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That $100,000 Bill

That $100,000 Bill image That $100,000 Bill image
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Seetíroii 1. Th.e Peop'.e oí the State Oí .fVhi.'_;:Hi eiKiet, That the city oí Aun Arbor fe hereiby aaithorizcl 0 money by tihie Is3ue oï bonito, iu t siMii uil. „■xceedSing one huadTe'd thousauMi diXUir.s. for ïlic mrpose oí purdhi&aing laind, il neoeesary, and for he erectiiion of a buüiüwig to tei used ).- .ia 6frt tsa&ery ïar the Unilrw-üy oí M'lcluisaiu, the wheia erecteú K o be ainl Tf:m:im Mh,e prop&rty the i ü wTsiiy oi iric,li,iean, and Tinder the oomtroi and dinectton of the regents oí the UmSversity. Siec. 2. SíuM boaids sh-ail Tear interest at a rate not exceedi'ng) fofar per' cea't., aod molt. be sold at less par. The iiïberest hall be payabje aninually o;r semi-annually as the co'mmon coiuncil of saild city city Shell diii-ect. Xome o{ the principal shall be payalble ia less than f, weiiiiy yeais, and atter 'cliat in suclh Cmiua] suma as said common cooncU KhiiCl diireclt. Sec. 3. SaSd bomde shall aoió be ïseued onCess a niajofiity oif tax paytag eSecrtioirs al said eky shall vote eiltber at same general íiLm ov at a spectai electrón; called SSot that parpóse. tiec. 4. Saiiil conunon councit may at any tinne beïwre tn ÍDrati da y oí Januaiy, edfehtewn liundred and ninely-tuiliw?, by a vat Olí a majorilty of lts membere, submiit suato questloia to eald eJecltons. Ií siic.ii question. is Bubmtltited to tbe eleclbai-s at a genora; olüarber oLecaiiani, at the. foot oi biaulólt sluiü Vj lirkited the worde : OniJversDty loan. Ve.s. erJty aoan. No. Aiul beiio-re Oacli slia.ji be prijaitedi a square or oircle wiá.liiin whicU ihe eQeotor snall place Ma nuirk or cross in tina same manner us upju oiIkt txullote, antier tlue eleoWio1!! law. li sattd queetíon ís snitanltitied at a speiii.ii electiun a similar ballot shall be íuriLbóiiiüd by thie eicy which shaU he iin íoirm tihie same as a.bve. ( j:i,-,;iJerabjL wuiideviiH'iH and exciU'nuiu toas beena occasicmeii Ín Aun A; bu:-, upon the jkasaage by bine Beoate al ttoa abave KC1, allowimg Aun Albur tu bijiwl teraeOi ïor $100,000 KW au art gallery Jar t.lie Un'nvei-.-M.v. No omie kmew wtuenoe fclie büJl carne mor wluo waated iit passed. Om peoplle lictve alreaJdy giirvefl niot onlj llie laimd un whócili 'cho UnivOTsttS iiuiLiikiígs sumid buit many -Uiousands oi doDlars in casli amd ivc are noifc ye't tlw-'O'ugli payiing the last tweaity-iiiM,iiiiuuü.aiii,d doilar bomde gtvea 'o the si a te by Aam Arbur Sar tbe hoepáltsal iHiïïdiins's. Kiglut Ín tbe nndsi 0 the':c oí 1893 our cHizens raified $15,000 IOT the Sebe; oí Mufiác building- a:ad organ, besides liaving paid in íaiige anime to-r the isyniniasimm buildings and the W'ütIU's Fair organ. Tbe odübor of Tbe weiut, to Lianetng and int.en'iewed Senaroi Carnpibe'il, t%e iatdneir Ol fche olmoxtous bilí. He Bta&ed ïliat tlue bilí had foeeu draivu up and handed h'im 'by Jiulge C. 1!. Graat, whio toLd Uto íits passage wjuild luolp ttoe Unive ily aiipiMprialidu bilis, as it would atiswer tibie auestijoii often asked 'hiere : ■■Why does mat Auu Artxx do soanethiing ?" Mai.i - tuavie bubj) ' " ■ was t tidtok niiiiau to hupt the I bui. froni Judge anamD's : ig uontin ued friiiemdishSp I i 17 ;llK canmiectáon u i h It aa regent we vvouM il' bdan tto ■ Justlc ■ to stati Bhjat h woiüd mot latent tonaU] or the city where Ju1 lia many Jriends. Ihi8 ïotlloviaig li I e : Ju'dg Graafc eatdsfaatitwiüy ís as "tliie siiiiai kon : Lamstoig, WTlctti., Mar. 28, '87. Mr. Edli'liOT : I wi.w. in ome oï (-'. aewspapers o last week, a statement ia regaid t tlio actiou of the common councll o (Contiuued on 8th l'age.) (Oontinueel fiom lst Page.l ■yüui' olty, oaüdemninjg ílhie introductófon o,i i blill tn this legislatura to aufcluojrifee Mi ctty oí Aura Arfxcr to in':-r m.nirv by i i ■ i.i,v oí bonda íor iiic erectían oí ao art gaOttéry i'or tho ■rnivcrsiiy. Sinoe I kniO'w ata about ■Che tramtag and lntKiuciti!oai oi that bi'il, i't is bui Juel i.' u iir seniator, .f pampbeüt, amd yomr n&preeeiStaitie, Mr. Sawyer, tluat tire Saota be Iíkowh. Mr. Sawyer lia iu u. wis.' responsi1'.c lar ite itttKMlireti'oai'. Bhiortly befo c Une expiiTatiioiD. of the fiíty d.-iy fimlt 6of U-.' iutiiDdiictio'u oí bi;ls, I luad a - .1 : i ei sal ion i. h liemator ( amp-beS, to pega a 11 : tue propriety o! i'iiL.:-ia;i:-iii'v sueb a biil wUli iho propii - gatagmardB. Ií d'ad tto't occur to me tíüai it woiuiidí be n&preheinslble ui in)tironiue sucli ;i biúl. Whlle the :v.u:--l;ni"i' maj oppriopriate uwuey Sor fchoise bhiimga whlch are esaemtlaS Bot i - anid ii-o-wUi oí tlie üiiEiTOrslty, it was anJ is my judgment ■ihiat the appropnüatjoo, íor tlie erecton cul a buiding foc au art gallery i.s exc-eediingly reoiiü't. I icnfiw th ciowiled c.autlilïioai oi thia Llbrary butidViiK. whie-re tilie Lewis cofllectioin te stianeid. Tinat ooCtecttoii, t.lie ïnuDlLtoeinit gift of 5Ir. Lewis, is practically unava'Slttblo to tte public oir stutlents eiftfaer for usa or pl'easure. II such a is ever erected it Avill imubab;j' be by prívate miiiiniiilceaice. Tli.e biil, as atnajted, is carefully guarxted, gívimg tío tliKecimmoiicounctl tüue rignlt t submit the queetlon u tïue tax-paying electars ii they il e&e ïïfc to do at arny tiane ti me av i uli u two' y&suvs. It limite i nrfte OÍ interest to foiw per cent., makes n me oí 'áe prlmclipal payabte wilühJn twem-ty yeairs and must 'le'd by a lu.ijjiiity vote oi the ■tax payimg eleeoj.-s oU 'iviLe ciity. Oampbeil iu;ruduced the bi.i at my suggeetioin, and it was drawn by me. 1 wtl aoit noiw enter lato the advantagjes oí B'ueh a buiedng in whicih c-O'Uld ba placed the Lew:s co'.lectiioai oi pakutings, the Hogers oollecti'Oai al sratuary aand other giïts oí art whfidh have beea maxle to1 the 'Giii'versity. l'ndor the feeding that tfc appears to luave Uieveüoped In your ciiity, I regret iits intnoiJiuctioia and omïy -wiite t;hkï articie In otrder that your oitizens m;iy pC'ace tihe blame wtueeré it bejoiigs. It liave t:d Mr. Ia(vyOr tliat I bar no desdiré tw fiee the bCl pressed ju tune houee, aiaá iihaj:i ba perfecitly coimtemit to hiave it d9e in the conimi'ttee. My solie excuse íofr whaib I xli'd is my interest in thie Univeïsity. Yours ■truly,


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier