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UUIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllllllUIIIIIlinitllllIllillflIIItllllKlilllKIIIU DONT BLAME A HORSEI FOR I KICKING or for eating more than his share if you don 't keep hiin i warm. Two or three dollars invested in a 5v Blanket will save you dollars iu feed. The g % are the strongest blankets made. Awarded highest prize at theWorld's Fair. 250 styles. S Square blankets" for the road; fg I V fsurcingle M lËk 1 blankets for [ ZjÊ 1 1 thestable.Kv-f ƒ I ery shape, size,V 7 and quality. SSJÜpr s Sold by all dealers. Write us for the = 5 bool:. It's worth havlng. I WM. AYRES & SONS, PHILADELPHlM iismuiiiuiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliuiiiiiiiiiuiioiiuiiüiiiüt!'' ■ ' OIL! OIL! Red Star Oil_Burns without smoke or odor. Price Oc per Gallon. Sold only by DEAN & CO. 44 South Main St. Ann Arbor & Looi Plank Road Co. The anmml meeting of tlie stock holders of he Anu Arbor & Lodi Phuik Road Co. for the 1 eet ion of d rectors for the ensuing year aud or the 1rai:saction of such other business as ïay properly come before the meeting, will be leid at the office of the Co. No. S East A ngton st. in the city of Ann Arbor on Tned heóth day of January, 1897 :it 1 o'clock . ni. Frank Burg. Seeretary KOTICE. . " The annual meeting of the Wnshlena ■. Mutual Fire Insurance rornpany will be hel ' in tlip office of the company, 11 the city ot Ann Arbor, Michigan, on wednesday, Janniuy 13, 1897. at 1(1 a. m. of that day. for the purpose of hearing the reports of the compauy for the year Iíí9(; fbr tbe etection of three directora for two years, ín ]liice of Edwin Hall. John F. Ppafard and Wm. Campbell ; for tlie election of three auditors for one year in place of J. W. Wiug, If W, Kassett and A. W. Chapman, all of whose term of office will then expire, and to trnnsact such other business as may properly come before such meeting Kmory E. Leland, President. Wm. K. Childs, Secretary. Stoekholders Meeting. The Aunual Meeting of the Stockholder? of the Atin Arbor Agrieultural Company will be held at the Company's office in the flfth ward, for the electioo of directora and other important business, on Taesday, Jan . 5th, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., local time. Polls open one hour. John FlNNEOAN, Evart H. Scott, Secretary. President. Forest Hill Cemetery Company - The annual meeting of Forest Hill Cemetary Company of Anu Arbor will be held at the office of the Clerk of sald company, Jancary fifth. 1897, at two o'clock p. ra., for the electiou of tln-ee trustees and the transaction of sueh other business as msy properly come come before it. E. B. Pond, Clerk. Dated, üec. 22, 189. A NEW BOOK, "KNITTING AND CBOCHETING," of 64 pages over 50 original designs illustrated, beautitul lace patterns, shawls, hoods. Jackets, etc., has been publish by The Home, 141 SI Uk St. Boston, Mass. and will be sent with a subscriptlon tol nat paper. The Home is a 20-page monthly filled with original stories, literary and domestic topics and fashions. lts departments of Fancy Work is a special feature, new and original designs each issue. The price of snbscnption ís oO cents per year and will include one of these books. As special indueement to trial subscribers, a copy of this book will be given with a B months' suÑpripUon. The price of book is 25 cents, but a (S months' subscription and the book combiued will be sent for only 25 cents. Their annual premium lisfe for 1897 will be sent free on application. It Cures Colda, Coughs, Sore Throat, Croup, Inflo enza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Aathma. A certain cure for Conaumption Ín first stages, .nd i nure relief 'n ad vaneed stages. X se a1 ."noo y i. -vili ee .vcellent etfr'-r a'ter takinjr "■■ nf . iu y hilera jwfaei. íkw Wanted-An Idea SESi Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealtb. Wrlte JOHN WBDDEBBURN Sc CO., Patent Attor. neys. Washington, D. C, for their ÍÍ.8U0 prlie offer and list of two bundred inventions wanted. IÈN WANTËD To talie orders. Instruction and outfit flree Salary or comrnissloi) as preferrèd. Splendtd chance lor reliflble men. Experience net necessary Wrlte for terms and full part,luars. Tbe KG. CHASE COMPANY


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