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Social at the Unitarian church tonight. The Zeta Psi house will be decorated by Charlie Stiaebler. The Aim Arbor postoflice took in $3,200 during January. Some oí "Jim's Toasters" are going ing to Amsterdam, Holland. Th democrats are bolding their stat? oonvention at Grand Baplds today. Oapt. Granger would like to have every memoer of Ooi A ia his place tonight. The fiirst load of stone ior the new ehurch ediíice on. the Northside WaS drawn yesterday. The new Inspector General oí the Michigan troop is Lieut Col. Fred H. Case, of Tecumse'h. A Just Eefore Leni party is to be given by the C. M. B. A. at the Armoi-y, on Monday evening, Mareh lst. Why can not the Abbott voting machine or eome other equally good one be tried here ia Ann Arbor tbis spring. J. TV. Jones and family entertaimed a party ot elffhteen young people from Ana Arbor lastTrlday night. - PlymoTith MadJ. A man ia like a postage stamp when he Is badly stuck on lilmself, as it were, lie is no't worth two cents for any practical use. It costs the people of tltós iiation hilly $100,000,000 to prosecute and care for lier crimtoals oaeh year. Pretty ooatly mecessity, that. The man whio knows nothing and knows it isn't half so distresslng as the man whio thiinks he knows everythiing amd is, miare ortess, mistaken. At the installatiion of tbe Bev. "W. K. Whiarton, as pastor ol the lst Fresbyteriain church at Ypsilanti, last evening, Bev. J. M. Gelsbon, of thiB city, delivered tbe cbai-ge. Johm C. Wilson was allowed $594 for services rendered the late Horace Carpenter, by the oommissiianers, in the probate court Friday last. M. J. Oavanaugh was Ms attorney. The Ladies' Aid Society oí the Engliish Lrtitberaa church wÜl give a natüofnaaity social at the church on Thursdïiy and Friday eveiungs of this week. An adniiissioii fee will be harged. At the Bbate Savings Bank. John C. "Walz, Jr., hias been promotcd to tibe assistant cashiership, and Bice A. Beal to be bookkeeper. W. J. Bootto retains the management of the bank. Benzonia College has received an offer of $5,000 from the Vnm Arbor B. E., on condition that it ralse $20,000 more with which to establish a summer assembly oa the shores ol Crysteul Lake. Bfehiop. the strollimg actor, who produced "Fate" here, has received a hard though just fate at Adrián, by beding Beiatenced to three years in pnlson for enticing a young girl away from her home. The mcat market of Chas. Zuern, on Washington st., has been purctoased by Emest Jaeger. There hare been several suspecte arrested for Bupposed compliclty in the lames Richards morder. You can. not stop at Petteysville, on the Ann Arbor R'y any more. It has been cut off the list. The Arm Avbor Commandery IC. T., will soon be vtsited by Eminent Oommander E. D. "Wheeler, of Manistee. Joseph Domnelly will be a candida le agaiin thia spring on the 4th ward demooratic ticket for supervisor. Host of the membcis oí the Mystic Shrirae resMing here expect to attend a meetiinig of the order at Detroit Fniïday. Some of our sportiLng peopie who have fast horses willl speed them at a matinee to be held at Whitm'ore Lake on Friday afternoon. The Suniday afternoon service at the Y. M. C. A. rooms was unusually well attended, and the address of Prof. Goodrich rem&rkably excellent. The Royial Bell Ringers at the Presbyterton church next T'uesday evening Feb. 23. This music is sweet and beautiful. Help alomg the Y. M. C. A. fuind by attending. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the CouMty Fair Associafdon Saturday p. m., thie premium list was taken up and revised. Several changes were made especially among the premiums for flowers, and ateo for horses. Au oyster eupper will be givea at the chapel on Wall st., Northside, on Feb. 22, commenciing at 12 o'clock moon, and lasting until 9 p. m. It wdll oost you only 15 cents to enjoy this ïuxury, and oysters served by Northside ladies are luxuries. "Wm. Gerstner, Ann Arbor, has "kneadeil dough" for a long time to. buy a biilSard hall in that city and has finally scraped enough together to get It. He wUl probably be "rolling" in wealth in a sluort time.- Plymouth Mail. That's very tart. John E. Benz, who has for some mioaiths been the genera! secretary oí tho Y. M. C. A. of this place, will be miariiled this cvening, at Winona, Minai., to Miss M. Bllzabeth Miller, The best of wishes will go with this young couple for their journey through liife. The 'Woman's Auxiaiary of the Y. M. C. A., at their recent meeting, chose the ïollowiing delegates to the annual 'conventlon of ttoe Y. M. C. A, at Owösso, on the 25-28 : Mrs. E. S. Eatoa, Mrs. Geo. H. Vond ; Alternates, Mrs. W. W. AVetmore, lira. 0. Y. AVagner. The Municipal Club, at a meeting beid reeeratly, deoided to pledge uo support to candidates m .idvance oí ovd party jnomlnations, but to throw its strenigth to the best man after the ■nomi'iiations shall have been made. They claim to have enough votes to elect or defeat any man they choose. Miss Davidson oí Ann Arbor, assisted by local talent will giive an entertainment in the near future at the Baptist church. Mies Davidson recites in Irish, Duiten and Negro and comes well recommended. Watch for tne date and also the pricei of admission. It wtól eui-pa-ise you- Chelsea Herald. The late Robert Pliiillips had $3,000 imsurance in tlie Maccabees, havilng joined the order whil a resident of Gaylord, in 1890. He also had a policy of $1,000 la the Massachusetts Mutual. These amounts will gjo to hie two brothiers and one sister, hiis miother haviing died since the tasuTance vas taken out. The Plymouth Mail quotes the Couirier Hem about the poor picture of AViilll R. Payne, to a recent issue of the NashviUe, Tenm.., Banner, and adds : "It wiil Payne him to tlünk of 'ït in. tlie years to come, but then he will probably have several litttle Baynes to keep his mind from dweülimg on that." Wonder how the. Mai: ïound out ? In Our Dumb Animáis tor l'olu'uary is a very handsome picture of a dog and cat sitting side by side, aud entitled "T(vo Friends," with this acknowledgement : "We have reoeived tüie abo've most beautiiul picture from Mr. J. J. Goodyear, President of the Ann Arbor, Michigan, Humane Society. We know all our readers ■will onjoy lookijntr at it." The attention of those wlio expect t dispose of articles by lottery is callee to section 9331 Ho well 's Statu tes, fixin the penalty for all who indulge in lol teries, raines, etc., at $2,000, or on year's imprisonment. It' is probubl that parties who have held lotteries o bicycles, horses and other things wer iguorant of sucli a law or they wouk not have transgressed. Two of ou citizens had tickets all sold and every thing all arranged for a lottery, whe up stepped a young fellow and threat ened to have them arrested if tbey Ie the drawing take place. It soems ver probable that they will liave to go t Mexico if they hold the raffie.- Hudso Ti)zet.t.p. The Daily Times is arathority for lic statement tlmt the Arm Arboi : Oo., has i ■i.eived orders froan Minneaiiij'.is lui 30 oar loads of oi--;-aiï.s. The assertion ïhat Oliver il. Martin had ia mlnd uni'ting with the Salvation Army where he boug-lit his new banjo the other Cay, Is strenuously denied by lus friends. The Royal Bell Rtogers at the Présbytemian ohurch next Tuesday evening Feb. 23. This music is sweet and Tteauttful. Help atang the Y. M. C. A. fumd by attendlng. The lodge room of tilie Masonic temple looks almosfc like another place slnce the electric light has been. put In. Th lights were on ior the first time at the party Friday night, and everybevdy praised the effect. Thoise wantiing ticket to the Republfcan Club banquet at Detroit next Monday, sliould procure them of Mr. J. E. Beul, at the Oourier office. The supply is limited, amd tickets must be eecured on or before Friday. iMargaret, widow of the late James Tro u ton, öied Friday last, of paralysis, at lner home an X. Fifth ave., aged 70 years. She leaves thiree ohlildren. Funeral services were beid on Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The ïollowiing officers have been chosen by the Young Mea's Olub of the GoiigregaüoiKU ohurch to serve until May 15 : President- G. F. Allmemdiiimger, vtoe president- O. E. Scliairer, treasurer- E. H. Waples, secretar}-- Beruath Siierwcod. There i-s ome t,ik af nominating Martin J. Cavanaugh of this city, for regent by the coming silver democratie conventijon. Well, they could go fartner and do worse. The only tnouble te, Martin is aot in the habit of being defeated when he runs for office, and lue shonld not ba put up lor sllaughiter. He ie too good a man tor that. The Masonic party last Friday evenlng was a brilliant euccess. There wre over 114 couple present, and the mjoyment was greart. The new electrdc lightiiig maide the temple very briHiaat, too brillian in the lodge room, where the smoke and soot that nad accumulated on the expensdve fresc-oes - from ttoe gas ligtots that had llghited the room for so tnany years -was shiown all too plain. The revival meetings now in progress at the M. E. church, under the of the evangelists, Messrs. Potiter and MiLler, are creating much interest in the oommunity. These tw-o men use sensible and effective metiiods and before they leave Ann Arbor they will snrely lead many to tiim from t'heir errors anid lead pure, sober, honest, Christkui Uves. Every good Citizen siliould rejoice at and help along thieir work. The new Bibte class of the Y. W. C. A., started Thursday evening with five present. The special object just now is to learn how to use the Bible reiidily and intelligently We especially invite those vru are not to attend Sunday School Don't hesHate beoause yon feel tha1 you are ignorant on this subject. We meet together to learn more aboul it than we kmo.w now. Thursday 4 p. ni., aiiid 7:15 p. m. The names of those who have been appiointetl delega tes from this city to the state eonvemtion of the Y. M. C A. at öwosso, from February 25 to 28, are as follows : Earl Stewart Ed. C. Krapf, E. J. Chapín, H. Godfrey, R. L. Flynn, F. Wuerth, A. C Schairer, Wm. Goodyear, Wm. Wi cox, N. Sbanger, A. E. Mummery, Jas Tice, J. A. C. Hildinw, E. S. Gilmore B. B. Jolinsom. The aliternates are Wm. Biggs, H.. Richard, G. G. Stimson, W. B. Phdilips, C. W. Wagner and R. C. AXcAllaster. The Cemtennial Album of Xashville Tenm., issued by that city, is a handsome volume o! tibe ordinary sized page, .-iini contains portrai-ts of the prominent citizens .( tlie city, together wiih piptures oí buildings, etc Among Mie portraits are tho,' oí Wm H. P'ayne, ÏAj. I., ohancelior oí the rniversii.v ol Nafihville and President of Bealbody Normal College ; and al so oí his som Wilt R. Payme, séci-etarj and treasurer o! the same ínstitutions, both ïormer well known citl zens oí Aun Albor. These portraüts and pictures are all excellent works of art and the val-ume Is ane that wil be kept and treasured by those re ceiving it. If Ann Arb:iv had invest ed in omething' ai that kind, instead af the Headlight, it would have been nuoiney in its pockeit.


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