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A fine biaUard rooan is being opened in the Oaok House, by Bd. Oilancy. 3r. Zimmerniíwi amd W. J. Boofch toave telepniones at theilr residences mxrw. The natikmality social at the Engliteh Lutheran Bhurch was a great success. Circuit oourt wJCl open on Monday next, the Jury baiing called for Tuesday. There WÜ1 be come 75 cases oí ell sorts on the calendar. The Odd Fell-ows dance at thedr hall in the Henning b'joek Thursday eveninjg was very euccessful. On Monday aítemoon, March lst, 7lie Political Equality Club will ineet ■wWh Mrs. Soule, 011 S. University ave. H. G. Prettyman oovered himself witli giory la the aatering for the Junior Hop. Everybody pralsed his ■work. The old I. O. O. F. Hall over CuttiMg, Reyer & öo., has been rented by tlhe J. T. Jacobs' Camp Bous of Vetraíní!. On Prtday evening next, at their hall, the members of the Degree ol Honor of the A. O. U. W. witl giive a social aad dance. The cliosiinig ot the lst semester at ttoe Unixersity last Friday, gave ittauy 01 the stiidents a chance to rum boon-e ïor a few days. The Dailly Timies now helloes to its .ll customers throug'h a long Üis■Oamce phone. Which nvaterially shortens tlie long ditsbance to the Tianes office. Bon A. J. Sawyer lnas been app-oáauted a member of tlus "Committer im XCKiisJatioa and "Law Reform," by -Preshlmi't Atkinson 01Ï the State Bar AsHoeiiatian. Th Lady Maccabees are to give an invi'tati'Oii party on "Monday evening faTch let, at theör rooms over the postoffioe. The party wMl not be a miaisquerade, a.s hias bee-n etated. Moses SeaboH was elected a diivector of thie Day Ciity Oías Co. at its reoerat annual meeting. The many stiockliöïdeiis of v,hit company here ■w4H be glad to lcarn this bit onews. Ili? honor the governor-mayor called upon Öhierlfl .Til.s9ii of Ann Arbor one flay last week. and there are some wihio womld say there was a niigger in the fence. - Stwckbridge Sun. Not much. The many friciwls of the gentleman mientioiied in the foHowing Item from the Owwssio Argus, will be startled whien thy i-Oad it : "Dr. John B. Dowdig-aii was arresfoed at the Ooioniaa Fair last eveni-ixg by Offioer AViching, wh'O caught hkn in the very act of R4rtlng with ome oí 'Ye olden tyme' malitis. Hls Jioe was paid by a friend whio liappened to be present, and the doctor was releasod." Very hard to pleaae folks - Hc.und to iret. and scold : S 11 rninr time'fc too hot lor me - Wluter timti'H too cold. Laugh an' never mimi 'ero - Keep 011 miiking hay ; Kvury where you'll fiiid 'em - Let 'm giovvl uwaj'. Saturday forenoon the snow came down in a way tltalt bid fair to reiiicw the sjeiglikvg once nnoire, buit the wind shH'ted to the sauth and npoi;ed it all. A valuable dog lias wine toto the posscsslo'n of AVm. Wiwüioff, who livee a mije no-rbü of Comwell's "Mills. Owner can have same by ) roving puoperty, etc. The Ju'iiiioi1 Hop cout about $1,200 - the maney did sorne good, you eee - tmil the proceeds over and above expense, som-e $200, wiü be given to the Ath'letic Association. TliOáe attcndiing the Burns Anntversary eiiitertiaiiinment at University Hall FrMay evening fram Ypsilanti, wlfil be atole to take the car home from the íront of the Unilversity. If all ciities bad as liv-e a manager of tlieir tetephone exchanges, as Ann Arbor has in the persoin o( Thos. J. Keec.h, there woujfl be Httle kicking. He is atwaya lookiing ou,t for hls customers' interests. ' There we re eome fifty or Bixty memtoers of the State Gas Association in attendance upon the annual meeting last week. The compliment of the presidemcy was conferred upon Harry Douglas of thiis city. The Wayne hiotel, just opposdte the M. C. R R. statilo'n in Detroit, ía one of the best i)n the city, aind moderate in price. If you never have given tihc Wayne a tüïal do so the next time you po down to thie city. We understand tliat Mr. and Mrs. Henrj' Scofiekl who moved to Anu Arbor last fall will return to their farm soutli east of this village in the spring. They liave been keeping a boarding house in the University city. - Clinton .Local. The Michigan División of the L. A. W. onfers $25 reward iov Lnformation lieading tao the oomviction oí any one stealinig a bicycle froim any member o.ï the Bi'vision. This is onüiy one of tlie benefite wheellmen get fi-om belOnging to the L. A. W. iMomday was öbserved by the banks and the postoffice as a holWay. A large n-uunber o f our íepublioan friends took occasion on that day to go to Detroit to attenid the animal banquet of the Michigan Republioan Club, and report a grand tïime. There are Beverai sidewalks on B. Sbate st. that onght to be i-aised several luches liiglier tdian they now are. The orne lia front of the lst ward school building is an insbance. After a lali of snow the sidewalks in miany places are tu-med into deep water way. The "VVeslpyan G-uiM will at once begin tw 1-eceive benefits froim the "Henry Martini Lo'U'd Leoturesliip" recent:,v fbaiilislied. i:-. .To'.ui Poits of Victoria coDlege at Toronto will open the oourse March 14, anid Bishop Powler will lectui-e April Jth. Di'. To-vvnsend of AVaehdngton, will also come lia ter. The condiltion of the sidewalks during the past week has beeni disgraceful. It is the remiark of every stranger who comes here : "Why don't you have a law campellimg people to clean their sidewalks ?" We do have such a law, but no ome to enforce it, thiat's the troable. Other cjties enforce It. Rooco Dtederido, whose name is sugtiestive of romance, bat wliose business is the practical Italian's favorite - fruit and peanuts - ;ound a benumbeid but Btda alive taraintula in a bunci of ba-nuijtiis the athier day. It measured five iuches aefoss, and liad a nest wtlth everai eggs waiting for a thaw. Dr. Boyian has the "aninuali" as tl souvenir. At a recent mieetiing of the board of regents, action was taken which is of to the law departiuient. The l'equirement Aveie rulsed go now it will requiire about the same attainments lo enter ïlie law school as the literary. Prof. G-eorge AV. Pabterson, of the literary faculty was giiven a .vear's ïeave of absence to go abroad. C. H. Van Tyme, cíiss oí 't)tj, wan granted Mie degree of A. B. Peopie iliuterested In a sewer for E. Ann st. should appear at the council rooms Fridiay cveuiing. Here is one of the most thickLy settled portions of tihe city, and if any part of it n.eeds sewerinig tihiat part do'ea. But there wiU be a detemiiined etfotrt t defeat ilt. If the fanns ju the 7th ward needed sewerage, how niuoh more dtoes t'hiB old aind thickly settled piorttan of the ci'ty need it ? The asRessnxemt would lvoib be burdensome ito any property holder, and four years are always allo wed topay for the assessmiMit in. The Daughteis of the Revolution, accompained in some instances by their husbands or gentlemen triends, were handsomely entertained Feb. 22, in honor of the Father of liis Country, by Dr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Angelí. The house was handsomely decorated with American ilags, and with patriotic designs, while the Danghters themselves were arrayed in Colonial costumes, some of which were very pretty and becoining, the powdered hair being especially attractive. The reception was exceedingiy pleasant, and the gracieus hospitality of tlie Presideut's mansión was never more thoroughly enjoyed. We may pralse the greal. new woman, With her strong. developed mind; But we like to have onr motliers Mtill the yo'td old faahloned kiiid. The ïlobart Guitkl are to glve another reoeption on Saturday evening, the last before laat. The Arbor tent team K. O. ï. M., wiil exemplify the new ritual work at Ypsilanti on tshe evening of March 3d, meeting with WoCTerloe tent. Ex-Sherii'f Win. WiaCsh slnns out flgain Monday next, traveüng for the Deering Co's harveBWmg machlnery. He .wiil canvas tuis counity at first. the baggage wagon team of Polheinus's rau away Jast Saturday a. m., and created quitte a Httle flurry of excitement, bat did m especial dlamiage. Tht! anoiual Belf-Deniial meeting of the Wonian's Home MJjsskraary Hooiety of the Coingregiatdon&l church will be held 'chis evending, in the parlo rs o{ 1ihe c huren. llrs M. W. D'Ooge, secretary, anniO'unces tlue aimuial' meeting of the Charttiable Uniion, will be held at Harrtls H'all, at three o'clock on Thursday afternioion, MaTOh 4th. The met)tag at tihe Y. M. C. A. rooms Suiid'ay aïtenioon. was the lairgest ever held FuHy 175 men, yoang and oM, were tliere to hear Mr. Müler, the evauigelist, talk and sang. There %vere se ven who came out for the Öaniour. Gov. Ting-ree's prize of $25 for the law student diisoüverlng tlie greatest number of obseiete laws among the Mioliigan sbatute has been awarded o T. L. Jaootos, of the second year oiass, 'ho fou,nd more than one thundied tiucih laws. The program for the May Festival, complete and lull, wlll be found on tthe 7th page oí this week's paper. It is a charmi-ng musical' monu, and "bo lovers of music wlll be beyond pi-ice. XiO'fchlng superior h,as ever been given in the state. The teaith annual conventdon of the Washteiiaw Counity Bunday Schooi Association will be held in this city on tlue 17th and 18th of March, and e"ierj' Suaday Bchiooa in the county should have eufficLerat interest to be represented. Wake up, and make the meeting a live and big one. The Alpha Phi girls gave a unique party the morniLng after the Junior Hop. Thie you'ing geintileinen who acco'mpa'nïed them we re iuvited in and a ''dawn tea" was served. The guates and candiles furnished what lilght tho ïiisireg eun failed to give fo'rth, and ïhe noveClty of tlie event lent it a wotudrous cliann.. The Poua-th of July will be here ia n few weeks now and thia is the yeax Amn Arbor promises to give tl best o'.d fashioined jubilee blow out celebration the coxuraty has saen in years tund years. All'öw us tio suggest to yur good oltizens fctuaJt now is the time to eommence making arrangements. Let's meet at anee, appoint committees, and Bet to1 work. 'The next cvent of socaal importance wifl be Vbe Comedy club's presentetlon of "The Frirmlte Secretary." A miajo-.'ilty af ttoe fnaternities will take blocks of Beats and several theatre parties are beincr formed. The athietic (board will have charge of the uisberilnig. The cast, which is mder the stage maöagersibilp of E. P. dePo'iit, wi;i luaxe six rehersals a week fi'o'm nxnv on. The thii-d trial of the five Augusta boys, charged wjth disturbing a reaügtous meeting, was up befare .Tustdfce Pond Priday. One oí the boys, CSaude Pool, failed to appear, and hls bO'iid wias declared forteïted ívnd a warrant issued for hls arrest. The ether four vrere tried. Harvey Uose was acquJitrted, amd Lee Rose, Theo, drore Burgess and Oliester liall were oonvicted by 'h(.ni:-y, anl senteneed by Justice Pond to pay $5. fiine and $45 c.O'its, or stand eommLtted to to jadl. The faies have nat been pai 1. Tlie quimtette of jubilee singers ■w-h o recewtBy in Boston at the great anindversary of t-he American Mlseioinary Assoclaition, will vlsilt Ann next wiHk aing at the OongTegatdomal cliurcli om Wednesday eTeniu. One j' tibe ori;;ina.l troupe Miiss Ella Bhepard, jww Mrs. (i-o. W. Moore, i wng'img avíi'Ii tlii.s company. Her husbamd, l!e'. Oeo. . Moore, ilfeld secreta-ry oi the A. M. A.. wUl be present to spaak of 4he work and needs of -Lihe Aasotítattaa. The conoei't wi;i be f ree but a genero us colUection will be expected to aid in extingui'Shmenit oi the debt of the A. JI. A., in this the 50th yOar oi lts existenoe. No ii'ïi.iwler work o-f miissiotiiary oha-racter lins ever been Cone trinan tina t for the colored people of tihe south a.nd later for the Indians aind Chímese. If any inducement to patrondzc this concert were tobe addcd to the eiijoymeut of the wondrous niusH' of vliese famous slagers, it ■wu.i'.d bo 'uhe privilege a.nd duty to loaor and help the agency which is Uiting up these once enslaved Deople.


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Ann Arbor Courier