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The Comers And Goers

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Frederiek Schmid was lo Laoslng Tn6day. Jt}m "ÍV'm. KeaitttiK, M. D., was at Jthna on Tjusiness Saturd&y. Htom. A. J. Sawyer ca me home Frifay to remaiu over S-unday. Mrs. L. Gruner has been entertain5og Miss Nellie Klein, of Lima. Mts. Chas. Vocl hae been enter taining Mfee Olga Vogel, of Fredonia. Prof. Samuel Diekie was the guest over Sunday of Prof. F. M. Taylor. School Commissioner Wedemeyer ■visïted. schools In Öaline last Friday. Mrs. W. S. Stiwiley, of Detroit, is ■wisiting Ann Arbcr friends this week. Prof. E. F. Johnson waia in Grand Bapids on business taal Prtday and Saturday. Mrs. E. Pardon, of X. División st., is Bpending sorne weeks Avith friends in Chicago. ilírs. E. H. Eberbach enter taimed a number of her iriends vi tea Mon3iay evBnmg. iMr. aimd Mts. Percy Patterson, oí Bay City, spent Sunday with Ann Arbor friends. Mr. and Mre. Chas. DoBOvam, of Sio-ui City, loTva, are gnests of his ïather, for a time. Miss Hai-riet Lwis of E. Huron st., Jïes returned trom a tour week's vleit Trit-h friends ia Chicago. Mre. Purmort, who has been a gueíí f her matlier, Mrs. Geo. Hempl, has Teturned tuame to SaigLnaw. :0r. amid lire. V. C. Yaugha.ii are gfyiñg a series of recepti&ns to their irtends, the ïiret of thein occuring last erening. Grand Lecturer L. C. Goodrich, of th Grand Chapter E. A. 11., neld a ádhool o[ instruction at Port Huron Monday evening. Mtb. Ermest Gleason, who Ixas been her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W; K. Chiiids, returned home to Xew Yorü Ctty Satuixlay. Miss Blanch Beper Cushman entertairted a number of Ann Arbor Mends at her home Saturday evening. - Dexter Leader. Dr. Leufesty of Mt. Clemens, Homeop. '91. was in the city Saturday. , Jolm F. Lawrence went to lCalamazoo on business Mondiay. E. To-wnsend, of Dixboro, was in town Saturday and renewed Uis subacription for the 32d time, he having commenced to take the paper in 1865. tMrs. Mary B. Hemderson has gone ,to. Torent o, Ont., to vieit her sister. , Mfa. Cat'terniOjje, of church st., is enteirtaining her niece Miss Jennie Moore,. of A'an Buren Point, X. Y. Mr.. a;nd Mrs. Eugene K. Frueauff, oí Owosso, passed throngh here on Tliur.sday last, for Bethlehem, Pa., where they were oalled by the death I of hfe motlier, Mrs. A. C. Frueauff.


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Ann Arbor Courier