gtu G A Porsyth Conof Kmlnent literary American hFRI(. AfJ,D THE KAST: Whe "' AfPnnlt? 'JiV i.llQ8t.I:aled ""■' of papers by Poi'ltney Blgelow, the resultof personal observail me dunug a recent trip Do África, covering the whole Held of Kuropean exploitation ot thatcountr.v. Llustratedarticles by Stephen Bonsai on the transformations going on In stern Siberia, reeently visiied bythe author I uiisarian Sketolios, written and drawn by i.Hopkmson Smith. The full storv of the recent Coronation of the Czar, by "Richard Harding Uavis, Ulustrated by R. Caion Woodvlllewho was commisioned by Queen Vlcloria to paint a picture of the ceremony. Ncwspapers are nol to amy this advertieement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S MAGAZINE For One Year - - . - $4 00 Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address II VIll'KIi A BROTHERS P. O. Box 959, N. T. Citj. Harper's Bazar IN 1897 The BAZAR, a thoronghly up-to-date peri?fetChavS?ueT897WU1 'nter UPU 'M íhlr' Asafashion jourual it Is unsurpassed, and 18 an indispensable requisite for evcry welldressed woman. Katharine De Forrest writes aweekly letter on curren t fashlons from Hans In New ïork Fashions, and in the fortnigiitly pattern-sheet supplement, ladies find full details, dirertions, and diagraras for gowns-, wraps, and cliildrens clothing San-loz, Baude. and Chaplus draw and Ingrave weeSeW6?t a' HneSt Parlslan designs ivery The' seriáis lor 1897 wlll be: The lied Kridge NeJïhborhood, by Maria Lonise Pool; and Katlier (juinnallioii. by Octave Thanet. Short stoncs will beconstantly presented by brilliimt writers among whom are Mary E Wllklns, Harriet iPresoott Spoflord, Marión Harland, Ruth MoEnery Staart, Viola Roseboro MargaretSutlon Briscoe. ' What omen are Doinsr in various parts of the Union will form a series of special inOther in teres tl ng features are The Oul-Door Woman, devoied Uihealthful sports and pastimes; .ViV, a weekly crltlcal summury f musicin New York; Amateur Thmtri,-ah,Emnroitlery aml Needlework, Ceremony and EtiVL' ' ?Í n"":l'--''Pii; - hat (iris are Doinit," Currcnt Social Èknts," and Personáis gleaned frorn origoal sources Women and Men. Colouel T. W Higginson will regularly continue liis valuable essays Answers to (Jorrespondents. 'Ihls column is conducted for the beuefft and convenlence of readers, and all queations received are anSractiCi M lolaUon as Promptly aud fully as Art. The BAZAE is a notable picturegallery. reproducing the most beautlful works of American and foreien artlstR, as presented í?ií e"i.nual Parisallli New Yorkexhibitions. it and Humor. Everybody lurns for a hearty laugh to the BAZR'S last page An all around Woraan's paper. What more appropnate gift can be made to wife, daughter sister tban a subscrlption to HARPEB'S BAÍAK", Secure it as a welcome visitor in your hoasehold for 1897. Ncwspapers are not to covy thië adverlisemen without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S BAZAR For One Year - - - - $4 00 Postage paid to all eubscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER BROTHERS ' P. O. Box 959, N. ï. City. C, L McGUIRE - - - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Medíanles Baak 1 Huron St., E., Ann Arbor, Michigan. .ll legal business attended to with promptness and accuracy.


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