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■ The 16 to 1 puzzte. Study the questlom vrliere silver is used. Yon can learn all about iit. In Mexico expenses tue pald in 50-cent Mexican doila-ns. Buy ywur tickets over the Mi'xi-an Central R'y, Standard Oaiiïc l'iillnian Buffel Drawinsi-room Sri pil g CaTB. Uniches all the principa: p i:its of intemest in the EepubMcxicn. For deecrlptive jnataddresss X. II. KSog, (en. Wes-tern Agent, L'.-üi s. C'.ark hi., ('Ücago, 111. Look at tibe clouds from the top aod see tho siltver Ihiing. You ean do it fTom our tratos. We go above them in places. Tlie Mexican Central R'y with its twn tlionsand mUes of track, reacheu a:i the principal places of interest. For further particulars, apply to M. H. King, Oen. Western Agt., 236 S. Olark st., Chicago, III. SALT Barrel Salt at Wholesele and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., U SOUTH MAIN STRKËT. 52-3ml7 SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE A Red Letter Year for 1897. THR entlre novelty of mnny of the plans for 1897 is ïifitlceable. For instauce, the series devote-t to " LONUON AS SEKN BT PH ARLES DAXA (IBSOX." Mr. Gtbson has not, before appeared as a uriter. Ho visit d London last. summer for ScRiBNEu'a Mag izinl, for the parpose of depicting with pen and pencii those s enes aïid types which the huge metropolis presents in etulless variety. Of like novelty is the first considerable NOVEL BÏ BICHAR HAUDINO DAVIS, "Soldiers of Fortune." The hero is one of the most vigorous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Illustrated by C. I). Gibson. "THK CONDUCT 01' OEEAT HI'SIXESSKS." A heautifu'ly illustrated s-ries i)f artieles of whlcli the followlng are already eompleted : "The Great Department Store." J'The Management of a Great Hotel." ''The Working of the Bank." f'A Great Mauufactory. " " IMIERGRADIIATE LIFE IX AMERICAX COLliKtíKS." Aseries of anieles touching upon the life of our older universities as represented by the dOings of the students theinselves. Judge Hepry E Howland writes on "Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexanderon "Prínceton." and Robert Grant and Edward S. Martin on "Harvard." 'JAPAX AND CHINA SIME THE WAR," wlll be a most interesting group of articles rielily illustrated. "THE DNQUIKT SEX." ünder the title of "The Untjuiet Sex," Mrs. Helen Watterson Moody will rite a series of anieles:- "Woman and Reforms," "The College-Bred Woman," "Woman's Clubs," ad "The Case of Maria" (a paper on domestic service). W. I). HOWKLLS' "STOKÏ OF A PLAÏ." ín this Mr. Howells gives us the best, novel he has ever produced iu his delightful vein of llght comed y. GKORGE W. CABLE. In addition to the fiction enumerated there will be a series of four short st.roies by George W. Cable, the only ones he has written for many years. HOW TO TRAVEL WISELY with a minimum of wear and tear must be regarded asan art 11 tt le understood. Mr. Lfewls Morris tddings, Ín two articles, will offer a variety of useful suggestions and data on " Oeeftn and Land Travel." Tliis will be happlly rounded out by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on 'Triivfllcrs One Mrcts: Thiiir Wuys and Methods." The illufltrations by American autl foreign artists will be highly pertinent. It ia impossible in i ssmaU spaee to even un ni !o the many attractive features for 1897. A beautiful illuttrated booklet has been prepared. whíeh will be sent, gostagt i}, mi. request, Scribner's Magazine $3.00 a year 25 cents a copy. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 168-157 Eifth Avenue. NEW YORK. Estáte of Francés Kidman. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtetenaw. ss. At a session of the Probate Courtforthe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the 28th day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and niuetvsix. Present J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francés Rudman, deceased. On reading and flling tbe petition, duly verifled, of Ida A. Dalton, praying that the adminislration of said estáte may he granted to herself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday the 22nddayof January next, at 10 o'clock iii the assigned for the hearing of said pptltion, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased. and all other persons i nterested in said estate.are required to appear at a session of said court.then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner shoald not granted. Auditis further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order to bc published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper prlnted and clrculated in said County, three successive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. J.WILLAKD BABBITT. (Atruecopy.) .Tüdge op Pkoeate Wi. G. Dotï, Pbobatb Register.


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