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The Comers And Goers

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Mrs. Wirt Oornwell has returned irom Chicago. TVill Fiselier was home from Battle Creek over Sunday. Judge W. D. Harriman Is in Laosing "fco-day on lepra i business. J. Henry Van Tassel, of Detroit Tras in the City over Sunday. IMrs. S. B. ifickels is aanvalescliig ïroni her recent serious illness. Arthmr Hopper amd wife of Alpena, re visttinis: relatlves In town. Ed. W. 8 tapbier has graie to Chieagro to witness the cycle show. p Mrs. Julia Baundere la visfblng her on Dr. Baunders at Orand TUpiits. B. Frank Oünarer. formerly of the Daily Times, is now employee! at Lansinc. Fred Oultler, n former hotel man 'of thte city, wa up from Detroit yesterday. Mrs. E. Dnmeter, of Toledo. Ohio. Itas been the guest of friends here for some days. ■H. J. Brown has been haring a truggle with la Rrtppe duri.ns the past. week. Ex-County Clerk Pansingburtr was up from Detroit to remain over Sunday Trith his family. . Evart H. Scott trled the ttehlng at Cn vannuürh Iake last week and ■föund it {rood. Miss Grertrude Leiand of Emery, ISas been a guest of friiends in the Ity thiis week. SlLss Alma C. Childs lefb Weneflday ïast for Mobile, Ala., to reroain durSig the winter. Dr. Roy S. Oopelanid has been entertíüining A. "W. Brigfrs, of Detroit for a lew days. Jotmortten Sprague is quite scriously ill a,t the home of his daufrliter. rttrs. L. C. Ghoodrich. Miss Oarrie Ii. Watts of E. Lilberty gtr., is entertainins Mrs. DeH S. Frazt, o'. Ryraense, N. Y. Miss Roelim, dauerhter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roehm, of Beakes street, -ireighs 10 lbs. 8 ozs. r&ftes .TennetM! Shetterly left for Detroit MoTidiay, to remain witti relatives for a few weeks. Coumty Clerk Kchuh went to Port Hurón Monday. to attend a state on-venibion of plumbers. 'Mrs. Ovenshire nee Miley, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (teo. "W. MWey, for a time. The Misses Koch of E. Washington t., ha,ve been entertainins Misses Xiaura anid Alma "Weidenmann, of Deiiroiit. Geoi-ge Phillips of Louisville, Ky., has been in the City settling up the taJïairs of liis brother, the late Kobert Phillips. Judge J .H. Graait of Manistee, Prosecutor O. P. Hunt and W. B. Cady of Detroit, wcre out to the Beta Theta Pi ïnitiatirm Saturday evening. Henry B. Dodsley and Dr. F. G. tfSwvy, the W. M's of the two blue jMasoiflic lödgiee, have gone to Snsiiiaw bo attend tlie grand.lodge meetfiig. Mr. u,nd Mrs. Cliias. Bentley, on bhieir way home to St. Paul, Mürun., irom Provideace, E. I., are vislting ter parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ferdon. Presidenít Angelí has gone toWashiingtom D. O., to attend a meeting of 'the board of trustees- of whlch he is a member - of the Smlthsonian Inatitute. He wlll also attead the an3nal banquet of the "Washington U. ai M. Alumni Association whlle there. -, Jjohm W. Mortjon, Jr., is a black yed, black baired young gentleman, -who wlll occupy the time and attenlon of hls parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. "W. Morton, for several years to come lt is hoped. Hifi blrthdays will be eelebrated on the 26th of January. Allen. B. Pond arrived in the city yesterday on his way home from a tay of several mouiths in Europe. He will remain a few days with liis pareiïts, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pond, of State st. Irving K. Pond, of Ohieago, is expected Friday, to remain over Sutiday.


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