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Has Taken The Wrong Fork

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G'ov, Pingree has bowed to the wi'.J 01 the suprema court aai iet ga the mayorsliip oí Detroit. It was ■tliioughit by many tiiat he wou'.! reslgn tihe giovernoTShiip and hoOd on to the nuaytor&ïty, but h'e did noit (lo so. Had he made that olwiee, it ia tíiie I general opinión uhiat no one couLd are defeated hhn tor any oifice that he might ask f o-r. The fiimp'e act (ii fcteelU - a man resigning tlie power ind piis'ition of a, govemor io stand ty tliie oommon people of a ei'ty as thelr mayor- would Iiave heralded üfs namii to ths remotest corners oí the oonitinent, and all the "common people," as he calis them, wo-uld Iiave been up in arms for him, if need be. The Gho-vernor oame to a, forks in The highwvay, and that he Uas taken tic wrong one is quite generally the Innpressiotn. To be eure he has aamed his man Por mayor of Detroit, but no man he can naroe can accompUsih in any way what he couild himself. Th.em again, at the state capital, his nemies are in the majocity. He Is suirrounded by th.ose who have pdace anid power, wIlo if not out and out enemies, are thoroughly antagov.iistic te his plians. They can so lnedge him about as to defeat whatnvyi' he may propose. At Detrotit hls eniemies have been shom ol theii power, but -with the taüsmanic name of Piingree off the bead of the ticket, and his hiamd not the hand oí power in aitatrfl) they wil soon rally and ovcrtlirow has successors, even as the successors of Ci'omweU were over'thTOwn. Thiei-e is Vat 011e Pingree in Detroit, and mo man can successfuily act as liïs dummy, Dio matter how much in harmo'ny he may be wiitih Pingree lïiimiseiï. It te po'ssiKe thiat this may a mtotaken view of the case, time a'jone can teil that.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier