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Prol'. Alberto Junas, oí the School o Music, gives 8 piauo recital at Jackson to-uiglit. Trains were all late yesterday am this forenoon, because of the col weather. The Matron's öontest to-morrow. Thursday evwing. at high school hall will be wcwth attcuiding. The ice men are even happier than the coal dealers, for they are now in the muist of a splendid harvest. Rev. J. T. Sunderland, of tliis city will exchange pulpits next Sunday wit! Rev. T. W. Illman, of Grand Rapids. Geo. D. Hudnutt, '00, and J. A. Campbell, '00, have each been elected to the board of editora of the I). of M. Daily. Rev J. W. ltradsluaw will address tbe men's meeting at the Y. II. C. A. rooms Suiwlay aütenioon. All men invited. The Odd Fellows give another of tlieir social dances ja their new hall la the Berming block, to-morrow eveniag. The lecture Friday evening in the Epvoith League course, at the M. K. 3hurch, will be a good one. You better attend. There will be a Special Song Service at the Unitarian Cliurch, next Sunday veuing, for which a line musical pro'ram is benig prepareds On ilouday moruing last the thormometer at the Observatory marked 13 degrees below zero at 7 o'clock. riiat's pleuty, yuu. The W. H. JX. S. of the M. E. ohurch will meet at Mrs. Booth's, -ó E. Williams st., on Friday al 3 p. m. ortaul busiutüss to be atteuded to. Georgt: P. Learnard luus gome to Wtoeeliug, West Va., to accept of a positiou wit.h the Musie Co. majxaged by Lew Clement formerly oL this city. You eau obtaiu tickets jfor tlie opeuug of Lyra hall to-monow eveiiiiig, ow, at Haller's jewelry store, Suhuuialiers & Miller's aud Manu Bros. drug toree. A láttle match scratched 'nxtio a. blaze carne iiear inataing a hot place out of 47 E. LdJberty et, Saturday evening, but the fkinies were subdued beforo ealliiog for the tire deparuuent. A suiall, but liaudsonie paper cover dition of the memorial aeldresses of udge Harrimau, and Wm. '. Brovn( isq., upou the Ufe of the late Gov. Ashey, have beeu priuted by these gemleíen. The subject of the sermón to be devered by the Kector oí St. Audiew's vhurch next Suuday uioruing will be, Some Cuiisiderations ïouclnng the Jhoice of tlie Christiau Miuistry as a Lile Work." The aiMiiiversary meeting of the V. M. C. A. will be held next Suuüaj oveiiing at the Bethlehein chua-ch, on S. l'oiwth aie. Rev. B. Ij. McElroy D. D., wiU deliver thie addrees. üverybody iuvited. Rev. Thomas W. Illman, of Grand iapids, will lecture next Monday evenng iu the Unity Club Course on 'ïlie íoney Age.'" Dr. Illman has tlie repuition of being one of the most brilliant eakers iu tlie state. President Heury Wade Rogers, of the orthwestern University, has accepted ie invitation to deliver the annual adress before the student of the law delartinent, on Washington's Birthday. he U. of M. Glee Club will sing. Diputy Railroad CommLssicMier W. IV. Wedemeyer came home Saturday evening and gave attentiion to his duties here as School Oommitesioner. He looks just tlie same as, he did beore the last honor came upon iiim. Andrew Hughes ie a sprinter vrho will yet break the record. He out. rau a span of runaway ïorses on Detroit street, Monday, and broughi 'frhiem down to business in a manuer vi-i-y credtfaable to both hls alertnees and good judgmenifc. If yon re a niaster masón, and have iny frienda to whotn you wish invitaions sent for the grand hall Feb. 12, at he temple, senil your ñames in to the ommittee, consist.inj; of Will C. HolíiikIs, Chas. Kyer, C. ,T. Prioe, Chas. W. Greenman and Norman (lates. Mi-s. Ann Brundage aï ïiorthfleld, died Sunday, at her home, oaged 57 vcars. Tlic funeral services were hield yesberday, witli Interrment at Emery. ifrs. Brundlage was oae of the old settlers in this oounty, and liiad a wide ncquaiutance. The warm weather along the flrst of the montli cansed the peach buda tin swell and comp forward so that peacli grivers fear that this cold aaap has killer! them quite nearly ■all. They can nnt stand extreme eoW weatliier after beiinig once startod, i ! iTlwre wias n prood attendance at thie M. E. church Frlrtay eveniinc: last to listen to Clarence Xoble'-s account of Ms trip through Europe on a tv heel. He had all his humor wirtU Mm on that trip, and he related the incidents in a way thiat pleassd hls hearers very much. A new orchestra is being formed among University students for the purpose of giving residents of Ann Arbor a series of popular orohestral concerts. The flrst of these wil] probably be held early next month, The assist.ance of a prominent grand opera baritone is to be secured. Tho next lecture in the Epworth League Lecture Course, at tlie M. E. ohurch wlll be giren Fridny evening, January 29, by Mr. Sliirley W. Smitl . Il is '■miilril ■Advi-ut.iires Am :ig the Euwipeains." It is a story of Mr. Smith's experiences while abroad last sumiller. Dortft miss it. You wül fiad it intoresting. "President James B. Angelí, of the Uaiversity nf Michigan, llie most, rcnowned of western college presidenta, is within Uvn ears of seventy. He is a Brovvn ifradiiate, and was the executive headof the University of Vermont when he was cal led to Ann Arbor. In addition to his high ranit as a college president, he was a wide reputation as an auFhority in iuternational law.'' - Boston Transcript. Much interest is taken by the young ladies at the Womau's Gymnasium in the new game called "Newcomb." This is a moditied form of basket ball, much of the latter's roughness beiug elminated. Several match games have already been played betweeu the Monday and Tuesday classes, and also between the beginners and the advanced class. Dr. Mosher has expressed herself as delighted with the skill -hich the girls have already attained. Tlie Ladies' Auxiliary to the Modera Woodmen, known as the Royal Neighbors oí América, effected tJieir organ.laation Wodnesday, Miss Hal tic M, Lombard, of Grand Rapids, Deputy Supremo Oracle for Michigan, conducted the ceremonies. The folio ving oi'ficers were elected for tJie ensulog yeai : Paet Oracle (appowvted), Emnia F. St. Clair ; Oracle, Ella M. Clark ; Yice Oracle, Mary A. Sweet ; cliancellor, ,Sara Binke ; Marshal, Elizabeth C. Kitson ; Recorder, Carrie H. G;a)tes ; Receiver, Lucy Shadford ; Inner Sentinel, Sophila H. Cadieux ; Outer Sentinel, Mary Cleaver; Managers, Emma Bt. Clair, one year; Miarle A. Kitson, two years ; Emily Armbrupter, three years ; Pnysician, Dr. Jennie Hughes. At the annual meeting of the Arbeider Vereia held last week, the folloTvlng oificers were elected : President, Titus P. Hutzel ; lat Viee President, George Lutz, Jr.; 2d Vice President, A. C. Schuraacher ; Recording Secretary, E. Spriag ; Corresponding 8ecretary, John Meyer; Treaurer, Chris. Martin ; Cashier, Wm. Feldhaeueer ; Truátees, F. Staeb, J. Ixjhrke, Chris. "Weigand, M. Gau?s, Geoie Reichert, E. Oesterlin, J. R. Trojanowsk! ; Steward, .Tolm Webber ; Standard Bearer, August Hinz. The treasurer's report shows that durlng the past year 500 has been paid out for sick claims ■ $575 for death assessments and state orpanii'ation ; and that with a membership of 162 there remakis in the treasury $3,055.


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Ann Arbor Courier