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That Constitutional Amendment

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The Argus jmnps 0:1 a typographical error whdch appeared in. the articJe-cwi ÊH-urdeonts Votting, whe-reln 2,100 wasfcummed totO 1,000 and raakes a. Mg hanidle of the Ccmrier's aritlimetfc. Oí course the mistake made the artíllele igune out la rattoer a ludiilci'ous marnier. But take the íigures ais tlncy Bh'ould havo been gifven, and were wriKt-en in t'lue copy, and the Tact? are wifch the O) ariër just t'he samie. The Counier Js aot ia Savoff ol glvlng the entdü-o body of students a rlglit to vote here in Ana Ai-bar, as tlie Argus would nrake 51011 bsliöve. Xeither is ib ïn iavoi" of glviag a'Jl thosei who are of t'he liagal age a íiiglit' to vote ■nene, but Ut i.i in favor, and very much la favor, of dealilag justly by a number -vlio are here aud have 110 other home, and who are disfraaiohissd unless Ühey are allowdd to ca,st thöir bailo ts In Ana Arbor. The constitution of this state mor of the United States do:3S uot contempiate the disfi-ancMsemenit of any legal voter, and yet ttoere are iuany who are disfranchised by ■Öbe provrsions of the present oonstituti-on. ThO chiange p)posed miay ïiot be tina niigh.t one, possit.y t'luat is sa, but the ingenuity oí our preseut member Oli the egilelaure is STifficient, suraly, to uo woird he amemdment tbat it wl'll allow the ,:ass to vote wlio ougiit to vote, affld estraán fro,m voti-ng the ones who shouild be pestuaaiaed. Tlue cali for such a law does not come alanie from tiliiis place, btt't trom serer.ail oUicr places, amd the iropoí-etl ameiMlmeirt was prepared at the ■equest o'f people fram several diifei-emt ci'iies oï tlue state. The inusttee oí uto present laiw has not ween di'icovered Iiere a'JJiie, but ís n'ötiicea'b:c whenerver vhere is au instTitution of leaninig. The Argus jumps in and credits itself wlftat grealfc praise because it cïaims ïar once to ba on, the popular si'de. But thie Argus must admit tthiat night is right no matter whetbter t,h.e night happens to be popular just at the moment or iiot. Tbe peoplie do not ■umdewtand quest&oits aometimes, aad jumps liastiljy to cancliuaiaiis ttoait are wrong. The Oauiniier beiieves Ilhia't when the people tihiOTOinsrhly uuderstaiKl thie questiion thej' wJia decide tor the right.


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Ann Arbor Courier