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Circuit Court Proceedings

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Tlie following cases havo been disposed of iu the circuit court upto to-day : The People vs. Gustave Brehm. Violalion of liquoi' law. Caso diseontinued, upn p;o - ment 01 costs. The Peop e v Carlile P. MeKinstry. Embezzlement. Continued until uext term. The People vs. Georce Wetdlelch, vlolattön Of llquor law. Uiscontlnued on payraeul oí COS Ui. The ïV'ople vs. Tiniotliy L&ne. Aasaalt and battery. Continued. The people vs. Riley Siali'.ird. Rapo. Defeudunt lilscharged. The i-'eople vs. (Jhanncey Van Vleet, Alox. Parr and ChanceY (.tuIï'cU. Larceny. (iulick dtscharged by Prosecutmg Attorney, uid Vau Vleet and Parr, 011 paymeut of $96. Tlie People vs. Henry EIUs. Bastardy. Verdict oi not Kullty ordered by Uie co;u t. Tlie People vs. Louif Tales. Hastardy. Order strikeu from the docket The P&ple vs. George Brown. Rape. Senleuced tu 3 yeara iu state prison ai Jaofcsou. The People vs. James Hideout. Larceny. B ntenoed toOodays in iali. The People vs. Bale HntchiiiiïOti. Barglary. Verdict not guilty. The People vs. Karl Nash. Barglary. Senteaced to tlii'ee yeara iu states pri0n. The People vs. CIihs. Tremper assult wlth i 'tent iu kili and marder. öeuteuceed to two yeats at Jackson. The People vs. John O'Grady. Rape. Coutiiuiod. The People vs. Jacob Schniid. Vioiatiou of liquor law. Del'endant paid fine of $15. The People vs. Fanny Schermerjorn. Assault aud battery. Contiuued. Caieb Eatou vs. Wm. E. Bell. Continued. JohnH. Campbell vs. The Estáte of Win. D. Campb-11, deceased. Appeal. Judgment foi pla1ntlfffortl09 2. Win. V. Bowdish vs. Addison C. Collins. Appeal. Contiuued without costs. Johu F. KUswortb vs. Martha Caplln Trespass on case. Verdict of Í-H2 for plaintiff. Elleu Reiley vs. fliram March. Stricken from Ihe docket. Minnie M. Vanderwaker vs. Mary A. Locker. Replevir. Coatinued. National Supply Co. vs. Jacob F. Scliuh. Appeal. Continued. Meivin A. Case vs. Joseph Riedel, et al. Foreclosure. .Vetiled. Win. K. McGregor vs. Abfaxa Matthews. Decree grauted for coniplninaut. Ann Arbor Brewiug Co. vs. Anu Arbor R. R. Co. Continued. Tiinothy McKune vs. James S. Gorman. Coiuinued. August Meusing vs M. C. R. R. Co. Verdict nu cause for aetion. Twenty days time grauted to move for new trial. Manie; J. Furuain vs. Thos. Rauschenburger. Verdict for defeudant. Hattie M. Bond L. S. & M. R. R. Co., Contiuued. The LJeople vs. i'rauk Fuller Nolle pros, eutei'ed, J. N. Smith vs Caleb Eaton. Contiued upon paynieiitoi $IU. Seems as ií couisumption aïways pícks out the bi'ightest and best. tfu'ily ome-sixth of all the deaths that occur in the worM axe caused by consumptilüin. Many things -vere once oomsiidiered impossiíKíe. It would be stnainge iï medioal sciience dld raot. nxake soine progi'ess. The telegraph aiii'd t eleplTjaiie, the phonograph, the electidc lúght - all were oace impossihe, and oace ib was impassible to cure oonisumpliom. That was before the time of Ir. Pieroe's Golden Medical Disoorerj'. Takea according to ddi'ecti'oiis, this etanidard remedy wCJ cure 98 per cent, of all cases of consumptáion. Coaisumption Ís caused and fOíteTed by iimpuxity inthe blood. Ifc i cured by tbe "Medical Díscotery." It builds up solid healthy flesh and Mioi'ouis strength. Dt. Pierce's Oommon Sense Medical A-dTÍser, a 1008 page medical work, profueely illustrated, will be sont ou receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover postale only. Addi'ess, WotW's Dispensary Medical Association, Buífalo, 3ST. Y.


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