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Exposure to Disease Does not necessarfcy mean the conbractlon oí disease provlded the eystem ík tn a vijrorous condition, wlth the blood pure and all the organa la healthy actlon. When In such a condiltion contagión ia readiiy resisted and the disease germs cari find no lodgement. Hood's SarsaparMa te the best medicine to "buii'Jd up the syBtem because It makes pure, rich blnod, and pure btood is the basis of good heatttli. In cold weather it is eapeelaüly necessary to keep up th health tone because the ïody ia bu Ject. te yreiater exposure and more liable to dtsease. Hood's Sarsaparft. lia Is the safeguard oí health. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Michigan Furniture Co., OF ANN ARBOK, MICH., On JAISTTJARY 1, 1897. XADG AS lK()flIiKI) Bï LAW. KESOURCES. Merchandise, Lumber, flnished and nnlinislied work on band as per icventory $27,067 85 Real Estáte 14,500 00 Machinery and Tools 3,000 00 Book Accounts 22,306 86 ';tsh on hand 3,010 92 $69,9U S7 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock S60000 90 .-in-plus Fund 4 1S0 88 Bills Payable 3,933 e Dividends 1,800 00 $69,914 6T We do hereby certify that the above statement is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. VVsi. D. Harriman, 1 „ , ., Leonakd Gruner I Majonty Moses Seabolt, f t. 0I. Paul Snauble J D'feetors. Subscribed and nworn to before me this 7th day of January, 1896. Michael J. Fritz, Notary Public At the last regular meeting of the Directora of thisCompany, a dividend of three percent was declared, payable : on and after Januafy 10. 1897, at the office of the Ann Arbor Savinga Bank. CHARLES E. H1SCOCK, Secretaryi LOOK FOR ON HORSE BLANKETS i It's a positive guarantee of quality. The k Blankets were awarded highest prize at World 's Fair. 250 styles. ; Square blankets for the road ; : surcingle blankets for the 1 stable. Allsizesandqualities. ( i'or sale by all dealers. Wrlteus ( for the ÍVA book. jJVMJfRES&JON SALT Barrel Salt at Wholesale and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. ■ DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 2-3ml7 Estáte of Francés Rudman. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, C'ounty of WashteJ tenaw, sa. At a session of the Probata Jourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at be Probate Office in the city of Ano Arbor, on ionday, the 28th day of December in the ear one thousand eight hundred aud ninetyPresent J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Francés Rndman, deceased. On reading and filing the petitlon, duly erifled, of Ida A. Dalton, praying that the dministration of said estáte may be granted o herself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered. that Thursday, the 22nddayof January next, at 10 o'clock in the orenoon, be assigued for the hearing of said etition, and that the heirs-at-law of said deeased. and allotherpersonsiutereatedinsaid state.are required to appear atasessionofsaid ourt.then to be holden at the Probate Office in he city of Ann said County, and show ause, if any there be. why the prayerofthe etitloner aliould not granted. Anditis furier ordered that aaid petitiouer give noïce to the persous interested in said estáte, f the pendency of said petitiou, and thehearng thereof, by causing a copy of this order to e published in the Ann Arbor Conrier, newapaper printed and circulated in said ounty, three auccessive weeks previous to aid day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. (AtrnecopT.) .Iudge of Probatb WK. (i. ilOTY, I'KOBATB REGISTER.


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Ann Arbor Courier