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Democratic City Convention

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The democratie convention usseinbled t the eonrt house on Munday eveuing, eing called to order by EdwardDuffy, lairtnan of the city coinmiUee, JJensïore Cramer was called to the cliair. ieiiry Meutli was elected seeretary. liristian Martin auil (jeorge R. Cooper ere made tellers, and M. J. Cavauaugh wore the oiiicers in. Chairman Cramer then made a speech. [e said this convention was now organzed aa a Bilver democratie convention. 5ut party spirit shotfld not run high. V'e claim tu be silver demócrata. And ■e claim that all persons who are not ïlver deniocrats are l'alse prophete, dse teachers, and have no business in our ranks. When the faction known as the gold men conie back, and ackuowledge that they are penitent, we will take them back but not tiü then. And even then they must conie in at the back door and take a back seat, and woik their way up again to the front seats. For one he would never recognize and vote tbr a man who had bolted the ticket nominated by a national conveutiou and thereiore he opposed put: tiug a gold democrat on the city ticket. Gold democrats are boaus specimens. This conventiou must join hands with the republicans to squelch the Municipal Club. That club was composed of disturbers wlio never could get anything or have any iuflutnee in their own party, and they took that method ,o bring themselves iuto prouiiueuce. t is the cluty of both parties to down such laciions wlienever they arise. We must get together the manly parts ii each party and down this municipal gang. The followiug couimittees were then appointed : Credentials - Chas. A. Ward, Capt. C. H. Mauly, John Baumgardner. Order of Business - Thos. D. Kearuey. irthur Brown, Robert Staebler. A ballot beiug ordered as to whether i candidate should be nominated lor mtyor, it resulled : Yes 32, No. 04. Arthur Brown, ofifered a resolution I endorsing the nomination oí Chas. K. . Hiscock, which was carried, Arthur Brown presented the name of Gottlob Luick for president of tiie uouncil, and the rules were suspended and he was made the uuaniinoua clioice of the convention, though protestïay; over and over again that he wouïd l nol take it. On niotiou oí Chas. A. Ward no nomination was made for the office oí city elerk. For the office of jnstice of the peace, Capt. Chas. H. Manly presented the name of Wm. W. l)oty. M. J. Cavanaugh prefcented the name of John L. Duffy. The ballot resulted : John L. Duflfy 71 Wm. Q. Doty 22 93 The nouiination of John L. Duflfy was made unanimous. On tnotion of Mr. Cavangh the rules were suspended and Patrick O'Hearn was nominated for city assessor. The chairmen of the various ward committees were made a city comuiittee, as follows: lat ward- John Lindenschmidt. 2d " - Wm. Herz. 3d " - W. H. Mclutyre. 4th " - John Baumgardner. 5th " ■ - Jacob Seabolt. (th " - E. B. Norris. 7th " - Wm. Frey. Capt. Manly ofl'ered a resolution approving the administration of Mayor Walker, and it was passed. A conimittee having boen appointed to brinji Messrs. Hiscock and Mills, the two republicana whoin they bad endorsed before conventiou, Arthur Brown as chairman reported the work ace plished. Mr. Hiscock than made a pleasant and genial speech, followed in turn by Mr. Mills, both of whona seetned to fully appreciate the compliment i):i'ul them.


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