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i The Elks have in preparation a mínstrel show In the near íuture. The revival services at the Churcli of Christ will close Suaday nig-ht. John Koch, of Mack & Co., -went to Grand Itap-ids Thursday last to buy furaiture. Friday the 12th, will be I-tacoln's birthday, and many of our schools ■will honor h3 memory by a proper observance o[ the same. A. A. Kent oí Ann Arbor was in town Momday, and leased hls farm to Quas. Keum, thie present occupant. - Dumdee Keporter. The public welcomed the large motor car agatn Monday. The traffic ís Increasing so that the large car is Ineeded fcrr most of the trips. The ladies of St. Andrevv's churcli ■will give tiheir regular tea social on Thnrsday evening at Harria Hall. A general invitatiion Is extended. It is altogether probable that a üniformed Bank of the K. O. T. M. will be toTmed here, to which all the county ladges will be eligible. The uew improvement at the Light Infantry Armory have made the place a dirable ame for dances, banqueta and gatherings of various sorts. The pupils of the vocal departmemt of the Schoal of Music, under the instruction of Mr. Lamsoai, gave a delightful recital last Monday afternoon. Ou Friiliiy afternio'on at ".:■!(), the Womem's Foreign Mteslonary Society oi the M. E. churcli wKl meet wiith Mrs. Dr C. G. Darttag, 38 E. Univerëitv ave. Arthur C. Bird, of Higliland, has been nominated by G-ov. Pingree, to ucceed Wm. E. Boyden, of Delhi, as a member of the state baard of agriculture. Next Frilday, Feb. 12, is ÜntonA'etenans' Day, and i't will be öbserved by the local camp Sons of Veterans by a P'atriloit ie entertainment and supper lm the eveming. Btta Brooks a colored girl, stole a dress from lier employer's daughter, Mrs. Miller, in Ypsilanti, and Sat. urday Justice Otbsion sentenced her to 30 days in jail. 1 The Yonng people's Socfety of Zion cburch donated $200 to the congregatioii recenltly, besMes buying a number of hymn books for the Emgliteh ser"Wlees of the churcli. Bdward II. Clark, son of the late Gen. Clark, died Sunday, at hiis home on "W. Huron st., from heart disease, aged 49 years. The funeral was held Monday at 3 p. m., from St. An.drew's church. And now tihie talk is : "Are you going tio the inauguration ?" Some Bay ".vos," trat a great m&ny more say "1MI." The dainoe oí the Woodmen at the JLiight Infantry Arrnory last Thursday evenüig was a great success, somie $30 beinig realized thereby. That sharp, crackling nofee you hear late at night nowadays, is the New Yeara resolutioms breaking and snapping under the strains to which Dliey ane subject edi. When paients claim that their childdren have not got suitable clothes to go to school, bnt they ure ?ood enougli to exhibit on the streets all day and half the night, and run to every railroad train, it is too thin. On Feb. 14 the Chicago evangelista Messrs Potter and Miiler, will begin a serles of revival meetings, to be held at tho M. B. ehureh, at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Toe fublic are cordSally invited to be presen. The scliool should have the co-operation of the home. The reason that some chiklren do not profit by the school is because the impressions made upon tlieir minds by the teachers are weakened or destroyed by the example of the parents. The legislative commütee, which was to have come to this city last Thursday, and been entertained by Representative Sowyer and family, postponed their visit at the last momeirt, for ome week, and will come tofflorrmv, "Wm. W. Wedeineyer 1b to speak at Liimcoln League Banquet, at Jackson, on Friday evening, Feb. 12 his theme beltig "Lincoln's Life an Inspiration to Young Republioamis." There are several other speakers upon the program for the eventaig. The iOTirth ainnual meeting of the Michiga-n Gas Assoclation is to take place in thiis city aa the 17 and 18 Inst. It 3s expected that aboiut fifty delega.tes -villl be present. The business meettags will be held at the Coiok Ho'use. OhTiistiana, wlie of Joeeph Stade], oí 70 S. Seventh st., died Priday evenimg last, aged 62 years, with heart trouble. Funeral services were held Monday from Bethlehem church. Slhe leavea a family of four sons and three daugliters. Tiiose haying magazines or papers whlch they have read aad put aside oan liave them used to good advantage by lea ving them at Calkins' drug store, or at the Wesleyan guild, for the Epworth League oommittee, who will distribute them at the hospitiate. We have received from t'he Ann Arbor Music Co., a new piano plece, a "Serenade," by Frank C. Smifcli if Ypsilianti, selling at 25c, that is one of t'he daintiest bits of music that has come bo our notice in some time. TVe oo'ngnatuliate Mr. Bmith on his cfforts. There were eooe 200 or 300 people ple unable to gain. adani'ttance at St. Andrew's ohurch last Sunday evening to listen to the musioal ser-ice. Amoiig tliiose present were the members of the choir of St. James' church Dexter aimd a number of people from Ypsüaati. Gov. Pingree and Deputy R. R. Commtesiioner 'Wedemeyer took mipper wjt h Sheriff Jiidson last Friday, and to the evening they oalied upon President Angelí and had an extended talk ii'pioii Uni'versi'ty matters. The goveniior returned to Detroit on the 10 p. m. traltai. The Matron's Eüiocutionary Contest at High School Hall last Tuursday eveniing, drew a good croWd, and wa3 a very pleasanit entertainment. iriss Bmma Bower took tlie prize, which was a portfolio containing the portraits of the W. C. T. TJ. presidents and officials. The entertainment at High Schooi Hall Saturday evening, furnished exclusively by the phonograph, was very time indeed. Some ot the selectkms rendered were most excellent and caused the audiemce to insist upon a repetition. The instrument seems to excel in reproduciing orchestra music. Tiext Sunday evening Rev. .T. T. Sunderland will give a lecture, illustrated with Btereoptieon views, on "Delhi and Aqra," the splendid capitals of tbe Great Mogul Empire of India. In and near these cities are to be found perhaps the most remaTkable ruins In the world. Mr. Sunderland will preacih in the ïnornln upon "The Light which Bvolution has to Thraw upon the Bible." On Friday evening Feb. 26, there will be given a Buiin's Anniversary entertainment, the proceeds of which will go to the "Womiam's gymnasium fund. Among the alttractions so far anuounced ai-e : Harold Jarvis, the celebrated singer, oL Detroit ; Alexander Gray, of Edintmrgh, Scotland, in bas pipe selecttons ; Scoteh dances, with bag pipe accompaniament, by experts from Detroit and Canada. Prof. StamJey will render severaj Scotcli melodles on the grand orgaa and Prof. "Wenley will give a short address appropriate to the occasion. The second degree wlli be conferred tonight by the two Masooic blue lotlges combined. The mewspaper is at last, no matter what lts diaguises may bo, the ph-otojjnipli of the editor.- Michigan BulleWin. The Arni Arbor Courler, Juiiius E. Beal's bright a ad sparkllng weekly paper, is 34 years oM. The Courier Is always up-to-date. and ia one of fche best pertadioals ia Michigan. 3jrng may it live.- Michigan Bulle1tn. There vrlU be am, event at Masonic temple to-night that will be of a great deal oí interest, especially to the niembers of FraternAty lodge. A chouge in the time table of the M. C. E. R. will be fourad in it proper place. The following high school studeaAs have been appointed on "Junior Ex.'': Fleda Anderson, Bthiel M. Bancroft, H. J. Bnown, Markhiam Cheever, Willis Gelston, Bichard Bollister, Blanche Jacobs, Burns E. Otis, LuciLe Stone, Lydia Stollsteimer, Philip Schenk. A great revival is now going on in the Dexter churches, and many converts aTe being made. Supervisor Whittaker, who promised last fall to attend church everj' Sunday if McKinley was elected, will hiowever be kept confined to the house until the revivals are over. His friends do not dare trut Him out. Co; A aTe required by state law to parade fFeb. 22d, and will do go. There is talk of a strictly full dress military ball, to take place in the eveniug. If the badl ia given, it will be Tip to date in every particular. Oapt Granger ia working on the orgiandzation of the veteran corps and will cali a meeting of the con-ps thO first of next week. As this Bcribe was passing over the Northside bridge the other day, he notdced that the surface of the water was covered with an oily looking substaTic, whdch, upon inquiry, proved to be refuse from the gas works. It was flioatdng down stream to supply a sort of frosting or salad dressing for the cakes of ice - being taken, out at Geddes, etc. Very much to the surprise of Mr. Bemt, who mianages Randalrs art gallery, work that they had O'n exhibition at the P'hotographer's Conventiion at Detroit Ia6t week, took second prize, a silver medal. The work was excellent, biït the exhiibit was crowded for room, and not as artisticallj' arranged as it should have been. Eandall's gallery probably tunis out as fime. work as auy ia the oauntry. Maj(r M. L. Belser has tndereil, his rpsignat Ion as surgeon of the lst regiment M. N. G. The resigmatioii has not yet been acted upon. Dr. Belse" lias held the posiitiJoin for five years. He tos Berved the regiment faithfully, and considere tliat he is now entitled to an. honorable di-soharge. The decisión oí the Dr. -to retire from the service will be learmed witli great regret by the soldiers of the regiment, wtfeh who'm he is deservedly popular. A tramp applfed at the fire department for aid Wednesday evening last, and when directed to Sup't Mason, became sassy, and attempted to knock out Charlie Edwards. Charlie is no pugi5ist, but doesn't allow any one to whip him if he can help himse.M, a:nd so this fellow found himself iln jail befwe he had time to oorne to bils senses. When brought before Justice Gibsmi the next day he was given a dozen days to repent for his rashness fn. Mrs. And'rew Jimiith (lied at the home of her dawghter, Mrs. E. P. Oook at 26 NT. AsMey st., Monday morniing Feb. 8., after a somewhat protracted lllness. Tliie deceased was the widow of the late Andrew 8mlth, who died gome years ago, amd wluo lived Bome eiglut miles north of t!hi's city fai the township of NorthfoHcl. Funeral services are being held to-day, at the ï'esidenee in this ci;ry, alt 10 a. m., amid at the Leiand church in NorblifioDd alt 12 Uk Adm'inistnator Sihankltand, of the .fainos RiciiaTd estáte. Superior, brought to the prdbate court Monday, the calendar used by the old maj in his lifetime. The calender consistéd of eeieral small pegs cut square, about one and one-hali inches long, niotches beioig cut on each edge corresp.onding to the numbers of days ia a week, ome peg to the month. By by counting the number of pegs in the box, he could teil what month it was, and tlie notches on the last peg would teil what day of the manth it was. The first semester of the Arm Arbor high school closed on Friday last, nnd the seoond semester opened yesterday. The next animal meeting ai the .Michigan Academy of Science, will be held in Ann Arbor, during the tirst week in April. A Valentina evening will be given at Granger's Academy Saturday. Valentines will be excihanged and au unusually large program danced. Martin Wackenhut, of Ctoelsea, is t'he new üeputy sheriff and turnkey at the jail, in place of Jay Wood, resigned. Mr. Wood has gone back to Ohelsea to live. The recital by the pupils of the vc oal department of the School of Music, at Frieze HaU iMonday afternoon, was very entertaining, those present beimg gieatlj pleased. At the vesper service at University Hall to-morrow, Thursday, Fred Dansingburg will ing a solo, 'Judge Me, Oh God," and the chorus wül reader Gloria ín Excelsis. The Light Iniaintry membei-s have now buckLed down to busJiness again and propose to stand at the head of aey company in the state in proficiency. That's business. That book bocühI to be given by the ï. M. C. A. Boon - keep thinking about it, and see if you have nat a number of 7jooks Viliat would be of besnefit to the boys, that you do not care for any longer. If you want to listen to au interesting and instructive talk come to the Y. M. C. A. meeting next Siinday Feb. 14, at 2:45, and hear ProfF. S. Goodrich of Albion College. He will take for his subject "Lost and Found." Special music will be given. Your Sunday afternoon could not be better spent. J)o not fail to come and receive spiritual help. Some time since, Traant Officer Cl&Tk had occasion to vlslt a first grade schooi room at the lst ward school, to reprove some small boys for ïoi'tertng at a certain corner nouse, tramping down the lawn and annoying the family with their noise. One little brighit chap, when he got honiE, toad his aunt the traant oificer had been in his room and he verily believed it was old Samta Clausw Well what did he say ? He made eome very heavy remarks aad tliis boy don't stop on that corner any more. A gentleman who has been studying the caucus and election laws, finds that, while women may vote for school inspectors, they have no voice in nominating candidates. The caucus law provisions apply only to male voters. They must be "identified with the party,"' and in other ways the qualiflc ition is masculine. No reference is made to female voters. It is also chumed that the registration books which the law requires sliall be furnislied for caucus purposes are not the ones in which the female voters are registered. One of the best programs that the Michigan Press Assoclation has ever preserated, will be given at the midwinter meeting, to be held at Hotel Oadillac, Detroit, Feb. 22 and 23. The Cadillac is one of the finest hotels in the union, and its whole-souled propiietors know how tlie average editor tJiirsteth íor a good feed, and so the coming meeting will no doubt be a ïarge one. Xo newspaper man in the state is barred. The doors are open and all are asked to come into the fo'ld. Among t,he papers to be Tead will be one by Miss Bmina Bower, of this city, upoai "Advertieements - Thelr Significance." Thursday afternooii, Feb. 4th, the Daughters of the American Bevoluti'om were entertaiiied, in their regular meeting, by Mrs. James L. Baboock. There were present from Ypsilanti as vfeiting members, Mrs. John Watling Regent, and daughteir, and Miss Euniee B. La.mbie, Vico Regent, of the Ypsilanti chapt-er. Papers were naad by Mrs. Wm. G-. Doty and Miss Edizatoeth Dean on the subject of the day, ''Geo. Washington." A beautiful and appropriate %ong, by De Koven, was Bung by Mrs. J. L. Babcock. The rooms were decorated witli flags, and pink and white carnatttone. Lig-ht refreshments were served. Geoi-ge and Martha Wasliingtiom reigned supreme in the hearts of the "Daughters."


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Ann Arbor Courier