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Ypsianti News Items

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Ben,. Boyc.e, .Tr., a-rrivexl Tlvursday. A. A. G naves lias a liew telephone No. 91. I'onr weeks ïroin raext Motidfciy is elect'iloii. Mj-s .Sarah Harding has retunied f rom Illtaote. A Chiban Gag is beling displayed by P. W. Shute. The Y. W. C. A. ba a, chorus of süme 40 voices. F red Green, went wa,y up to Oadiïlac t.o attend a swell party. Representatie CampbeJl addressed tihe Grange here Saturda-y p. m. Miss Mabel Allen has refcurned from a vteM wi'th her sister ia Jackson. The Light Guards porpose to put on "The Bhenandoiah" before long. The Epworth Ieaguers made $20 by tlie snpper they served receatly. The perfoi-mance of "Olirette'' has been postponed untW March 11 and 12. The sum of $10.30 was realizedi by the Cturistian Endeavor sociail at Mrs. öwlffs. George Coaner is P. M. now for Cherry HM. A new P. M. if nob a new comer. Dr. Boone BpWt last week with the leg-Lslators in Lanslog, furtliering the Normal interest. Mrs. Tina Ballard. has returned home from an extended visit --ith her diajughters ioi Chicago. It is expected tliat the mineral bath house wül le refibted and In running order by May lst. Onlly about 50 people attemded the 1 eet ure oí Hun .Jas. W. Steele, on Cuba, last Thursday even&ng. A oopy of the DebroAt City Directory for 1855. hias been laaned to the Detroit Art Loan by DoCpn McGregor. Tlue new telephone oampany is eaid to have uipwards o( 50 eubscriibers already. In ooimpetHtion tbere is profirt- for thw people at any rate. Th-e choir chapter oí St. Luke's chiurch gave a "last social befare Lcnit" at Dr. Jas. Huieston's residence Monda y evenhig, and it was a joúly ffiffair. About 125 couple were present at the J-i. C. B. A. saai} and Janee Thursday evening. Jas. E. Harkins of Amn Arbor, pleased the crowd Avinh his typioad songs, as be always does. JIi-s. J. H. Richards, of Aspen, Oofl., wiuo has been the guesfc o{ her Bdeter, Mrs. M . T. Wooid'ruif, for tihe past three weeks, has gane to OvM, where she wKl remain for a Vime prior to her return home. - Seaitdnel. Mï". Glen C. Lawrence, ■wlio recently purchiased a fruïb farm jast west of Ypsilaaiti bas beeni appointed to a pioaitioii in thie custom Jiouse at Pb'rt Huron, luaviimg stood over 90 in the civil service examiniation. He ís a Sformal gradúate. - Ypsilantian. Kan. Geo'ige reiates ooie of lus experieinces -vhiie teaching. He one Üay reoeived a tebter frewn an indigna.nt mother whioh read : "'My boy came lnome with Iiiis head cut open by a bigger boy. I wish you wou:id ilook rato it. I send my boy to school to learn bnains, not to liave them knocked out."- Daily Times. YpsiJiniti is getting to be a great sbSpping point ïor scock and Thurstkiy is "stock day" at this point. It is esb.1smia.ted by the buyers and shippers thiat $4,000 worth of hogs, sheep and oattjje are sent out oi Ypsdlanti ty iiie neighboi'iing farmers every Thursday. This may seem a litKe iaicrediiiiable ab first but a visit to t he raiiroad on Thursday momings wiUl convimce tbs most skeptical of the truth of the statement.- DaKy Times. ' . The iuiteresüiiig intelligence ii br'ought by carda of iaviitation tbat Mayor HarJow D. Wells is to be marrk'd niexi Tuesday altenxoon Maren 2. The fortuniiate lady 1B Miss Violette D. RJggs, of BeJleville, who graduated fnom Cüeairy Colige Beveral year ago. Affcer the oeremony, Mr. and Mis. Wells will go om a trtp to Wiashiimgtom, wliere vliey -wiHl attend the inauguratiion of PreeWeoit McKinley, aaid wlii spend a week in the east, retuimng to iHeir hiandsotme home In this city.- Oonimi-i-cia.!. Of the Bev. Kobert J. Yoang, to ■niluorn a caül has been extended froiu tne Oongregaiional chureli, the merciiiaJl says : "Mr. Yomng pr&ached lnere a few Sumdays agio, and was very mucli lïked. He is a gradúate of tihie UmtVerslty of Michigan, as is his wUe, a daughtser of Deaooia Lane, of the Fiirst Congrega t i oraal elmrch of Detroiït. He has been. in editorial work In. Detroit and Chicago, we understand, several years, and has eerv1 eome years as assistant pastor wíth Dr. Keed in Chfoaigo, and was oa?led to the same posit-ion ia charge of a large missiom wh.en the Jr. iveait to PittstmTgii. Mr. Young is highïy oommended ïrom all sources." Last Saturday JOOVoiBg'e enow stio'iin pradueed a curdous effect upon the ri'ver. The water was just at the temperature where the snow fallIng into it wouid neither melt nor form tobo ice, an,d the rapid precipit)atii0Ti soon covered t.hie suirface of the tihe still pOTid with a blanket oí snow stained by the water t3' the color of wnbleachied cottoni. Thds floateü slowly down in great sheets, rods across, broken here and there, and wtiimkled into ecmnt-less folds by tdie eddies. By tbe ;time it veached Deubel's dam and began to clog the flume, the soggy blanket was tliree iinclies tliick, a'a-d looked exactly like a great Bheet o'f loosely felted, yeliowish wool, quáte puzzling to many whio siaw tb and did jiiot know what it was. - O0mmeTciiail.


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