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For Better Or For Worse

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Ou Thursday evening, at 8 o'cüock, at the parsonage of Zion's church, Rev. A. L. Jiicklas united the lives of Kmcst &eiiert and Miss Doïïy ICrepps, bot'h oí tliiis city. JIii Addie, dauglïter oí Mr. and Mi's. Morbotn H. Baxraws, oí Cedar st., was maraiied on Feb. 17, at the liloine of tlve brkle'8 parents. to M Thomas Potland. of tihte city. Rev. J. M. Gels ton pertormad tlie ceremony. Mr. August Waide'jich and Mis.-s AdcMe Minkley, oí tháa eifcy were m irried cm Wednieisday eve-uing Last, by Rev. A. Ij .Nlctóas oí Ziiaa's ehurch. The coupje went at amoe to tlnetr home 0:1 Ann st., whksh had been furnished and prepared for theiir receptinin. Ou Wednesday cvening Last, at the ■honie of tihe bride's parents, Xo 98 .. Main ut., Miss O:iga Laubengayer was married to Mr. Vincent Crittendieu. The cioupje left at oece 011 the ftl. C. tor thie east 011 a bridai trip. They have hoste of well-wishers here. Tliere has been. qu,bte au epidemie ainong the young and marriageable in taking unto themselves ïu.sbands and wives dariiig Ulie past eek : At the residenoe of the bride's ïnother, Mrs. lorotha Welnuer, Xo. 13, 6h st., on Thursdiay eveoing Feb. 18, Miss Anima. Wehner and Mr. Cari Gauss were unibed in marriage, Rev. Nicklas, of Zion's church perïorming the ceremony. The couple have host of fniends amoaig the young people especiaily, and commeiice liïe with giooid prospecta. The prize exhibitin Randall's window, is very fine indeed. The Agiiiourtural College gets $38,000 trom tJxe U. S. governnient this year, $40,000 ïram tihe annual sale oí lands, and wants $11,000 appropriated by the legislature lor an'electric light plant. Friday's Detroit Free Press had this item : "The soug recital by Gardner S. Lamson, of Ann Arbor, at the residence of Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Chittenden last evening, was as delightful as the two recitals that peceded it. It was most acceptable because Mr. Lamson lias a pleasing baritone, a dramatic delivery and au intelligent marnier of interpreting compositions varied in diameter. This third recital was well attended and Mr. Lamson's efforts met with the warmest approval. He is an artist in every sense of the word and deserving of the success that attends his efforts. The Kalainazoo Telegraph of February 18 contains a long report and criticism of a concert given in that city on the uight previous. (Prof. Albert Jonas, of the University School of Musie, was the chief performer.) Among other highly eomplimentary thintrs the critic says of him : "He compelled his hearera to recognize his exalted position among artists and they agree with the opinions of the best critica that Jonas has not a superior among American pianists except perhaps Joseffy;" "Aside from a briiliant technique and a super-exquisite touch. Mr. Jonas' playing is characterized by intelligent feeling;" "a really wonderful perfornnince." President Whittaker, of tlie Michlgan Fish OomniiBsioin, sent a lake herring, whose efcoanach was fiiled with liftte iish, to Prof. J. E. Reighard. of the Unlvenaty, to ascertain what variety the young fish were that the TOnacious herring were eatIng. The examiination pi-oved them to bo shinare, and noit yO'iing white fish as at fiiret supposed. The he-rring bad -Í8 oí them lux his etomach, thus 'pi-.ov.inji? Iiimseuf a better fishc:inan thia.n eome people we kuow of win. o:Hisi(le:-al',.' to say about tJhieir ablllty to catöh the fininy trïbe. (ra to -cliie herring thou pisoatorial prevarica tor and learü to angle. Some 80 or 90 bretihrea oí the Maso nk' order took a piígrimage to Ypslltoti Moimlay evening, to witnees ■or .take part ta the oexnierring of the 3d degree by a team fiiom Fraternity Jodge. The woirk ivas admirable; the höspitality of the Tpsilanti brothris genenous ; and 110 better celebra-, ■Ou of the 22d was ever onjoyed by blue Tiro Uiers present. The ladies of tihe Easteni Ster ser ved the banquet, and like 250 masons partook of the refreshments, which were TOry ttoe indeed. When it caime to the toasts Mr. L. C. Goodrich, of this dlliy, act-ed is master of ceremonies, and he did it in rigiht royaüi style. The happy event willl be remembered for many a day.


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Ann Arbor Courier