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Republicans Wide Awake

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The republicana of the eounty met la conventiion at the court house Tuesday, at 11 a. m. Chairman "W. Ví. Wedemeyer, of the reputolican couaity committee, called Prof. E. F. Johnson of this city, as temporary chairman and A. E. Ford, of Ypsilanti, was nained as secretary. Th.e chalr then. appointd the followiiig committees : On Credentials- Seth C. Eandall of Anin Arbor, Chas. H. Greenman ol Augusta, AVin. Buss of Freedom, Otto D. Ijufck of Limia, Heni-y Simms oí WeTjster. Resolutions- Geo. S. Wtueeler, Salem ; W. W. Wilkinson, Sylvan ; Jolin Heilnzman, Ann Arbor ; E. Hauser, Saltoe ; Al. D. Davis, Scio. Oiigandaation and Order of Business - J. O. Bemis, oí Ypsilanti ; Chas. E. Blaekmar, York ; Fred Braun, Ami Arbor town ; M. "L,. Baymond, Sharon. There bowig no further business before the converntion, speeches were ealled for. ilr. Wedemeyer being oalled upon urged tdie republicana to be vigiilaint and aative. It was this n.iiil tlii's alone that oould win success fhis spring. There must be nio let up, but Oach republican must do liiB oest, arad if he dbd es there was no doubt a.s to the resuDt. Judge Newkirk responded to calis, aind made some excellent points. He agreed with Mr. AVedemeyer that it was the duty of every republicaa to wwrk every day f or the success of the ticket this spring, axud pledged himself to do that very thing. He drew some good pictures, and told how the Haviings Bank of Bexter had loaned to farmers money, the next day after McKinley's electton, to invest in shieep. , AFTEENOON BESSION. Upon reassemblimg the vartous commtttees reported, aind the reporta were accepted and adopted. The credentiaLs showed every delégate from every townsliip present evther In person or by a eu'bstfitute. It was an entimsiastic body of men. Frank Jomes of Saline, made a ïine speech, bringing before the convention the name of Prof. TVm. N. Lister, of Saüne, as a camdidate fr county oommissioner of school?, that being the first business in order. As tihere were no further nominations, Mr. Evart H. Scott moved that the rules be suspended, and that the seoretiary be instructeil to cast the ballot for Mr. List er. This was agreed to. A oommittee was then appoLnted to wait upon Mr. List-er, and he appeared before the couvention and in a few appropriate words returned his thanks {or the kiindness shown him, assurimg the delegates that lie would do all in hits power to be elecitcd, and H eliected he would give the schools of the county his very best efforts. The next business was tlie election of a deliegat-e at large. The names of Wm. Judson, and A. J. Sawyer, oí Ann Arbor, and A. P. Freeman oí Manchester, were presented. Before the ballot Mr. Sawyer's name was wlthdrawn. The ballot resulted : Wm. Judson, ----- 156 A. F. Freeman, - - 40 Mr. Tudson was declared electd. The cianvention then divided into legislative districts and ehose the foltowlng delegates : (Continued on 8th Page.) REPHICANS WIDE AWAKE. (Continued froin fust pase. At Lariie- Win. Jadson, Ana Arbor. [st District - A. .1. Sawyer, Ann Arbor. Evart H. Scott, Ann Arbor. John Heinzman, Aan Arbor. John F. Luwrenue, Aun Arbor. Wm. A. Campbell, Ann Arbor. Archie W. llkinson, Sylvan. All'red 1. Davis, Solo. Geo. s. Wheeler, salera. Tho. Blrkett, Pexter. Hemy Huehl, Freedom. Fred B. Bmun, Aim Arbor town. !d District - H. S. Boutelle. Ypsllanti. HJdgar K' xford, " O. M Warner, " Ij. I). Combes. " BenJ I. Loon is ' town. (."lias. Gauntllett, York. Frank i.nrnbie, Superior. Harrirspn Basaett, saiiue. R. F. W altera, Augusta. A. F. Freeman, Manchester. Philip Bluin.liritigewater. Tlie eornmilttee on resolntions reported tlie ïoilowdmg whioh was adopted without opposiition : "Resolved, ïhat we renew our pledges to the support of those principies enunciated ia the nat tonal and state platforms of our party im 1896 ; tlnat we conilctently expect and laelieve that our party, whioh the people have eivtrusted witli the Oontrol oí our national government, will so control and direct governmental affairs tliat the greatest good will come to ttoe larg-t'st jiumber. "Your camniittee turther beg leave to report that, whereas, Governor Hazen S. Pingree lias made cerbain reoommendatdons to the state legit-lature, in his recent message to that tiody, whioh we deern wiBe aaid íot the best Interest of the whole people of fhe state oí Michigan, therefore, be at "Resolved, by tiie republicans oí Washtenaw county, in conventiion assembOed, That we lieartdly congratúlate ïviim upon these wfee recommendatiione, whicli if given the force and eitect of law, will more equally distribute the burdeos of the people oaused by unequal and unjust taxation direct and indirect ; "Thiat we respectfully request our represéntate ves and senators in our state legisla ture to use all veasonable means at their oommand to enact the paitriotic recommendations of out governior ijnto law, and we cali their special attention to the recommendation of the goveraor concerning lobbyiste, the individual liberality oj stiockh'Olders im corporations, the amouint of stock that a corporation nuay isswe with reference to its actual assets, to trusts arad combiaiations, taxatiiion and the granting of public franchdses ; "That we especiiially congratúlate Govemor Piimgree upon the wise and patiriotic sta-nd which he has tafcen towards the public institutioms of the state of Michigan and particularly to that of the Universilty of Micliigau, 'the crowning gl'ory of t.he cominon school system of ttoe state,' whereat thie youth of our state may receive the hdghest degree of eduoatiional attainments at a oost less than that at any other of the similar institutions iiin the Umilted States."


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