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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FKVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Ttoe majoríty otf eufferers from AstSimia 'aad kindred eoinplaiiiits, after tiyIiag doctors and nuimJberless remedie advertisod as positive cures wiühiout avail, have eome to tike conclusión bhiat tihere is mo cure íor tliis' most disbressieg disease, and tliese wunt persons wül le tlie more iai dOTibt and skeptial when tliey leam thromgb the columns oí blie pross that })r. Rudiolph echiHiníuin, tlie recognized apthiou'ity who has trented more case oí tSiesu diseases tüian any living doctor, han aohieved success by perfect Ing a remedy whitóh not ouly glves lmmediato relief in the worst; cases, but has posiltively cured tlhous&nds of buIíei'ers whio were cons6dered incurable. These Xvei'e juist as skeptiical as some of om' readers now are. Dr. Scnillmaim's remedy niO' dioubfcpossesses the merit which is claimed for it or ha wo'uld njot autaorize this paper to annoimce that (he iis n.ot only willing to gh-e free %o eaca person suffering fnoni Astihma, Hay Fe'ver of Brondhi'tte In Ulxis city, one liberal "frea trjal hos" of nis Cure, but urgently request all sufferers 10' cali at Goodyear's Druig Stiore. Ann Arlwr, witlhin tjhe next three days and receive a packiige absolutely free of charge, kmowing thiat tn making the claim he dioes for h!s Cure, a strong doubt Tnay arise in 'the minds oí many.and that a personal test, as he offers to all, ■111 be more coavviinclng, and prove lts merfts, ffluao tHie publishlng of thousands of testimonTals from peraoDS who have been permanently cured by the use af liïs Asthma Cure. "Dr. Sohi'ffmrinn's Asthma Cure," a it is called, has been sold by dnigffist of th'.s etty evers tace 1t was flrst Introduced. alth.ough many portons may never have heard of it, aand it is wlth a v!ew to reachin:1; thee that he makes thiis offer. This ia certakily a mort gemeroius and fair offer, and all wh are sxifferilng froim, any of the above oomplaiinbs eihould remember tlie date and place wiiere the dlstiríbuMon will be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persons ltvIng out of this city who desire to test the effüeocy of this most wondertul remedy wijl receive a pnckage free by wrüflmg Dr. Bchiffmonn, 330 Rosabel street, St. Paul; M:nn., providimg thelr letter is received before Oct. 16th, as na free samples can be obtalned after that date. LESS TIIN ONE GENT EACH An ■ nr nuiypr for subscribers nfltlL ÜnflRUL OLD AND NEW. 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press makes it posstble for us to save some money for every reader wlio takes advan tage of tbis opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE ANN ARBOR CüURIER AJS'D THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for $1.5O. ils Wi83 ft ÏÏSBft hm kïm Is the Best I'ossihlo substitute for Daily Paiier. Publishcil on Tus(la' a'xl l'riilav MoriiingB ia t'iue to catch the Kaiiy Traiiis. All the Latest News np to the tlinn ut soini? to pri 88. Complete Jlarkei Iïeports I ench l88sue. áll who canuot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press Is offertn? Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscrlbers, and you can easlly save the cost oí both papers by taking aclvantage of THE MANY BAR6AISS OFFEBED. WKIÏE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No üther Way ('an You (jet kn Mach For So Little Maney. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DEL&Y. Estáte of Lucy A. Nowland. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesslon of tbe Probate Court for the County of Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Ofllce in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, tlie27th day of January in the year one thousand eight huudrcil and ninety-seveu. Present, H. Wirt Newklrk, Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Lucy A. Nowland deceased. William Goodyear exenutor of the last wlll and testament of Raid deceased, comes into coart and represents that he is now prepared to render ais flnal account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the 2(ith day of' Febuary next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examinlng and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs-atlaw of said deceased, und all other persons interested In suid estáte, are required to appear at a sessioa of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate ofBce, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it Is further ordered thut said ejecutor Rive notice to the persons interebted in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cnusiug a copy of this order to be pnbllsbed In the Ann Arbor CourIer a newspaper priuted and eirculatingin said county, three successive weeks prevlous to said of hearing. A true copy.] EI. Wirt Nkwkirk. .ludge of Probate. P. I. Lehman, Probate Register. Wanted-An Idea LES Protect your Ideas: they may brlng you wealtn. Wrlte JOHN 'WEDDEKBORN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C for ttaelr $1,800 prize offer and list of two hundred luventioua waated.


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