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The Comers And Goers

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Miss Chatre Overl i spejn lasl week in the city. E. F. Mïls has g ne i X ' City on tmski )ss. J. Henry Van Tassel was up t'rom -troit over Sunday. Miss Carrte Ham liug the wei :t. "tt'm. X. r.:nvu tos gome Trayen íess. is vlsitSng trtenás In Dötn ilt. Mre. Morris jüana lias b en ;i i Ia grippe ior i uLt a tta . Mist iieJ Menas last Thursday evemiiig. Mi-s.s Mamle Hine bas reburned from a two m aa - i isit la fca i Geo. I.. - a in ( Leveland Oliiio, 01: bu Miese Luci.lL' O'C tas baeu vifeHing friends iu tlie city. Mrs. L ' iiie Aid : mam and ila ter Mae -were MJ... s reeently. S. A. Mi wan, oi tdie ' . - '■ . ciing. ■Miíss Enana B. B Hurou last week on ïj. O. T. il. business. Itiinan i-;. 1! ' a . ti ■ .'.-' i.y, i.s a nuiii:. üi ■ Piagree iiaauguraJ party. (Sottroii reste tbere. Ot : ;a;ii jias ined to hi Iiom.! [oi several days witli neura'jg Mi98 Mo'rrison oí Iíryaii. Ohio, is tht i-, of Forest ave. Mrs. O. E. Bu1 I - eatertalntng Miíí Mlmnie EDaskins, oi Biratttleboro, Vt. 5rr.s. W. B. Pliátlips has returned lrom a st.ay oí severai. -.v-eeks in New York state. Mise ïessle Sneehian enitertained a fl-umber of lir iibtlo friends last Satarday afternioon. Mrs. OofÖn, oí HEI st., ha:d had Mrs. lü'bie Fumas, oí Fideüty, Ohio, a a guest durinig the week. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Brooks have been ntertainiíig Mise Kuth Pixey, of SlDÉfhtag. 'duriiiig tliie week. Miss Mand Amiiba started icw Big Rapids j'esfcerday, 6'toppimg off at Ann Artoor to vislt friendfi. - Milan Leader. Mr. and Mrs. E. "W. S'taebïer hare had Miss, Berthia Hegge, of Pleasant ant Ijake, as a guest Üuring the week. E. "W. Cady, foremjam, of the A. A. Organ wo'rks, left last week, wiitli his lamï-, ior tbelr new home ia Hanock. Mr?. T. J. Wrraipelmeyer, nes Bwii t, oí San Francisco, Caí1.., spent last week witli her sister Mrs. Mary E. Ix)omis. Mrs. Ed. H. Ebertjaoh gave aa inforinial dancing party for the Delta Tau Delta fraterniity last Thursday eveniirug. Mr. and Mi-s. B. F. Bower, of C'.eve3an!, weOK gueste over Suilay oí liís' mother Mrs. Margare t Bower of X. Ingails st. Mr. and Mre .Chas. Beldtog, ;■ Ann Arbo-r, have been spendtog the week wlth G. B. B&ldiing and otlier friends. - (Xtorton Local. Mr. and Mrs. Jj'in Andrews oí tlie ïsa:thiile, celebrated their wooden .vi i si Tesday evening in a Tery pleasant way. Imoe AVhiünai'sh gave a small party last Saturday eveaimg in honor of hier ;u,es6 frain An;n Arbor, Oarl Andcrson.- MK-nn Leader. Sfrs. Darl Ware, oí the Xorth.sdde, iias g i i ■ to ('lio, Ohiio, to attend the ntarröage oí a brottíier. She expecte to be a'bseoif about two weeks. Prof. E. F. Johnson of the laiv ttepartiaent, left Monday ftxr a visib to the ïaw schools of Cornell, Harvard and other eastern institutlcms. EugMie H. R'obertson, ]4t '94, who Is niow ai Kalamazoo, was in the city "Sloaday, ïooking as hale, happy and hearty as ia the good otd college days. Col. H. IS. Dean left Monday a. m., Tïa the M. C, for AVashingtoai, D. C, to see tbe inaugural amd take part in the parade as aa aide tt the grand ■sjarshal John V. Sheehaa ia in Granel Rápida State Sound Money invt'iiiion. Stowe NeaJ soes to the Inter-High sv - i : AtMetic AsBOciation meeting tu b? ho'.d in Lansdng, Friday, and instructions t bring the coming stiate "meet" here to Ann A:-bor. ik-imiHon Reeves, eap't o[ buildings and granada at t-hie Uuiversity, has goae t.o "Washington to aví:ii sthe inaimurat jüii. and wlH be absent froaii lv.inip severa; weekfi. ölrs. Henvy A. Kyer, who has been n guet o! Mr. aud Mre. X. .T. Kyer f.i a time, returaad hiooie to Seattüe, W.-isi!., Satomlay, aeoompanied bjr M'i-s Mamle Kyer. Hion. E. B. Jewcfci and of Buffalo, Mrs. Paitnd-e Palnter BuekingiKim. and Mrs. K. L. V,. M&Ioni of ■i1, wis-c pueste lst Timrsday oí SÍTB. '. W. Mayiiard. On Friday e-nenSng: last, a number of M'- ODaT-a AUnuMi■. u::' lier a surprise, at the ■ of her father, (7 Faurth ave. The evemiag was a A'ery happy one. Sc] o ; Commi e'önsr Wedemeyer i M'oaday Oviening Eor Detroit, day ï )Mow in Grov. Ptagree's private car tor Wasl :, ftom, .o view the Inaugural cc. emonies. . !■'.. P. .Tahmson started ior Washington yesterdmy, goliig by the -f Cantón, wh re by i vi ation o MrKiiilry lie will joia ihe ]i ■ he l ri.p.-


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