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The Comers And Goers

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Carrier Ben O'N. i: s;imk Sunfl 'in Ttotedö. ■Mts. Fraaier, ■ .' Chicago-, is in i.he eity f ar a few -we Miss Jea.nettc Bto ma eatertalned ter sister Mrs. W&rd, ■ ■ 'ver Sumday. Mm. A. ' : ■ :!:.i. i.1 Wyaadol ir. 'has baan a.n Ann Arb i ' vistl tjie week. Mrs. Wm. Bustoiea, oi Bronso-n, Ss -tt-e guesi ■ I i"r a few flaya. Mts. B. ;. W i ïe ' '■'.-, Sumiay wdhb her - Mr. and Mrs. I. Cmmer. Mr. aml Mrs. .T. S. Magueré of Durand hiave baan Ann Artor visitara éuTing thié week. 'M:1. ;ui;l Ml - Ldabaeti navu arnivoil it&am iroan i. much feerteiitert foy vlie trip. ■ aaid v;zA ix fa as ] tore oext May. Geo'.ge HJaier, Sr., went. tu BoclLester, X. Y., Saturd'ay, 1 the tunera: al a reía Mise Neiïie Ames, ot Amn Arboo-, was iMie (g-uesi o; Mrs. G. t. Wdiliaana Satröay.- MÖaai Leader. Mre. Harwod-Mar1i::a, oí Jackson, Bas been vteiting Ann Artwr Jrieads duráng tlne past week. Sap. Perry has mt liaaii reoo-verrlng as rapid'.y as Ilö 'iij'pad tt durjng i aaye. Dtfpxity :. R. OommdssiiO'nier "Wedemeyer was home irom JjaüfiinB -ver Saitui-day and Kimday. D.-. J. N. Martin weort i i eouttern töiiia ast week, on a professional trip, returning 'oaturday. Fred Vosei, of Pátóburgli, Pa., aas teen ca,;ied here by iie fatal illness of bis biolihier Louis Voj Ex-Oomnity Clerk Wm. Dansdngburg has been at h m i BSTeral days narsiig aiu attaek ol '.a ijrippe. Hiraim Light,ha:i and Gea. J. Ci'owell, of Chlseo, wore ia tliis city and Ypsiami last Tiuursday. Mns. Joh'Bson, of Kingsliey sfc., ïias goae to and wE3 afterward ■go to Laporte, Iud., visitind iriends. Gov. Pinirec Tingre was tlifi guest oí the Aïpha Delta Piii ïraternity whiie ia t'he city last Friday eveuing. 'lliss Bertlie: "Wetiniore, oí the Aran Arbor Söhiool oi liusie, smis two solos ait aai oraboirieal cooitest in Pontiac last week. Gregory E. Dil;t e, of E. WaShlngtoa ■st.. lias been entertainlng Ms mother Mrs. llary. E. DüWMe, of Feniton, for severaï days past. Mre. T. J. WrampeCmeler, wbo was tbe guest of her sister Mrs. Mary E. Loomás, has reiui'iiied to her home in n Fraaoiisco, Cal. Mrs .Artlrar Htiaiker and ehdldren oí rteti'oi't. were guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Heivdriclcsoa, of S. ■State st., over Suiwlay. Mrs. E. E. NácihioCs of N. Iagalls t., is owate-mplatiog a trip ta So'uth Ameiioa tiliis nummer, wit.h lier da.ug1iter Mrs. l'red Waad aiul liustuand, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Thie hiome of Mr. anld Mrs. Eugene Hei'ber Yes made tlue seeae of pleasTire last FrMay nighit. About Birty oí thieir frieaids amd neishibors gathered ttere to grve them a íarewell vislt 'befo re t,hieir deportare to Aan ArDo-r. Oames were iuidiued in, and a fine sapper


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Ann Arbor Courier