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TIlc Jury was dJschiarged Friday miornitag in the circuit court. The ïiegislatui-e tas grauted to the S. 'O."%. thie charter Ib dasired. The Söhooiniaster's Club will meet lm tliis city on the 2d and 3d oï April; A bicycl'e onipoviuin bas been opened at lío GÍ E. Iiilbarty st. by G-. E. DiibblO. It is eaid that there ara gO'Od prospects for the constructdoia of a bicyel'e track. I Nearly 1,000 extra D&trodt Journals were doM here oin the of the prize üghit. Mr. amicl Mrs. Jolwi Herrmann, oí Sumnrat st., Jost tliei'-' inía.nt son Sunday, by death. "Wlicn t;lie o'.eöbric road mos there we wlll all go tio Jeruaalem. Oí couïse. Why not ? A J. Kü'baoGi is tratding a large ad'di'tian. te tlio ro8Wieuce of Wm. How;r. on Geddes ave. The Undversily Ilnsanio C;ub wlll give 'a banqueíb at on Satiurday eveniing next. D. Cranier iintt P. MeKerman are to miove th'oir officie to the S'avings Barub biock, Room No. 16. Teachev's examdmatiloti, 'or a'.J grades, at fhe cexurt bouse to-morrow aad the two days followiiijg. Tlue iirst Ji'ail storm of riprkii entered au carty appearance, coming ou JMtonJdaj' morning, Manoh 22d. There wd51 be a meeting oí the White Shield Sotoiety at Newberry Hall Friday Mareh 28, afc 4 o'clock. Whait a catastnopJiie it would have been haid thie high water in the Huron Td.ver floiarted off tiliose slaughter liouses. The next eviening in the öboral Unloii 00'urse ia to be )5iien) by Plunkett Greeme, th,e [jreat Eixglfehi tenor, Friday, Apnii 9tb. The members of "Weloh Post G. A. 1Í. attended ox-President Harrieon's llectuTe hi a boiily last evwiing, at Uniiersity Hall. "W. K. Childs liais eeciuived for Alexamder Hanna, of Iexter, an orúginíil pension. Alex. uhink.s thlfi is a good 'Mark for Hanu,-i. On Morwiay evemlng next, Kminet Gnand Ooimmainder B. I. AVhceler, of Mianistee, wi'll visit Ann Arbor Commaudery. Thie order of the Temple will be coinferred on tlhiait evening. I holíi I bis true - whoever wina Miiii'íi hlghcst tut ur here below. a 11 s t iow nuil nevETCCrtse to srow - For wlicn growlh ceases, deatn begins. - Allice Cary. Sugar bdows, tliat's viit they cali liicM' down Falls of feathery flakes, luit thpy miiko pudding ri i (::ík1 Led turf 1,. ( '. G lodrich is in tli-,' wrsiciii p-art ')f tlic state this week hio'jüimg eohiooj oí in&truction :i c i.iíw.iti'-, Xeouimseh, CassopoUe anil Tliree Ki'vcrs. Th.e subject at the Y. M. C. A. meettag t-vuiHla.v Maneta -S. at 2:45 p. im., is "HDow lio lie Ka ved," Come en'd !tearn how. A solo wlll be jriven 1y WiáUs .Toliiiisoii. Thíe wlueeMnen are makmg an eíto,rt to get n:i th cycltets of the city tato tihe local League. It costs only 25 cénits, and the benefihts a-re wo.rth OomsdiderabCe to ■wiheelmea. The city cOectiom. has taken up the mtowte nnd thioraighrts of the peopíe for tbe past iew diays, am,d tina man -wtíO lias not expressed an opinión can mot answer : "I have no-t been asked." A. C MiHard, of Detroit, hiais purchaseid Míe ontVre equi'pmenlt oí the ArCfinigtion House, and WÜ1 assume co-nfiroa atoout the 15th of Aprdli mili; whfóh time Mr. Hawes wlll retain its mianiagemen't. Or. Fridny cvening tJiere will be a sale O'i lidian baefcete in the Stinday Seto! room oí 1ho M. E. chui'ch, for Bhfi bemeEit of the AV. H. M1. S., to whi-ch society they were sent as a present. Thé stoel; o' gooda on B. MahiiBt., VWD&d. by 1). A. Titike:-, hos been sc:l to Hcniy W. Hotoomï), of Dctvoir, whio wdCl carry on the business at the same piace, largely increaing the k of goods. Ou Satu-réay evening last, the memfoers of thie Dsl't-a Sigma Nhi iraterntty hied-d an enjoyable banquet at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Travi, on E. Huron st. Tliiere were 26 members of tbe society present. After the lecture by Ex-President Harrison last eveninf?, ;i very pleasant reception was tendered bim by the members of the Phi Delta Tlieta society, of which lie in a tnember. The reception was conflnd to university people. And no-v Ann Arlwr wants the new Ldima Northern railro'ad - the one, you know, lliat "cominances nowhere and end? at 'ndt.' " as a Morene! man deserdbes ifb.- Pltymouth Mail. That is the Hipst time we bad heard oí' V.ymou'th being its terminai. On Fridtiy exeredses were he'.d at Che rth v.-ai'd sehmoC', calcuJated to teacii tlie chliduem I9oifl in the kind i:i.iiment ai att-1 living creatures. Such exercis&s a;re doub;y necessary aow, since tihe wave of pugt'.isitic baibatisni has Kwept over thie !aa.l. Wamteö - an eíecfcric car line from Ann Arbor to Sajino, MancJuester, Cllinrtiom, TecumseJi and Adrián. Ií we are to be ti'ed to tliose tovrae, and we cePteáMly desire to be, it would be a íine tihdng to be oJble to reach them Avit.lio'ut takinig a week to get there and back. "Say I" saiü Ome af thie ïovu." corner lounigers to ye sorjbe as Ilc was ■passjing a group of ttan tha other day, "If D. M. Martini, is naminated by yiau íeHows mayor, we'll furntïsh a Eraïaaud for your Oliver." "All ii'giit," was '.lie rejoinder, "we'll see tlnat Oli'ver jjives hini a decent buri'al." Thie art iic X' w ritten, by Eldgar 3?. O'Leairy, ki Tliurtjd'ay's Daily Times, ou "The Prize Fight," wais ne that onghit to be reaid and oonsidered by every respectabie person i.n the city - for, It is 9ad to say - there are som espectable people wluo are noit opposed to buc.1i cHsgracefuii animal nífairs. Ou M'Omday nio-rning AVa'.lfcer H. Dancer oí Spring st., coanmenced the week by baring his lioiiise struck by ■J-lilnJng. Tbe electric current tniocked a cliimiaey to pieces, bored a hiQ'je ia the raaf, and' sihocked the oecupanits of the house soniewliat, but h.urt no one particni;u-ry, and did im very great daimage. Adam Wahil of Ama Arbor, owns a pet i-iaoster who goes about vlsiting at the liouses, pecbitmg at the frorat doors amd Btepping in wluen it is openedi. He usuaily asks for sometliilng to eat, but partakes eparóingly, two or tiliree "pecks" baüng ail that he a'equd'nes. - Adrián Press. Tliat ■'piaits" towards Adam Liga. Thie wind was a tri.le south of west whien the sun cnoissed the equator early last Satnirday miOTUliog. If an. old weatluer saw is of any accoanA now, tliu preVia;illng winids far the next sii'x miouithis will be in that direction. For several years previ'ous to '90 the wiind was directly ia thie north when tihe sun erO'ssed the iine - iaat year it was i'n tino west. Tbe toddes of thie Non-thsido are indefaíligaWe in. tboir work for thO new church. The 3iext thing to bo given is an oCd-fashionied New Engljaad dinner, t,lie soirt tlnat Hoger WUHaims anid his friends used to dolight in. It wi:i be Ki'cn on Friday March 26, ifnom ti tío 9 p. m. It wdil cost only 25 cents to atterad, and be worth. at leasi 'T." cents. Hobbs believing Umt Insurance whs 11 profltable plan, Onhlsllie ime liundrnd thousand dollars cari led: Aiid I iiiiisL endorso the Judgemeut of that veiy prudi ut man, For unto bis cbarmtug wldow now ['m married. - Philadelphla I A car load oí organs was sbipped to New Orleans yesterday by the A.-m Arbor Organ Co. An opener for spring business. Louis W. Peak ivö peak t-hroaigh the bars at tlie Hfoniee oí CorreetóoB at Iamiia for tibe next 90 days. lic was sent up by Justdce Po'nJd on a clíarge oí larceny. Mre. Ellen L. Upsaa diiied alt Topeka, Kas., on Maren. 16, at the homo of her Utmighlter. Btie was for a long tiiiine a resident of Ann Arbor, and the i-omaiiiis wene seot here ïor burl&l. The republicana of Ypsilanti will hokl tlieir city caucuses on Moiiday evening, the 29th and tlieir city convention Tuesday evening, tho 30th. Mayor Weüs will probably be renominated without opi osition. Maren, has givren. us ApriCi weather aCiniast f rom start to finiish. It is to be hioped that April will not turn the talMes and give us March. weather, but on the contrary that she wi'J keep up the gaoíd work and give us May weather. Ijouób Vogel, whose wiïe died ori tho lith, was takem away on M:)iidaymornsing last with the same trouble tiini bias taken, the lives oL other members of thüs fami;y, three of whiom have died withia a "sveek, and iour al'together. The family home fa i ii Sci'O townsliip just west of the city. Ilev. T. AV. Youmg a tbe Ba cliurch, last Kunday eveeiirig delivered a Boathiing reibaks to the state and ilts infamo'us iaw makers who permiiitted the hfiiathenish prlze fight duniing the .week previous, and the journal'S tlhat gave the siLckenbig and dïsgustinig details were als-o handled -ïthout g]'0nres. The Ladiiies of the Baitist eharch wi'4 give tlieir moathly social om Thursd'ay evenilmg, serving tea at 6:30. After the social Ker. lr. C. A. Fultan, af DetroÉlt, will deliver an xddress before the Youag People's Assoíiiiation of the church in the au(liiiioiinm, to whidi a cordial invitatiïon is extended. Carniier Chris. Douinetly of the P. O. toroe, whO is an adminer of the pugiIfetic Fitzsimmo'iis, in au endeavoir to show jast how that doughty worthy ixiivu öorbett thie íinaíi blow, got too jicar the irou poist that was taking Wie part of the defeated champion, wií'h a result that was astonishins l Chi'is., as ho was not ppoperly trained for eo ha.rd a subject. Hreniry W. Monlfcnoae, a former ;-ra duste of tlue üniversity, Jit. '71, died at liis home in Gajona, 111., on Thursday by suicide. He liad been ti'oubied g'iieaüy ol late by sleep lessness, and it is tihought it toovo him insaoie. Many of our oiMer ciLtizeius will rememl)cr Mr. Mcmbrose asa very, geniai': and able student, who left warm fiienidis Iwhind him here. Rererring to a recemit performance on the piamo, by Pixjf. Aiberto Jonas, tüxe Aan Arbor Oour,i(er places him "'on a ïevel wd'tJi Sievekimg, and f'alcrowsk:, in nvany lines." He may sta.iMl "om a level" wMh these, in l.licir liaes, but nat with the celebrity - en hls line - whla alt Ann Arbcyr leit a private tab:;e iai a rage because diere was )j wione aboard. - Adrián I'i.-s. Vlat a memio'ry the Press has ! By OK'ders Jrom headquarters, dress unüfioiins have been discarded by 'the MtehJgan Natiomal G-aard, together with the not very cfinvenient or comfortable heimet. Tuis order will be gia'dly eoraplied With. by our boys. Tin' local camp S'onis oi Veterans malde appCiaatton the discarded tinjliarms, and the request has been rt.ed, wliiioh makea a vejoicing aaniOTUg bhese lys a'jso. To-morrow afternoon, at University hall, commeiu-inu at 4 :10, at the vesper ssrvices, whieli are increasing so ïnuch in popularity, selections from Spohr, Von Weber and Schutnann will be givpn. Schuman's Postlude, Fuge on B-A-C-H is important because it is oue of bis few organ compositions. In the recital followina; tbere will be the beautiful Hallelujah Cliorus by Beethoven, and the yynipbony in D minor, which marUed a period in Schumanu's development. An umbrella metn'de-r, températe in the use of water, struck good jobs at orae house om the the ot'ber diay. Ho repóired oae of them all rigii't, and them informed the lady of the houiso that i,t would be necessiajry to have a "guyser" beío-re he oouild fix up the other. She adva.niced liiiau ten cen'ts to goi oveatiowrn to {;et it with, anidJ het soon ïetumiiéd and iinislued liis work. Hhe lias beien WKwnöeulng ever sincawhere llmt ■'"■uysor" was put onto the umbrrija. Marj ]i:i.i a hollow tootn, ' sh illd'rit lle !■■ nbow il : Ol'l :ic. was -i' i ■ ' ■ ■■ i(l' youlh. Bat slie would'Dt tave Lid know il One day tth&bad it flliü wltli guld, Beeause she conld'm arott, Avd uow, alttiough slife'a Ketting old, Mie iilïes lo erin iiini bare it. - L . V. Bulletin. A miistake waa naaide ii asalgJilng the number oï de&egaites al the lst, 2d, 3d aad 4th wiards ;■ the repuWoan elrfcy eonventloji, warde belang etntitoed to 20, 21, 21 and 17 respr ■ciiivcly, ineteaid of the immber ïü'st publlShied. Pleasa eee (yj:-recfced cali. Ir Map. Hisoock shioniMl ba Bleeteó mayor thls spring - anid he wi 1 be- and Rppre-iciiijttive j)ünüvan's bij taxlng bacluel'O'i's or imprisoning c-tem M tluey do mot take unto tlieniselves a wie, ghomid 'becioiiii2 a Iaw- and it may- what a popular mayor Ann Arbür w-oiald have íroon a society and iemienine po int of view ! At the meetjing o! tlte Michigan Boaird of Missions of tbe Interior, oí the Coiigi-egati'üTnail cihirreh, at Owosso, tiiuia week, Mre. Jas. B. Angelí ■gave tiie cDoaing worde, Mrs. Kotoert Oampbell made her report as treasarer, Mrs. Oaiimger delivered au addiress oia Ooirea, and Jlrs. Edd'thi Eddy Iyjiiis, read a süwry wriltten ior the tGcasioii. Tbe ainnuial cxMbiib oi the Aun Arhor Art '.School, ila the Savings Baak Block, bas beau quüt-e well attentded üuiiing the "wreek, aind lias been mueh enjoyed by lovers of art. Toese ex■hïbtts i; om year bo year glve evidence ■oí tibie ooutdinual progrese made here fn art. Whien Ann Aröor geits her $100,000 art liiaUl, theii a doubt an art schooi wi'dl be bsuiblisbed that svi'A be famoiis. The oüd goldfers hiei'eabO'uts are i-efeng wlfch greiaft joy bscauise Col. James has ciommenced to send out checks fot the penslioms du od the lst oí t,he moiith. On Monday there -ere 37,604 checks miaiïjed, representins $1,339,320.61. On Tuesday about 8,000 foClowed. It has been a great hardshiilp to. walt this ;wng, as many pemsionei's luad no ofcher nieaiis of eupport. Cambiidige, aiass., tihe seat of Harvard TJniver.vity, gx)5 ril of lier saloons and Prof. Peabody of tliat college, ■wdll teil tlis people how they did it, at 'tihe Uod'tao lan ahniroh Friday evennio- The ■hing ooaïM be dione heïe if ■tShe saDoónB did own sonie of our ]i: "onii'.-nent men, whio cxert all their inïlU'ence In btiialf of o-wners, anuí in reburn tiiose owners iurnish men. ïor bo-th paiptiea to ptudk caucuses v.iih, to peiTetuate them in piozitical power. ïi.e next concert in tlie Clioral Union course, will be by Mr. Plunkett Greene, mi April !). He sanu 'm St. James Hall in London, Febniury 9, to i full house. London apprpciated tlioroughly tbe exceptionally intellect ual and artistic performance that be pave. Ile sailed fnr America on tbe Teiitonis, whicli leít Liverpool on Murcii 10, nml he will remain in tbe United States until tbe end of May, filling mimerons engagements. "It may affoixl some satisfaction to parents," remiarkeul a physdclai, 'for tihem to know how to detect a oase of measlies befoc-e it Is apparenit in the reguCar form. Tw ÜO' t4iis all thiat 4s Diecetssary is to ook inside the c'lieeks 'and "Jips. If th,e cause of the patdent's indispositioii is measjes, tibere wiil be fO'umid on the inner side of t,lie cheeks and Kps1 little isolated icd spots, with a b'.'uis1!! white center, somietimes oaly tliiree or four, a ml again perhaps a dozen. If yon see these spots you may be sure of ni'.-isles.'' In repDying to an unjust criticism on tihe Ami'Arbor & Ypsitonti Elec1 1 ie wad, the Ypsiiaati Sentiuel very seasibly remarke : Commom sense will prove that the success of the electric ro'aJd, in wliich sevenal residents oi YpöHJamti hiave investid large sums of money, depends upon satisfactory service, anid the management may be relied upon to exert all effort to that and. It is easy to íind íault, and mot döifficuït to injure the road, which ÍB a oo avenienoe to the public it oouid not readily dispense wiWi. Cironmstances may at times bring about suoh vexuig disappioinitaiients, but the Sentdmel ventures the assertion . that the regret is not greater onj the part of tJne publdc than on that of the management, nor is unkind criticism deserved.''


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Ann Arbor Courier