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Miss Gratoe Stevens te lwwiio from Dakafca Miss Mtamie Ada nis is spendlng the üoCidays in Adrián. There wia be 250 new opera chatos placed In Light Geard Hall. Clarenoe Coryell is back from the south Sor the H;ida..v season. Newton Swift has a.rrivod from New Kaven. Coim., tor Christmas. Mi-, and Mrs. I!o;bert Laanble, of the town, have a liittle daughter. M'iss Molïlie Wortley is home from Aubura, N. Y., for tlli.e hoiidnys. Miss Mai-y Stiriin.ü.' lias gone to Texas to remata for the winter. Addie Parker Is hoflne from her scholol duties in Duluth for the holidays. It win be a comple of weeks yet before tlie new opera house caá be uised. Rev. and Mus. R. K. Wiharton wlM be at home Mwnday afternoons and eveiniing's. Au order for ome mMion, tags was reoeived by the Schart' Tag, etc, factiOrj' jast week. The teachers of the high school garc a r,eceptiom to the pupis last Friday evenlng. Miss Lol S'tromg amd Miss Millie Oaimp, of Jansing, are speading the bölidaye witn frieads here. Prof W. P. Bowdii wIIJ hnve his párente Mr. amd Mrs. Chas. Bowen, of Ch-edteea, live with him tliis wiater. Dr. F. K. Oivrn avIiio has goit over the diphtlieria, thinks his iriends were vei-y dislant to him during liis illness. Rev. J. S. Boyden, "vlio was a pastor hiere tor nine years, preached to his old congregation in the Baptist clmrch, Sunday. Joh,n G-eoghan dded at his home on Grove s.t. Friday eveüisng. He had been a resident of the city for many lyears. He was 75 years old. Mrs. Henry TOarner, mother o{ City Maishal Cash Warner, died at her home om S. Huron St. Fridlay eveaing. Ste was 71 years af age, and had resided here 3S years. Ata the Ypsilanti chunches will have appropriate exercises for Ghristmas, making the chi'jdren of the Sunday schooas espeeially glad. The Y. W. O. A. wiil have a Chrlstmas party on Saturday afternoom next. Marshed Warner, who lias charge of tlie pooip fuod, reporte a greater demand thaa ever thls winter, and thinks he will have a hard time to keep AvHhin the appi'oprlatkm il' aJl are heiped who make applfcatdon. The Times tells about a prolnbii'oiiist, in the 3d ward who agreed to aind claimed he did, vote for M. )T. ■Woodmfi', but Avlien they ciaime to rereooatnt the votes some one watched for thiat pro'hiib. vote, and it wasn't there. Thit resullt oí a sentence in excess of the la-w, by an Ypsilanti justice, was -to free the prisomer altogether, and O;iiicr Arms who took the man to Ionia, waves nis anns wildly, being "out" $10 raHroad fare.- Adrián Press. i A. S. Mallory, formerly Michigan Cent.ra.1 station agent at thte place, and pinct engaged in the retaü fnrnlture business in Detroit, died yesterday, after an iilnessi of ten days, at hls home in Wayne, Mich.- Ypsilanti Sentina. Ypeila-ntl loses an eloquent and popular minister in the departure oí Itev. Sebastian Smitte, whom the people of Ohiaraotite liave finally succeeded in alluring to th.elr city. Ypsilanti looke upon and regards their proceeding in the llght oí grand larceny. - Adriac Press. The Ypsiiianti Commercial "jacks np" the local p-roíssors for using and peranitting the use of "Mke" for "as." Instance: "I dcn't like it like I ueed to." The Ooimmerciail is right. Wte don't idke It, too. It is about the moet ivor-st form of sanctification of scliottarship.-Adrian Press. Last Wednesday aftemoon, at the reeidenee of the bride's grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. John g. .Tenness, Detroit, occurred the marriage of Mies Brownte Jenness KeMy to Mr. Cj-renius Adelter( Newcamb, Jr., of Detroit. The ceremony was wïtcessed by about 150 friends, and same 500 attended ffche receptiom, which was followed by a upper served to retettves only, among whom was Miss Laura Jennesg of thte city.- Commercial. TJie death af Mr. James F. Beeüey, who has been set-temsuy in for soma weeks, occurred thi's, Thursday, mornitig at about 3 o'olock. Ma-. Seeley was bom in New York in 1819, and carne to Mdchlgan in 1839. He has lived tn Wiashtenaw county Kince that time except a few moaiths in 1842 spent in Ka-ie, Pa. He made his permanent home in Ypsilanti in 1868. Mr Seeley and ome daughter, Mrs. W. H. Sweet, aane left to mourn the lo-ss of a good hnjsband and father, and thi runuiinnity lias lost a noble citizcn.- Ypsiimitl Sentinel.


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