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The Anti-saloon League

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To the Honorable "Warren E. Walker, Mayor of Mie CSUty of Aran Arbor, iMioliiiran. The uiiUr;;neil. Inving been appitfaxbed a oommlttee by the AntiSa i n TA-aii-ne for t;hfi purpose of preeenrttog tlie i;:ioving petition to your Ho'nor, wouM reepeotfully resentt as ïoülffws : Ynar coimmitteo baring been infonned by said Iieiaigiiie t.liat ia our city tliere liave lieen frequent anti constant -rtoOationfi of tliE proviions oï tbe general liquor law of tliis state, beinir Act Ho. 313 of the laura of 1SS7 as amended by Act No. 93 of the I,aws of 1S95. and also being Section 22S3C4 oí 3 Howell's Aunotateld Stotutes of Micfaigan, and cspecially tfeat there were repeated violatüioTus of Sectioai 13 of toid Act forivüddbas? the sale oif intoxicating liqmors t'O minors, and of Seetiou 17 of eaid Act requirlag aüJ salooois to be closed om Siundays, on clection dnys mul leg-al ho-lldays, and on feach ■eek öay nífe-ht frcwn an:l after the hur of niine o'olock until Beven o'c?ock of the mornijng of the succeedtmg rtay. etc. Your eommittop instituted the necessary iiuquMes aawj have ascertainOd that these pro'rieioins oí this ï-uatute have been constantly and openly Vbrtated in owr ciity as is clearly sluown by the anexad alfidavits. Yout petiiitionevp wonlfl also vespectfnlly cali your Honor's abtention to Sectton. 40 of tlie Charter of our ci'ty which in part reads as foHows : "It shall be his (the nxayor's) duty to exerti-se Bupei-viston over the Bevenall departonents of tli city government and to see tlia-t the laws relating to the city amd the ordiaances amd regulatdons oi tihe Common Coun ci'l are enforced." Your comniittee furtlu-r respectfu'. ly represent that they have prepared ttiis petíttoa and the affidavits attached to the same foir t-he purpose of slicftving your Honor thcit the laws ol the State were being constantly aiwl o'penly violated because they beHeved tlvat your Honor as a citizen oí out city and lts clüeí executive ofíioer liad tibie best taterests and we faic ol the city at heart. and wouM be desirious oí períormiuivi your i taes as vequired by t-lie city Charter and diligently eniorce the laws of the State eimcted fotr tlie general welSan-. Your petitioners vouM iurther respectlu-ly represerat to your Honor tluat they Jiave pieseiated this petition bacause they believe it is a much better pioiiey to have the laws enfoiroed by the constiltuted autho.rities who are olected and appointed ior ttot by the people of our ci'ty, tather than by the action oí individual citizens independent of constiauted authorities, ivnd they therefore pi-ay that your Honor wïl enforoe the prm iisians of this Statate. Dated, Féb. 18th, 1897. W. S. PEKRY, WM. X. BKOAYX. .T. T. 8UNDEKX.AND, V. N. 6PALDING, W. W. BEMAN, X. W. CHEEYER. STATE OF MICHIGAN,( ga (Jouuty of Wtuhteaw S Wïiard A. Wtoeelwr, benij? sworn, says that he was twemty years of age on Octcyber 8 Ui, 1896, ttet he lias aiways resMed ia the city :L Anti Arliur, Michigan, amd mnv resides at Xo. 13 Sou tli' Ingalls st., in said city. That lie ïa maurted, liis ïamily constets oï a Aviíe and oma cliild, by a (oi-nier liusbaiid, atiout four years old. Deponent further eaye that on Monday, February 8th, 1S97, he purchasefd whiiskey and wiine at the fovlowing iiamed gaioons ïn said city oL Ann Artvor, Via.: At ■Rcimold's oai AVest Washington st., at Micharl F. Schaible's 16 South MaJai st., at En G-olz 6 East Ann et., at WiílLam a.nid Jacob G-winner's 4 Detroit et., at Hugti P. Shi.ids' 16 Fuller 'st. That deponen t beoanie very much iwtoxioated ty drinking these liquors and 'was bo despiomdent on that account that he took a large dose of ohaoraiorin so tlmt his life was endangered, and his liie was sa ved only by the Oartiest efforts of Doctors S4mon N. Yutzy and C. K. L.ahuis, who were oalled to treat deponen. W. A. WlIliEl.ER Subseribed and sworn to before i rae this lot ti day of February, Vss. A. D. 1897. Noah W. Cheevek, Notary Public for Waslitenaw couuty, Micli STATE OF MICHIGAN,! County of Washtenaw. ( Dr. C. Iv. Lalruiis beiug duly. sworn, says thiat be is a praetlctag physictea, 'resid'es in t'his city o'i Au nArbor, Michigan, and has nsiled in said city tour anid a-haií years, fchat he IB a gradúate fr ma fchie iledical Department of the Uni'versilty af Mlchigüva, t'hiat he is oow actüag as assistent to Ir. Martin of thie Medical1 partmenl oí the Uruíverslty oí MichiSíin aml makes tlhe foCKwing statement in regard to W. A. "Wiheeler, whio resides at No. 13 S. Ingails gt. tu salid ity o'r Ann A.rbor : It was oa.lled crer t.tere to eee "Mr. W. A. WiheeCiei' tJve eveniing oi Véb. 8th, aixcl tound Ir. Yutzy and two medical students attendins hini and Mr. Wlieeler comilng ooit from under Bhe influenoe oí chloroform. They ünformed me that whöa they carne tihere, they liad íound hihn wtth a "tOTvel over hfe faee saturated with chJOTOtorm, that a bottle was y his Kide lateled "Chloroform," that lie was "uuconscious at t!ie time, and from wtoat they teil me ihat hls resjiii-atkMis; liacl Btopped. Tliat they sept up artifïciaa resplratloa for some time to resusailtnte him, and -when 1 .oame tlicro lic was breathing natluer heavlqy int coming out uicely (rom Mie cffects of chloroform. From toe Info mmt ion I received from Ir. Yutzy and tite twn m I: .■!'. studente whio were him. it i my opinión tliat he wou'. il aavi (lied from ■tlie effects o? chloroform if ñe liad not liad medical assiistance. 1 arrived at Mt. WheeCer's bouse abooit eiziit o".oEk in tlip ovLMiinj; and romained until after twelve, and I o-bserved tiliat liis broath saneuled very strong of liquor, a:nd tliat there was a strong odor of chloroform on the towel lie had on hie face. Mïb. Wheeler, hls wiie. inïornied me tha.t lie was intoxioated -rheai he ctuvae home. Bome tinie ago, I do not remember Just the time, I was oailed in to treat Mrs. Wheeler's sister fox a badly bmfeed cyo, whiöH had bsen Imrt by yiv. AVlieeler while he was in a state of intoxicatiom. Tlve oye was swo'.leii badly bo tluat thie lady could mot open it at ttoe tlmie and it was iraHamed for abo'ub a week. Irs. WJweler and Iver siister both informed me that Mr. WhieelP carne home very n.ruh ntiilör tliip. inflnence of Hfluor, eend that lie becams suígry about so me small matter and struck at Mrs. "Wheeler and the sister stepped in betweeu tbtem and received the f o ree of the blow ou her eye ais above stated. I nm iniiomipd by his wife, MreWheelCT, tüiat when Mr. Wheeler is lie i- vry ug3y amd uninanageab'.ie iln hls Ptnbperibed nnd sworn to bpfnre ) me tliis löth dny of Fobrnary. Vss. A. D. 189T. Noah. W. Chkeveb. Nolary Public for faid county. There te also attaohed to the petitton, affidavits by Pei-ry F. Trowbrffldge, Pnof. V. M. Spaldtag, Rev. J. T. Sunde.ria,-nl, Irvlng B. Edwards and Irr'mg M. GoodwLii. sliowing that a. large number of the saloons in Ami Arbcvr vio'jate tha pvoviidons of the State law ia regard t the Jnour of openJaig and closing saloons.


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