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The big motor car eommenced running again last Frklay. The Comedy Club is to brlng out "The Private Secretary," aft er a time. The members of the Forty Club giave a very pleasatit party Frirtay ewniug. The Northside church buiklinig fund was augmented by $10 because oí a social Friday evenimg. There seems to be quite an epiiÉlemic oí tliroiat and lung trouble, especially among tlie children. i Religious services are being contin■ued every night thiis week at the Chureh of Chi-ist, from 7:30 to 8:30. A burning chiimney at the home of Mts. Boyd, on N. State st., brought out the fire department Sunday evening. "Win. C Jacobus knows now how it íeels to be ïuu away with. His horse tried it ou Mm last Friday, but Wlll gooü grit. ■ A leaklug gasoline stove at No. 63 Catharine st., called out the fire department in the cold oí Haturday. Damage slight. The 19 th birthday of Bdward Ihvyer was properly oelebraied last Thursilay evenlng, at tlie home of his parents ou Kingsley st., by his young friends. The next etate convention oí the ï. M. C. A. is to be held at Owoeeo Feb. 25-28. The hustling little town ol Alma, It is understood is after the oonvention of 1898. Mrs C. C. Chureh, of Beveiath st., tn attempting to ligat the gasoline stove oü Thursday last, caught her dress on ttre and narrowly escaped fieriious coinsequences. If you -want to find thie Hausfreund & Post after this, you shouW go to th Daily Times building, it having ■been removed thereto by its ediltor amd proprietor L. J. Liesemer. The U. B. govermnent changed its mimi relative to the concert tour of 'the West Point Mdlttary Oadet Band, and consequently it ceased its tour on tliie d;ity iit was to appear here. Very sensible. Tlio people of Augusta were in towu In largo farce Momday, being interested in the trial before Justice l'onul of a. Jiumbei1 ut yotinii men cltarged wlitli disturbing rellgioua services. The jury disagreed, tlie same as on a íornuer trial. NolwithHtat'ding the Tact, W'hiMi ;ill luis I). en 8ald, Bc ii ever i-o liumble. 'i'bere is uo p'ace like, - bed. The Sons oí Vehenttas .-uro to give a social and dance on tlue evenlng of Peb. -tth. Tlue young people of Zion's church sire to go upou a slrighride party out to John Ffcgel'fl tCWtttgllt. April 26 bias been set as the date (or ïormally dedicaiti'ngf the new JT, O. O. F. hall in the Honning Block. The postmaster hias not yet anno. meed a quai ter off Kal ■ on postage stamp. They oommand the same oíd price, n.nd are never our of seasan. Dr. Iiobert McGrejror, wlio at one time was asstetant to Dr. Herdman, inr,r hotds the chair of nervous disoases al lic Saii.iiM.v Yalloy Medical Cojlege, San'inaw. 'It is net always the man who looks the wisest who kwwa the most ; but most poople dan't know this, so i. it wiil pay you to look juSt as wisc as you possrbly can. For tlw manner In whicli McClellan H. Mog-k lias Imterested Qimsell iu the Armeniiaii fund, he deserves much prabse. ïli.e fiind now amounts to over $200 and siill growimig. sent a large representation tío tlic miil-wmter circus at the coun.ty capital last weck, BveTyoae proiKiuncrd it ttoe fiixesi thlng of the kind tlwy ever attemded. - Leader. Klcptomjiniia has been unusually )fcr,ilctit tiii-i winter. There lias also been more plain sboalhig than usual by sundry oommon thieves who caa not af ford to bo kleptomaniacs. The Aiin Arbor editora cultívate extended trad relations by the annexation oí Oach other's news items. Eeoiprocity in trade and commerce is a success- in the newspaper business. -Daily Times. !Irs. Phoebe A. Oeborne, who was related to the family that formerlylivel at Osborne's Mills, Seto, dled at the home oí her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Edwin B. Thompson, in Oliicago, cm Jan. 20, aged 85 years. Noali TV. Cheever, of this city, has been nominalted by the prohibitioniste, as a candidate tor associate justiee of the supreme court. Prof. W. W. Traoey, of Detroltt, and Kob't N. irulhollaTiid, of Orion, for regents. The concert given by the Mozart SymphoTiy Chib in the Y. M. C. A. cionrse last Thursday night, was one of the most satfefactory of the seasoii. There wae a good attendanee amcl everyone enjoyed it hugely. City Treasurer Manly reports that oine person, E. L. J. Smiith, paid his d'oubly assessed dog tax without a munnur, and caneequently lw considera Mr. Bmith o;ne of the most remarkable and amiable men on record. Aild now the florista and seedsmen are temptdng the thin poeketbooks of flower lovers wltfi handsome catalogues gi-ing big bargains in seeds, bulbs and roots that would be so hiandsome in thelr homes or gardens. If Fred Whitmey will come here and build an oipera house on the site opposite this office, he will be doing a gevod thirag for Ann Arbor, and pcrluaps for the show people. But we are a f raid that the scheme is a fake. A Toledo railroad official says that Fingree's law fare idea is likely to go all over the country and that in oonsequence railroads Will be torced " to dopt first, secand and third class ratps as is dome in Europe. - Plymoutü Mail. The Ann Arbor Liig-ht Infantry put a clean $600 in its treasury from the pnocceds of the circus, and if There happens to be a few dollars over, "tibe push will take it and have a spread for theniselves," as oaie oi the boys expressed it. Many a litotle woman nearly cries toer eyes out because her house pla ats die inch by inch wuen she "'takes such good care of tliem." Tlie iaat of the matter is, house plamts in gas-lighted rooms simply die a deiathi of torture, ïon will have to give up gas or the plante. The editar of the Courier acknowledges the receipt ai a copy of the Courier oí Aug. 26, - üesired for completkig the office files- from Mrs. E. H. Pnatt, Ban Framcèsoo, Cal. The Tavior is gi-eatly appreciated and Mrs. Pratt has our thanks for her klmdness and thoughtfuluess. ■ Fanners ure Uiscussing all sorts oí financial aud economie questions but there is one subject that is seldoan discussed at farmers' instituten, but fa one of the most important, from a t'lmanclal standpoint, tliat oi "Farm Fences." Politicians take care of thedr fences - how about the farmers ? ■The 16 to 1 fever is not over yet by any meanis. An exohange says : "There is mot one girl in eixteen who wiould ijjot rather be won for llïe than 'be eixteen all her Hfe and never be wion,' oind tlien to finish the idea ïudds : '-It oosts less to keep a girl vftcr she's Kixteen than after she's wion. : Since ïiow the seveD Btory bat No loner la Oho rage, There ih no furt her need at all ïo elévate the stage. -Detroit News. The Ann Arbor Courier has ontered ilts 35 th your, and in quality as iu yarp is in the frLt rank. The Oourter te ome of Michigian's really ably oonducted weeklies, and there is room tor more papers Uke it.- Penton Independent. Ooi. Henry S. Dean, of tdiis clity, has been honorod foy being appointed as an aide-de-camp on the staff oí Gen. Hiorace Porter, gramd marshal of the coming inaugural parade. Thls is quite au honor for our ctty as well as for the Oolomiel. The editor of the Ooarier is greatly Indebted to Mrs. M. A. Graves, of Petoskey, who has sent us a copy of the 'Oowter for Aug. 26, 1896, which was raeeded to complete the files of the paper for binding. The favor ia greatly appreciated. TImí newispaper boys in town handle considerable money In the course of 1 lic year. probably about one hundred and seventy-five dollars a ïmoiith. Tivo thouSand one hundrcd dollars a year seemls like a lot of mionoy, Irat the people want the news, aind seem to be willtnlg to pay for it. It is hard to understand how Brother Wedemeyer can find it in his heart to surrender the charge of so many prettj sch'oolma'ams for the prosaic wink of deputy railrpud commissioner, but such is the case. He fileü his acceptance of the office this week. - Ypsiliantiam. Tliere was a $100,000 fire in the Courier office Friday afternoon on which there was no insuranoe. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti and the Ann Albor street railway bonds of tlie old iesue were ordered to be destroyed. C. E. Hiscock and R. W. HempHill of Ypsilanti, were th,e incendiarles. A boy mever admite that he is lame after he has taken a fall cm the ice, and the same may be said of his sister. Many a glrl wboi clings to a gentleman's arm with both hands for support while walking home on a dark night, swings away on the ice Ín a manner which shows her athletlc training. (Editor Dana carne to Ann Arbor in a private palace car amd left in the ame. The Ann Arbor editors can niot understand it, and at the next meetiinig of their press club they wili aidopt resolut.ions recommending that ■the fad of each editor riding in his private palace car be introduced iu ■sald Ann Arbor.- Daily Times. Releí-ring to the "nose" sociiil, the tíortliville Record makes thiis cheeky asserttaii ": "So far in Ann Arbor it has pro ved a failure. The young men claim they haVe never particuUirly noticed their best girl's nose but say that 11 the young ladies will place cheek against the hole they will piek out the correct one every time." The graind chapter of Royal Arch Maeone, in annual session at Sagiiwvw last week, did a gaod thing for the cltfipter by re-electing Lew C. GoodTich of this city, Grand Lecturer, asad Chas. Stevens of Ypsilanti, Grand Principal S'ojourner. They are both wOTtby mnd well qualified, duly and truly pi-epared, and seem to have the pass. Tlue way the thermometer went kiting down in the buÏÏb Saturday, Sunday and Monday, made everyone hold their ears, and the proper exclamación o passing a friend was: "Go'Sh, but thiis is cold !" Then would come the anewer : "Yes, but it is noUiing compared to the winter is " when the remmiscence would suddenly end. Peter Whitman, of Butler, Ind., vlsItftd telativrs and old friends here Tuesday, on hls way hiome from Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. At Ann Aibo:-, (Monday, he had au X-ray photo Daken of his broken arm a-t Dr. Llerdinauv oïfioe, showing exactly why bis arm Is useïess. The bane after been Bet, got mlsptaeed and dia nol kuit together; 11 Ls now OYer tlvree years since the horrible accident al Kniüslmi-y. 111., where Mr. Whitman was lnjured wliile an engineer on the Wabash.- Milan 3ader. A student ïrom Utah, who has not been accustomed to an atmosphere tilled wiih ice slivers. walked from the olisaivutoivy to the law building Mondlay moraüMg, without o"ercoat, mittenis or ear laps. When he arrived at his destinatijon lie found that his oars and liands were badly frosted. And wluen eome of the boys took him out doors and applied snow to his ■ears and hands to draw out the frost, be bhoughi that it was addiug insult o injury, but soon learned that the remedy was a good one. "Wliat is a city of village ?" Jt is a oorporation in wliich every rent 1a. ver and tax-payer is a stoekholder anid tn which every resident has a direct persoroal interest. Tne management of the carporation, as of any otllier, is a matter oí business, and ■needs o be carried an upon business principies. The Tribune Almanac and Politica] Register for 1897, published by The Ti-il)une Ass'ociation, Jïew Yprk, Henry E. Ehoades, editor, te a complete record of events and thlngs the bust, the professional and the every diay man needs. Full election tables and statistlcs galore for the figure Wond. Anytliing ymi wiant to know ytoii will fiad in this little volume. G-et ene. Repreftentative fawyer 'lisclaims the authiorship of the bilí he introduced, (lesiirned to make divorce easy. Hls actiom in the matter was by request of ome of the circuit judges with whom the bill origloated. All right, M. Sawyer, clivorce is easy enough already in this state. Better tax old bachelors for their failure in duty, In proviilinlg homes for the fair sex. - Ypsiiantian. A priavte letter from Hugh I). Mars. who formerly Uved liere, .and was for some years an employé in the Courier office, batee that his youngest som, Howard, diied on the 15th ilnst.. etter a ten day's illness, with cerebrum meninicitis. The miany frie.nds of tliis family in Ann Arbor will bear this news of their sad misFortune with sorrow. They cei-tainly have the sympathy of many friends here. Tiie biiildiiK? oommiifctee of the board of supervisors received bids for the plumbin"' and steam fitting necessary in maklng the changes ordered by the board in fitting up room for the prosecuting attorney and a jury room. Kenny & Quinlan secured the plumbing fox $158.52, and .1. F. Schuh the steam heatlng for $45. Mr. Schuh, who is now the county clerk, saya that this is the first work he has ever had In hia lime of business from the county. County School Commissioner Wedemeyer while at Willis a few days since, narrowly escaped a severe accidemt. As he was to cross the track of the Wabash R'y, enclosed ta hia carriage; a train dashed by. His liiorse started as the ear passed to make the crossing, when unobserved. a second train was upon them. Mr. W. suddenly jerked Ms horse upon end, so to speak, and. then sat (so he says) a hall hour waiftiing for that train to pass.- Saline Observer. Ex-President Harrison's date in the Ktmlont's Lecture Association course has been Öefinitely set as ilaroh 22. When the contract with Gen. Harrir son was elgned, the campaign was on and he could not annonnce an exact dmite. but It was thought that he might come eome time in February. his subject will be ainnounced later. The next lecture in the course will be given by Luther Laflin Mills, Feb. 12, IAncoln's birthdy. He will epealc ou Jjincoln. T1Ü8 is the number furnished by the Chicago Alumni Associatiom. Mr. Mills is considered the teading orator of Illinois, and was chosem by the Alumni associaion because of hls great ability and tilue reputation he has gaimed as a leöturer. Thie, fnom the Saline Observer, wül interest some of our Maccabees : "Alt uigh the wenther was stormy thera was a very good attendance at the Imitiatlon of the six candidates into Acme Tent last night, and a very pleasant occasion. The team from Arbor Temt covered themselves witli luonois in the desree work as well as the floor work utwler the new ritual, and Acme Tent will always have a frieaidly feeling for Arbor Tent for ■their help. After the initiation work a sorial time was spent in partaking a supper specially designed for the occasion. Then an hour was devoted to speech makiug by the Iep. Gt. Commander Wilson, of Detroit, members of the Arbor Tent and some of the novices. Taken all in all it waa ome of the pleasantest evenings Acme Tent ha ever enjoyed."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier