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Y. W. C. A. Notes

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Did you meet a new gin at the bunïay meeting? Did you find that she i ved not far f rom you? Did you ge t icquainted with her, and invite her iown to the rooms with you next time? The invitation committees have great ipportunities along this line, and when ;hose who are not on the committee ïelp also, niuch more can be done. If tou liave time to make a few calis this iveek oi' next, ask the General Secretary, or Mis. McClaren for the ñames af some girls they would like to liave you get acquainted with before the next linar. 1 meeting. ïliree new members srere voteil in ast month. There ought to be a dozen this month. How mauy will you briiiLT? The girls of the White Cross Society are to visit us next Sunday. They were here once before and we know something oí the noble work they are doing. While we have not thonght it wise to organize a branch of this society in the Association, we do say to tbem : " Your heart is . as our heart, give us your land," and we are hand in hand in this ork of raising the Standard of true omanhood to such a white level that o besmirched manbood will appear jeautilul in her eyes. llie üay is passïg when ignorance is counted as virtue. s an association our aim is preventive, nd we heartily co-operate with swch ork as tliese White Shield girls are oing. Miss Hose Wood-Allen is the aughter of one wliom the Y. W. C. A. tas listened to thoughtfully and learned o love, and we are glad to welcome her o our rooms next Suuday. Only two inonths more until the nnual meeting comes again. What is our idea for the anniversary? Write down and send it in the next Board leeting. Only about three weeks beore that Board meeting. Chairman of ïat committee, do yon realize that a ■ritten report must be fortluioming? [ave a good committee meeting, (sup)ose you have a oommittee tea,) and ïave fiist-class month's work to make a rst-class report from. The Thursday evenilng Bible class begtas thfe week to stody Cheist's Uiie in Gaiilee, tiaking lik. I. ast a center. Maps, picturs, storles of Palesttae and Bitole times, wUl make v-ery pieasamt hours tor this ïree class. Visiteurs welcomie. Place- assembly room. Time 7:15 p. m. AYe toa-ve aetuaJly been t.old that s-onie have thouight our Sunday meetings weue onjy open to onr members. Our meeting is "WIDE OPEX to (U] women, iaiterested ar wlCling to become so, old or youmg, black or white, rdch or poor. Our invitntion i3 especially t)o yommg wonn-wi, but we are giliad to' 6ee otluers. W tMnte a R-reat deal of tibe mtïtlners idi our associataan. S'om-etime w'Te gotng to have a rece-ptiiiom for tti&m. If yon hesitate to Oome to a strange place alone, just try us eoimieSunclay trom 3 to 3:30 ■n'hen owt me&ttng opens. PuiSháix? open our door you wül iind yiourself iin a little private hall, and win usually be greeted at oince by elneaiT-faoed girts v.-iiio will set you at yiou'i' ease before you kmow iit Coime amd eee ïor yonpeif, iit ifc is.n't true. ! i


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