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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Tbe majoi'lty oí srafferers írom A.sthma and kiudi'ed eomplanUs, aiter tryiiig doctore and nmnberloás remedie aiivoi'üised as positiva cures without avail, liave come bo t'he conclusión thiat thei'e ia no cure tor thiis most diistres.síaig disease, aud lliese same persons will be the more Lu doubt and sfceptóeal wheu tliey learn througfc ilie columns oï Mie prees that i)r. Radolph BcüJííiuann, the reeognized aptliorlt.y who has treated more case of theso diseases fchan any living doctor, toas aohJeved success by perfecting a ïemedy which not only givea iinmediiatu relief in the worst cases, but bas positlvely cared tihousa.nds of buííerer.s wtoo were eo.nsiidered incurable. Thieee Mr ere just as skeptlcal as soma of o ar readers now are. Dr. ScMllmanii's remeuy 110 doubt possessea the meri-t whioh Is clalmed for it or he would iijot authorize this paper to aunoimce that he is n,ot only wüling bo give free t,o each person ouffering trom Asr.hma, Hay Fe ver of Bromoibltis in Oliïfe clfy. Mie liberal "free trial Uox" of hiis Cure, but nrgeatly requesU all sufferers to caïl at Ooodyear's Drug Stio-re, Aan Arbór, witlhiln tthe next three days and receive a package absolntely free of charge, knowing that lti making the claim be dioes for his Cure, a strong doubt may arise in tihe minds of many, and fhat a personal test, as he offers to all. will be more comvtncmg, and pr-ove its merits. than the puUllshlng of thousands of testniioniínls from prso-ns who have been pennanently cured by tího ne of his Asthma Cure. "Dr. Scíhíffmrinn's Asthma Cure." M ít lí called, has been sold by dniRRlst oí this City Oversinee it was first Introduced. alttwngh many pnrons may never have heard of :t, and it ie vrlth a view to reniöhtea: thpe that h makes this offer. This Ís certainly a most generares n.nd fn.?r offer, and nll who are Buftertng froim n;ny of the n.bove complaints Rhonld remember the dato nnd pla-e wiiere the dtetriibiii Ion wlll be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons livhtg; out of this city -who desire to test ttie efflloacy of thi-s most wonderfnl remedy 31 receive a pnelenge free by -writing to Dr. RoMffnrnTin. 330 Rosaível street. St. Paul, M!kit., provi dtog thelr letter Ia reccíved before Oct. lGth, as no free samples can be obtained after that date. LESS THAN ONE CENT E1GH MiRE CHIME KSJK818JÜÉ" 156 FOR $1.50 Au arrangement Just made vvlth Tbe Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some money for évery reader who takes advantoge of this opportunity. We undertake to furulsh THE Al ARBQR CjURIER AND THE TWICí-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for 8B1.5O. Tiis Mh-ú h Press IstlinBpst Possible Suhstituic iur a Itally Pancr. l'ublisheil on Tm sday and l'riilm Jíorninna ín t nip t eatrli thc Karly Traína. All tlic Latest News up lo (lie time ot !?oin;{ to ir ss. Complete Barkel Rpports In each IsSRiie. ■11 who oannot (rot a Daily shoiihl Subscribe for this Ideii Newspaper. Tlie Free Press Is offering Premium at Special Low Ratea to Suoscribers. and you can save the cost of both papers by takinx ttdvautage of THE MANY BARGAIXS OFFEKKO. WKITE THE5I FOü A SAMPLE COPÏ. In No Other Way ( an ïou et As Jluch For So Mttle Monpy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Estáte of Lucy A. Nowland. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Washteoaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Courtfor the County of Washteiiaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdtiy, theZUh day of Jauuary lii the year one thousand eiht hundred and ninelj'-seven. J'reseni, II. Wirt Newklrk, Judgeof Probate In the Matter of j the Kstate of Lucy A. Nowland deceased. Wflllain Goodyear executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes inlo cciurl and represenls that he Is now prepared to reuder hls final account as guch executor. Thereupon tt is ordered, that Friday, the 2(ith day of ITebuary next at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigued for examinln and allowing such accoiint.and that the devlaees, legatees and heirs-at law of said deoeased.and all othcr persons iuterested lu saul r-state, are requlred to appear at :i session "f said Court, then to be holden at the Probate offlee, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eounty, and show cause, if there be, why the saiil account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said executor glve notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said acconnt, and the hearing thereof, by cauRlng a copy of this order to he pnblished in the Ann Arbor Conrier a newspaper printed and circulatlög In said eounty, three successive weeks prevlous tosaid of hearing. ] A true copy.] H. WlBT Nkwktrk. Judge of Probate. P. I. Lehman, Probate Register. Wanted-An Idea s IBU1IIUU mi IUQU thlngtopaten Protect, your Ideas; they may brlng you wealth. Wrlte JOHN WKDDERBDBN & CO.. Patent AttOtw neys, Washington, D. c. for thelr 1.8uü prlze otter and list of two hundred iuventions wanted.


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