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ahilaren O'Ef fcfoe streets very promptíy how at 7:30 p. m., and seems to oe just the law tliat vas needed.- Howard Ci'ty Record. Young men shoulxl look to the fau'm to supply their "oíd age pension.'' 3nric3i tlie land, plant orchards, unáerdratn, breed better lirestock, learn to grcnv hijgh graid produce and to d&rect hired labor, tliat in later Ufe Stie farm niay be your best írtendj. Ií ít íb aU rlgbt tt legislate against "tromien ■wearáug liiigli hats In public baUs and theati-es, where is the Trroing liu legtelation to prevent a man wearilng a big quid oí tobáceo inside heír olieeks and spewtng tlie ambeer wer the oarpts aud floors of public imiMüngs ?- Cedar Springs Clipper. A farmer may aot seem to be adding to his bank account at aU these hard times, but so long as liis farm is Improving lie 13 all rights A inan vrho starts witli a coenmon farm atad ends vrïtii a, g'ood one has made a STiccess ; anid a good fann wiiü oarry him eafely tlirough the ileclining yeairs of life. The passage O'f a proper imnilgratfom bill by ccmgress is desired by the jecple of t'his na'tion. The measure uöw bef ore congress may not be the !est that can be devised, but it ought to be passed if a better mie cannot te presen ted. The efforts of foreign steameMp coinpanies to defeat the bill is outrageous and sliould be takem. note of by congress. The state senators say tbat the junket xip they recently took was a model affair; each senator and not the state $ays the whiskey bilis time. - StockSri(ly;e .Sun. We'll wager a big apple that the bill 3Í tlie Senator from the lOth district in that line was what nature is said to abhor - a vacuüm. It was 80 far from Dein: a bill that it went the other way, ia what we are trying toexpress. And it cost the state just as much in this aaetbod of junketing as it would in the ald way. Soroe of our repubïioan newspaper two'thers say that they voted last fall a ehange, and that unless they get it they will dia samething awful. They are so t in advocating a bange that they would seemingly aceept a mioastroeity oí any kind as ■a "change." They seem to be turnr 3n.t tx that delusiva faith s( inany ■roters had before eieociioa, that the sovenuneiit must do eomethimg for thiem t'bat they omght to do themselves.- Joneslle Independent. Pwtection starts the factory ■wheelis, lights the furnaoe fires and Oïens the mines, and whea these are all busy, wages are increased and la'Öor is eontented and happy. But jtrosperi'ty does aot stop here ; it ataches every department of business and: trade and Ls participated in by lihe industrial farces in all communities. These truths will be again demonstrated to the Ameriman peopl ewhen tiie republican party, which fe the party of proteotion, again asnsmes control of legislation.


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Ann Arbor Courier