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About The College Girl

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Kil'Di'o: ia'ly, in the Ap:il Home Bjome Jowraal, lMward W. Bok exprvssi's haimsell vigwomsly in deprecaron of the tendency to a dangerous eiemeint) of snobbery lirto öduoatdom. He nortes the prevadla ■'I know so ni'iuclli!" alT that is enocmn'tered on aJl skles, and t.he feeltng that a Une la bsing drawn on a so-ciaUed educa tifaiial basis. Mir. Bok ooittemd's tihiat "an educatfenal 'proc ss wlflichs harpen aed poiislies only a giiT'l's intellect, and cithe-r deadens o1." iMiflec'ts lier hoari: or so-ul, in a sorry imutatiom of wliat on é&uoatkm really stands f ar and is. The practiiee f'oCliow&d by some (ïirls wlio 'have beon at coildege of holdtog their tieds abone tboss who have bot, is a fo!o.:áh prooeeldïng, anl smacks o! 'Mie m'oat reipu'.B.:a-e kind ol eaobtoery. It is neveir safe ïot us tioi assume tJiat we know inore tiian ttee peopCe avOjiinid us, Avhe'tüier wb are ooClegetra.'wie'd or not. The jonger we live ín this wiotM tliie nuore we beoome cionvtoced h.ow Mbtle we know. The peopie nnosit humbte im their opimions are ft'enera'.ly tlic beít educateil. It Ls an art which on'.y a few of us lefwn : to be net'jcsint oí our own opinión wlien cvery one around us is expreselug liis. Yet this is one of the atti-'ibutes oí the weil educated. 'Silence often speaks loader than speech. But t.lue glrt fresüi fromi her books and colliege does not alwnys pi'i'pive lliis. She is apt to assumie, few exampie, thiat peopie are uneduciated i.f nnw and again tliey speak ung-raminatiically. But she 'does mot knovs that the niost vital truths ever spoken or written, the truths wliicli have dione mankind the greatest good, liiave mot always been those which would have borne grammaticaj ■diisseetion. Their good lay in wliat was sadid rather thaa .ia thei way in w.hiich the santences were .construetOd. It is weil enauig'bi far a girl to 'lnoi'.d up for hersslf a standard in graminar ar elS'e. But she is unwise when ehe beilieves fchat her stanklard ia thie ane by which she must judige and meiasure'Oitlhers. S'he has nio ri,ghit to do bo to the first pHaco. Amd ki ttoa eecond, she is iar mo're apt to be wrong In hier deductiiioms than she is t-o ba ooirrect."


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