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Pioneer Days In Saline

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The last issue of the Observer had this tio B'iy in re.u'atxl to OHM ol' the oíd eettlere of tliat place : "It is a pieasure to silt dnwn and converse with nu ojd pioneer, and listen and learn oi tüioiir carly life, whicli vas fEled Avitli liardshlps, exposure, pleasure, brLïht aaticipatiions and variotie otlicr sflb}ec.ts. The liie of a pioneer as comparad witli iho yiffuug of to-day was a veaituresonie task and wcrald in many cases go beggtatg, few would care o-r lare stort out as did mtwiy of our forefathers, toto 'he far west, which was then a dense and heavy timbered forest, lïiwetfted and wild, with perhaps a yoke of oxen, a thfafc of a wagon, am ax, et-ev kettle, p'ossiibly a cow and a email stock of eatables, such as they were, and the famiJy. But there were mainy wio ÖAd it, and aüthough they had no shelter except the wagon cover, they enjoyed !t, aiiul were a heaj.bhy, hearty peopie. 'Whieu AVan. Krainard carne to Salino in 1834 he foand bub four buildings in tlie place, only one of which, the McKinnon store, reniains. Tliere ■was tShen standing where the Hannon house now stands, an oíd log tavei'n kept by Mr. Hidon. Th.ere-was a log house whcre H. W. Basset t now Uves. "Mr. Iirainard spenib his first winter on the Joe Feather farm, their only diet being potatoes and milU -with roaste-d acoras steeped íor coffee. Out subject wns bom iai Monroe county, Xew York, 1824. Hifi faJjtbiul companion who has shared many ot the hfindshlbs of pioneer life with him, was boni in Mount Morris, X. Y., 1828, aud came liere with lier parents ini 1833. Since their mariiage in 1S47, ttiey have been residenbs lire, and on the -ith aï March Biext w-El. if all is well, enjoy thir 50th antóveraarj'. During the year 1832 Mtb. Braioard's fatsher, Isaac Jowett, built the York mili, ais a pon-tien of the old tavern now occupiied by John Gille-T and famlly." The Ann Arbor Courier. II il i jm. J-i _- K. II


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Ann Arbor Courier