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Some Proposed Legislation

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Rep. Stoneman tas a 'ñu lieensmg1 sleepiog oars ;i t L30 íor cach car used in tlie state. The appvopriatkwi for traTellng lifrraxies lias boen ent $1,500, and fixed at $3,500. Rep. Lulck has a bll requiring all state Imstitutions to use Michigan coa.l when poseíale. Senator Maltiand asks for $10,000 to i'inprove and keep ip the tétate park at Mackmac Island. Hep. Poryt wants the state to clean out the Kalamazoo rlrer at that place. (Very clerer Foot.) Rep. Gibson walnta the state to pay a bounty to the old soldiere whose townshlpg did not pay them the bounty promised. Senator Barmim wants the l?c:istoture to approprfate $129,000 for the Industrial Pohool for boys for the next. two years. i Senator Moore xvould like to have the lncome realized frora Bt. Mary's hip canal, used for the ('stablisliment of a marine hospital. Rep. I.usk has a bii tío compej manufaeturers of ayraamite to label their gocxts With a statement of all the Insri-pdients, strenpth, etc. Kop. Rnllson lias presented the estimattos of the School of Afines asklng $185,000 for current expenses a.nd .$40.000 for a new building. "Rep. TethprTee ha a bilí altowing imc: the votcrs of amy precinct to use any aart of a votimsr machine that has been properly tested. Represe.Tita+iT ïvelly has introducid a Wil alIoivimKr elecbric licr'.vt Co's to g-o toto the kus busiinsss. as the Co's are no-sv allowed to go into electrio, lig-ht business. Rep. Stoneman wants all notarles of publi? to us senls and keep reco'-ds. This BMiie gentleman -vill intntro luce a bilí compellinig railroads to carry Meycles free as baggage. Senator üohinson has introdueed a bilí arpopriatin-ï $95,000for .mrr n expenses Sor the state Mining School ,-iiul UO.000 ïo' the oroctlon of au assay building in oemnection therewith. Forsyth has hia kniife out for the commercial reporting agencies. He has giwen notke oí a nieasure to prevent any pereon or eorponatiom f rom reporting, publiahing or d'reulalttng any statement whatevec as to 'lve financial standing of firme ar corporait.ions wittoout their written eomsent. Senator Boet wiek waats to make ooumty stromg boxes stronger by provi:liina: tlnat all taxes ooll'-cted by Janu'ary ]0, Phall be turned int o the coumty treasury at that time msteaö of waiting until the ilar.-h return of tases. Senator Prescott Is the Champion of the Womeoi's Christiian Temperance Union ín th upper house. He vri imtiioáuce the measures emanatlns irom the association for the establishment of a reformatory prison for women, and for pólice matrons in several cities of the state. Senador Masón has prepared a bilí Whioh proides that when real estáte has been sold for delinquent taxes, the purchaser shall serve personal notioe on thíe owner that such purcliase has been made, bef ore the return of the sa,le is made to the auditor general. A failure to serve such raotice would render the eaie inrajil. Itep. Oberdorffer hias a plan to appToprdö,tc $6.000 {or experimenting lm asriculture and horti.ivlture in the upper península. He says that as the sou of the upper country is so mudh different from that of the lower península, the cxperimer.ts made at the Agrfcuïtural College are of 110 value for the upper pentawiia. PresMeiit Barter, of the Michigan Federation of Labor, and others of the trades unkra lobby are preparing to fiigbt a bilí oí -which ï.epresentative Douovan has given notice. It Is to amerad the treasury act so as to permit children undïr 14 in some cases to go to work. The labor meo see in. fbe bilí a proposition to enoourage cld labor. Kepresemtatdve Atkinson Intends to amemd the railroad law, so as to prode for a two-cent rate. It amends only one section of the railroad la-sv, defLning the powers of railroads. The amendatory paragraph U as follows; "To regúlate the time aad manner in ■svhich pássengers and yroperty shall be transported and the tolla and compensation for transporthig any passenger amd liis or her or.linary baggage, not exceeding in weight 150 poumds, shall not exceed the price of two cents por mile for ?.ny distance." A mw plan has beon proposed to lacréese the revéame fram the ale oí beei' im n way that 'wlll tend to lessen taxation penerally in every tawri and towrtehip in the state. It is to placo a stamp tax of 50 cénits oa every barre] of beer breWed in Michigan or brougliib here from other sta+es. A 50 cent state tax would yfeld an animal income of close to Ita.lf a mllllon dollars. Tiy retürning ttoe money into the primary school fuind, every school district would come Ín far a piece of ifc. One of tJie Senaitors is preparing a bilí to ehut out from a participation in the prima.ry school moneys now raised by railroad taxatlon, those coumtá'es whereiTi tbere are no rairoalds. The Mil proposes a revisión of the eystem of fundüing of all monwya paJd lato the state by specific ta.x, so as to have the recei"pts from ■flhe nafllroad 6pecific tax 'listrlbuted from the primary sohool ianü pro ralta among the counties Ín accordamce witJi the railroad property Ín such eounttes. The upper península representaitives whose constituency numbers several counties possesslng no railroads, are protesting against the pixjposed W11. Rep. Dickinson haxá a bilí velative to lynchings and mob vtolence, It proviides tluat any persom taken out of the bands of officers of justice and assaüted in any marnier, inay recover $1,000 from the couaty in which íhe act oceurs ; if not iin offlcere liands $500 ; aiwl if seriously injured $1,000. Ií injury resulte iin permanent (Hfea'biUty $5,000 may be recovered. if killed by a niob, sucli pea"oms legial represent a ti ve may reoover $5,000 from the county, the money to be ueed for the mainteuance of the famlly of the persou killed, and for educatdng his children. If tliere be no 'widow or children. the money to Oo1 t-o tli.e next of kin. At the coming republicau state convention it is probable that Judge Charles D. Long will be renorninated as hisown successor by acclatnation. The free silver wing of the democracy will put up the pest vote winner in their party, Hke Shipman of Branch or Yaple of St. Joseph, and will make a desperate effort to elect him. Republicana throughout the state should put themselves. in working trim for the campaign and get a full vote. It would be a bad rniscarriage if after the splendid republican majority of last November the spring election should be allowed to go default.- Flint Globe. The developineut of horseless carriages mav liave a very important hearing on warfare in the future. Heretofore it has been a vital necessity to secure forage fur cavalry horses and for the animáis in the artilléry branch of the service. The electric motor carriage may vet be adopted in place of horse fiesh in the army, just as the trolley has supplauted the car horse. It does not requiré a very great Btretcli of the itnagination to conceive that th cavalry of the future might consist of small bodies of men mounted on electric carriages, protected bj' bulier proof sliields. And we can also see in our minds eye, the geueral in command of au army carreering over the battlefield in bis individual electric carriage, on which is also mounted a steel turret for his ]rotection. - Electrical Review.


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