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Laboring Under A Delusion

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The artácte ia last week 's Oonrier headed, "Is Suekey Innocent ?" has created quiilte a little stir herea-boute, tJie more eo pertiaps, from tihe fact tlhat papers oiitisilde the city have takeoi tibe tluing up, en'jarged upon it, amd jumped to oonclusioas without 1nregtigattlag the matter, and thus maile seiiiions charges. The OO'iMiiier last week simply gave the O'pdnkm of a prominent citizen as to the innoeence of Mt. Suekey. Tliis man we believe was Bincere in what he tlnO'Ught. Sinoe that articlte came out the Oouijer made ioquiries and iuvestigatioiiis thiat pro ves ooncl'usively that éuch a sta,te of affatiirs as inidicated by our tnifoTmant couM not possibly be so. There were olnarges ma-de by Mx. Siiekey, in tliis way, fur ïnstance, "To myse'rf," - date amd day giren, coverImg aimoanit'S altogetluer in the neighbiorhood of $3,000. Tlien agaaiii anobhier reaable gentiümnm asked about the matter said : "Your inifartmiaii'b must be mistaken. "Mr. Suekey caime to me beíore his defadcatioa carne out and coniesssed his conditiooi, saying tliat when he took ttoe jnaaey lie expected to liave a iegacy ípomi the otó country, whdcli -"ouid more than make it g-ood.' He tliireaiteited to b'Low lids brains out tut I tolid luim to j?o at once to his ü-ondsmen, make a cuean breast of tlie whiol'e aflair, and ae't manly about it, whic-h lie Xlid.' ' Thiere are other evldences that lead us tin be'Jïeve tluat thiere eould be. do onc to Mamie tav shorbagei In Mr. rfuekey's acoounts but Mr. Suékey himseli.


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Ann Arbor Courier