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Health and sirength carry ns tbroiigh dangei-s and make us safe iu the pieseuce oí peril. A perlectly slmnsi man -vii.h rich, pure blood, has nutiLiir to fear from gernis. 11e may inciihc in the bacllli of Oonsumption vviih II there is a weak spo'l where the genus may find an entrance to the tissues, theii the trouble b g-iins. Dfcease germs propágate ■vitli llghtiilng-llké rapidity. Once in the blood, the only way to get rid of them is to kill tlum. Thiw is what D". PLercefs Golflen Medical Disooxery is lor. It purifies the blood. That ineans that it kills the germs, but that is only part of what it does. It aeslsts dtgestiom by stlmulatlng tlue secretiom. of digestive flulds, so promoting assimilation and nutrltion ; pui'ifies and enriches the blood and so supplies the tissues with ttie food they need. It builde up stronc;, bealtihy flesh and. pnts the whole Uody into a disease resisting state. Seirad 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of madllns only, and get hls great book, Th People's Common Sense M-dioal Adrl=e", aolutely free. Address. World's Dispensary Medica] AsBoclatlon, Xo. 663 Main et., Buffalo, N. Y. . ( The followins treatment ia reeotnmended for neuralgia : Heat a freestone and roll it in a oloth, then wet one side of it, pour over it a teaspoonful of essence of peppermint, lay the face on it and wrap the head in flannel. Excursión Ratea to Washington- Ou account of the Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies, March 4th, the Aun Arbor R'y wül sell excursies tickets for all stations to Washington and return one fare for the round tiijj Tickets tvíii be sild Marcli lst, 2nd and 3d, liraited for return to Marca 8th. E. S. GIL.MORE, Agt. Undoubtedly the handsomest traln between Chicago and St. Paul, Minneapolis, the Superiors and Duluth ia the "North-Weetern Limited," whlcb Beaves Chicago at 6:30 p. m. dally vla the NoTth-Western Line (Chicago & Nortli - eetern R'y). It equipment which Is entlrely new throughout, and embrace Compartment Sleeping Cars, Buffet, Smoking and Llbrary Cara, Standard Sleeping Cars, Dlning Care, and ladles' coaches, has every lnxury which imaglnatlon can eonceive or mlnd tnvent for the comfort and convenlence of passengen?. All agenta kO11 tickets vla the Chicago & NorthWestern For fuïi Information apply to agenta oí pounectlng line, or address W. B. Knlskern, G. P. and T. A.., Chicago, Bi. notTcëT" A. meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arhor Street Bailway wtll he lield at the office of the Courier. Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Satnrday, .lannary 30. 1897, for the pnrpose of considerinsr the indebtedness of this Company and the apportionment of the snine amoner tile stoekholders. and the closing up of the affairs of the Company JOHN WINTER. President. Ann Aebor, Mich., Jan. 7, 1887. ANYONEC&N JOjfál t At the expense of little iL9$tíHi i moiicy and his spare AjSvJjjBrT t time obtain a fair wor''P IstÍdyathome! THROUGH THC SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Comprising the leading concspoodeacc schools in theworld. f SUtlJECVb TAUGHT I lllf The School of Law prepares pupils for admtssion ' 1 Q ff to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f J over i.öoo students in every part of the country. inilDIIAIICM This scho01 teaches journalistic ' ilLJUnN ALIolffl and üterary work. from the foun , t wwo""""'wmi dation up. ( Í Onnl lrrniUP This school ís conducted by jBDDK-KttPirij gFsSs.01 f CtinDT Ullin 'his school teaches short-handby 5 {SHDHT-HAID ü-irisi5a5& 3 nnrPI MM#1 I hi 'U This school teaches i GREEKanoLAi N -a - Jtion to the most advanced wt ■ n the classics. The aboye schools h by the ' { ence method only, and. cognize no rival íd f f th ei r respective flelds. t m Address, stating in J f flBfek. ■ cjiï ' ' r whicli school you are 5 ■%. : 2f interested, and J f virt. 'K ' s&7 close ten cents in J f jrf nLÏV' ' 't1'' yr stamps for catalogue, f i JsSi . - 'Lï Each school has ';cp '. $flx$ mJ!axjmL 'm J arale ( ! föaawiTv" Sec'y&Treas.,


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Ann Arbor Courier