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The Ij. O. T. M's -M Mi'.am initiatoil sovcP. n-ew membere week. The recent Maeeabee celebrat-ion at Mu ivvi:ic was n gneat big success. Mts. John Joys, who ran a bakery at Dexter, lias moved tO South Lyon. The repubjicans of York hold their caucus at Möoreviile, Tlmrsday, the 25 tk. Jas. Wedcih of Webster has bought tJie farm of Lawnenoe Rabtoiltt, In Bestier. The ladies of the Baptist church of (Saline, will a diuner on elecIiiion day Thie Brlklgewaiter Keadimg Circle wttll meet o:u Mlairohi 29tih at H. E. Pal'mer's 'Mtb. Mary Eag'e.n is mDving back oa to her farm iti Welbs'ter, from Dexter vñDlage. Wat. D. Smitli, of Dexter JjowBShipi proposes to be a resident of Dexter riClage lrereafter. Judson Armstiiomig and Bertha Hummel, bofch of Wate'ioo, were niarried on tbo lTtii. It is siflted that John Eeoh, of Shar0:1. has eoM vis fann to Blard Kulmkanip, oí Preedom. The rep-ii'b;ileains oí Augusta will hojl . i icus om Friday afternoon at t;i! town hall. Mise Belle Hogan rcturued to Bridgew&ter aíiev a stay oí several weeka in Ann Art :. The ;)i!; ol Superior liold cauous at thie Tjwh IIaf-1. 011 Monday Marcli 29, at L' p. m. Tilo Nart Iy,-;ke schoov chüdren are proparíing' for a fine oxhibition on the last day oí sühiool. The popje of Sialtoe will !ave one more dh.ance,to-morrow, to secure the ocatilon of a creamerj". Mr. Gortan o[ Walteriioo, lias reoted hds iarm tü Hulg'h MoOall, and is to remove ïo Ami Arbor. J'oslwia Pellman, of PSmekuey, aged 87 yi-ni-s. whio had liVed ïhere süice 1834, Wjvü 011 Miaren.' 16. Wm. Vt';stia:i, of Oh.ioago came to Ij:ma a few daya súik.3, to take care ot hls fatlier who fe very sick. W. H. G-:eun, of orth Iake had iiffceen fiae fowls stolen from his heu house recently. A foul deed. Hobos are ihick about Manchester. Rock salt injected with, a emooth bcwe shot (jun would be a sood cure. Geo. S. Laird, oi is hatohing out eliickens 1 n poop'.e people to maslioate, at a great rate. W. P. Lajnkmi of Miian, has puti a ocw set of ro-'.'ls in hls mili, and now out 30 bushe'.s of wheat in 19 iu'jhu ee. ■MKlse Xina Piske, oí Lima township, had lier löfch bïrthday made a merry ome by hisr youni? {ri)ands on t!ic 13th inst. Jiro. CarjtDn is now president of Grase Lake- not exacittgr the lake, r:tlie:r. but (1; tlie peopJe la the lake, so to ispea k. A gi-ange social will be given a ttie luonie of Mr. and MrB. Frank Sweetiand of Lima, on to-morrow, Thurslay evcniiig. The Willis creamery gat 7,000 lbs. of miCk last Mand'ay ; that is the most recfin'ed in auy 011e day yet.- Mlïan Leader. Dkaütel Sackett, of Dexter, was taken TiuiTsday nnorniiig last with a stroke of apop'jexy, amd hus bsemi uncoiiscious since. Mts. SEïis ThTeetoer, of Dexter village, whD had a strpoke of paralysis some time ago, is very iow, and! not expected to löve. Tliie repubïcans oí Webster townshji Ai:i íold a oaucus in. the Town Hall, oa Thursday, Maroh 25th, at 2 o'cil'ock pv m. Chelsea bas been, liilt wilth an epidemie of weddtaga. Ib is simply a fomi of "grip" and im some cases lasts till dea'th.- Adriian Press. Tbe Manchester EinlteiTirise speaks up bo'.dly and asks for a beeti sugar factory ia thiat place. Just as if MianchesteT wasn't just as sweet as possiKe now. Tluere was oae room. in the MiClan sc'hoos Dn vhich there was noit a ■tardy mark for tlue ejititre month endIng March 12 ! How's that ? Miss Burroughs is the teacher. M:i-s Edim Springer oí Mijan, aged eiwit 21 yeai's, diied oi consumption on t:lLe lGtli. S'he was very much ■belOTeö by her yomnig compianions and the people oif Miüain gemerally. Sarah A. Jewott, wife of William Jirainard, oj Saühie, who dled March ;i ii, was: :.'. yeaana oJ enge, had been marriied 50 years on the 4th ins., and came to this Btate in 1832. W. X. Laster Was been. making a careful canvass of tilue county and feels Mmself quite confident of his election to the oñice of school commissioner in April.- Saline Observer. Granel Lectmner L. C. Go'Odricdi of Aun Albor, Jie'.U a school of iustrucíor jiapter masóme at Tecum Mionrd&y e'TOntag, whlcfti waa weM nttended. A Aeeoolation Ileading ("irc'je bas been organizad at Manoliester, wí'tli 22 memters aud a fu'.l List of officers, Fred H. Blosser betaig president. Tliere are (1 wld;ws in the little viSage of Dexter, and 18 widowers. As tbe pl'aoe lias ortíy about 1,000 imlïabitants t-h.e pnoportion seems to be very ïairge. A tramp -walfced oíí -wiïth. a pair oi oTwshoes beloragamg to HairTe Rose, 0 f ITaneliester, amid HaTre chased him t Cliniton, a.nd imade him ive' Up hls ill-gotten paoperty. Anottoer oí t'hie Vogeil' íaimíly, Israel Vogel, oí Cluelsea., Ib very sick and noit oxpected to iilve. It is said tlhat tlig íamily were poisoncd by partiatiing of liver eausage. At tliie recent Miilage olecttom in PAnctaej" tlLe kid ticket was successfiiil, and that place is iw goTemed by a ni;iy : and oo-uincdj whose average age is oaly 27 years. The Chc:sc;i Mlantuíaeturiog Oo. is rom'üieii'iig th buildiag on Jackson st., near th deptft, im to a factory and win fsoiaii have tlue macliinery in 1 10-.: I ion.- Wue'jsea Standard. Va Sha.ninon, otíe oí the aged resIdenibs o Jexter vDlage, died Marcih 16, aífcer a lontg pertiod of eicloiess. He was bmied la t.lie ajd Oatliolic cemetery, Dexter fconvnsh.i)p. Geo. P. GJazfer gave tJIte retirimg commom couincil of Ohelse-a a banquet when they wemt oafc of officet Wh.ere were the íellowfl whO' went ín ? They are most always the banquieters. 1". and Mrs. Israel Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Manoney, Mr. arad Mrs. Bdwa:rd Vogel, Jj. Vogel and Miss llinnde Vogel attended titue funeral oí a relata ve ín Ana Artar Tuesday.- Chelsea Hei-ald. The S'old&ers' monument lor Chelsea ts ,-ibout eompveted, anid wlll be' j)laced in positfen as soon as tha ground ■vill alow. All tlhie work oai the monument toas been done by George W. LouglDrWge, oí Ypsijaníi. Th,e Xo'rthviile Rficord is rejoicing m the iact that the KawsoiivHle wooaen niïil, that tumbled toto tlie Hurón river during tlie late freshet, and flaated Ücpívih efcream, lias been pteked up and laindjed at that place. AlXMit 33 ifrieBids Sttrprleed Mr. amd Mrs. Framk Oooper of Olieieea, on the 13tlh that beimg Mrs. Oooper's 33d biirtflwtay, and left her a handaome center taboe. AVhio can rook at tlie atove figuires anti say that !! Is an unlucky numlber ? An urafaMng elgn of spring is the agitation for bass bail clubs In the vanious villages jibou't t)i,e county. Thia't and "ínlitws" togettoer, make spriing sure. J?o miatter albout the blrös. The Ivadies' Aid Society oí the Syl■nam church held an onjoyable animal meeting ind clection, on the llth, made $3.50 by it, a-nil reso'jved to apply all proceeds to tlie pastor's saïary. - Tliie l)ean plo.king establishment oï J. P. "W.aad & Co., ebarted uip agaim the ïlrst öi ttae week wíth a fuU force of hands, after bainig sh-uit down flor a Week to make vopnirs.- dhe'.sea Standard. There dis hope in Jerusotem ! lime great schemer has a plan on foot to oonitect it with, tlue outsido world Ijy an eleotric linie extending trom Ann Artxor to .Taekson tlii-ouU its sacred streöts. Good for .Terusa'.i'in. Eo-ads p '■ u !■::, are IB a terrible oomditioni, buit the man wli'o adTOi-,it s a w 11 L 'le plan W maklng Hiera btífcfcér is oaflled an onemy t; the peo]ile who li"c upcxn arad are ohiiïed bo ose -. 1 iLï raaos. Stasange vagaries take possession oí pimple some times. Mr. ama e. M. G-Iemn b abo ut to remove to Norbü Dakota, a Baffge at thoir old jviaiids g-athered at tbe h oí B. S. Whalaiin, Xo:-t;ii Lake, and gave thean a bappy farewell, ana many line presente. Mr. Martíh la on taiiewar pafch. He Is to discover l.h.e vlllaia wlio aniiounced mirvii-v.. He t-:iys lie is mot married, and w!ia; te more, dioes mot want to be.- Grasa Ivake News. How hard ! An 1 a Marsh, :t tlnat ! Olay Hall eoaldm't be harder. The two Detroit parties wno own the dam at RawsoMnüle, wliich was swept nvay In part dnirlng ths recent Kood, are to go to law about the damage reörullttog therefrom. i:maiii?l and BeUlgman ScWoaa own oiie hall ajid the C. .T. B-arlaw Est. the o'ther ha".ï. GrfO ge Ooilin2, who oame to Blrkett som three niontlus ago to work for Tl: ns. Blrkett o.n his farm, was taken wlth pneuni'onia a few days since, aml lied on Tuesday 1-ast. His veinalns wene taken to letix)lt íor burla] :i AVednesday. He leaves a wi-.'e and daughit-er. A SaMag mem ia ewbtiaa bru last week, fiaslied bis rbght arm, with the ax. "How eoujd he do it ?" WeM fcrtdeed, thau's no-t an oasy 0112 ; l)at perhiaps the man who sp'Jirt wood uuder tilue clothes lilae, had a Httle liglit ín hls Iiiead.- Adrián Press. A Hamburg tiwtaher hacked at the hi:id ieg Oí a "dead1" stoar, and reeeivtiid a kick that di'Ove the kniic Intio his wrist, severlng tho arteries. It 'WÖ !:■ tff) or tJllPea weeks liefore he a-eeiorers from t'me effect of tliis "business reTival1" of "Hamburg steak." - Adrián Press. How ataaut the Hudson cliap who was invited into the caantry to heip sugiar off, and sat down on a chato wliiüh contained hot syrup which had beeu lisfi there to oool ? Tlie liittle brother sa'id it remlmded him o! his iiittle d'Og : When he was very hot liis paute were the loudest.- Post. The ciommon illistrict schools is wihat a Gchiool coanmissioner has to care tof, anid t.liait Í13 just where the repubcican ca.iKlidabe íor school commlBSïoner is stpomg. He is a worker in mi! ainong ■óh.e distriat schooCB. He. h,as been a teacher, and lcnows whot the teachers aeed. Give him y o ur vote. Prof. Wm. N. Laster, republioaincanökteute tor oonuty school commissionOr öï Was'htenaw oouaity, was born in ttoe tiownship of Iosco, Livingston county, December 81, 1867. The Ann Arbur Jemocrat says tJliat Mr. 1-óster is weid qualified to liold, the oilice to which he is aai asplranlt, Rlght yo.u are, Mr. lemocrat ; lie is irom Ij'ivi'ngst'O.n county, you know. - Howell Hwald. The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L Ph,elps was the soeme oí' a pleasajit social gatherimg last Frldiay evening, in liij'iïor of the second anniversary o! thie marrfiage o{ Mr. and Mrs. E. (J. CXairk. - Dexter Jjeader. Mr. Clark lias retumed to hi)3 home Ui MinneapioviU, but Mrs. OLark remains íor a time with her párente, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pacey. .Saltuie ltas got ah.ead of every other town in the state, with an earthquake shock, but there are those Itoivever, wlno refuee to credit it wlth au earthquake and ooarsel'y intímate that the was due to a Sal'iine giri thiro-wing her shoes on the íjoor vá, Petirlng, afber a session with her SoandaSIOlia !- Adi'iau Press. Which ? Tlie ishoe ? the ílicvar ? or the beaui ? or the eesaijon ? You leave tJie roader in, doubt. Tiniis adTice is givein by a successful jwitato rnver : Be eareful not to use eed pobatoes the comtog BpTdtog thiat are seabby. Do aot pOaot pota toes on thie sanie land that y.-is asee! for the crap last year, as bbene miay have been n traces oí dfediiseae (üsrivered, yet. it may havo exSsted U oven hut sMgoitly, aad U o, M wlH spread avertbe wliole field bhd yeár. ' Evevy basliel. o[ seed potaioes ShiOHild le oarefully cxamiLned a:nd every precautton taken to avoid dtoease, as once tlie soH U contaminaited it niay requlre years of liard -vark tio get r!d of tli diffioudty. iforris Tliompsoin, of Lima, died Maröli 13, aged 83 yeara. He was vas a natiïve of New Yidtk, caaaeto tlils oouaty ia 1844, and setKied in Xjima in 1848. Tlue deoeased was a Quaker in reíilgton, a ï-eputolioan in poOitics, au uprighlt, homorable citizen, a kind and obiiiging neighlbor, and a man tkat 3llve3 iu the hearts of a community whUe he lives and rel.a.ins a kind niclie in thelr raemory Otter toe U'tes. He had resided on the farm whierO he dTïed 49 years and in itho oouinty 53 yeans. He ïeaves a ïwMio'w, tinpee soms and one daughter, i)Oslde fl. ïarse circle ot ïriemds to ruouinn hto loss.


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Ann Arbor Courier