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The S. C. A. blïMtalg was dedicated Sast Fniday. Jota Giljbert is now shipping clerk fOT thie Soart Ta? & Box Co. Mts. J. F. Mifjler hias been visiting j'eCtrtives in Canada during the week. Chas. Aiifdersoin has g'one to Ohio imd IradSan-a íor a cóup'jo of weeks. Fred Itoo wó:i repair and adjust "bicycr.tos ïor C. E. Sannpson this seaso'n. Tbe new traiiMirag schooi, is now in use, hiaviinlg been mioveü intO on Monday. Chas. Bnowii, oí Secomd ave., aged 16 years, died on AVedraesday last oï typhioM ie ver. Rev. 11. W. Van Kil-k lúas been. enterfeatoinB ïiev. Jas. A. Brwvn, of Ö.tttwater, Miau. Tinas. Kasler bas gane to South Benid, Ind., to take a poslltion in a miercantiioe bouse. Dr. Owen's aan F. IC. Jr., is spending his vaoa.ti'0'n at Juoime. H is a tuidient at the Ag. coOlege. Tbe Queen City HivO L. O. T. M., wiA gire thieir eixth annual banque? Thnirsday evemitog oí next week, Apr. th. Mts. Geiorge S. Harper, oí Máimeapofc, Miiinn., was the gaest of Mrs. JuOia A. Sherman, ior eeveral days Jast week. , Mns. J. E. Pomeray, of Summitb st., lias refcuraed from Oaeataa, N. Y., wbere she was cala&d by taie death of iier father. Thie rMst entertainment in the Xormial occurs Tuesday, April C, when the Ntormial choir of 150 voices will rcnder Hayden's Creatlon. The Normal gilrls ieel very much ■elated over their victory, having defcabed the Detroiït giels afc basket ball by a score oí 12 to 0. F. "W. Moni'oe sliipped on an icy wajk oa Ooinigress st., eo straining and amjm'ioig Ms left leg tluat he wilt have to remai nat home Jar quite: a long time. Thie tome oí B. D. ICel'ly, of the towmship, waa made merry last Fri■day eveajnig by a party oí city foOks "wlirj dix)ve o-ut there to a good itime. Mra. Maggle M. C. Mlerce, aged.' 24 VSears, tüled a,t thie lnoMia of her sister tJÜJO'e E. Towlw, of Ypsilaabi town, v)u 19, afber a liong and' painiuï illness. The 'remnJlns I T. B. llarkham.. whio üiiMl at AVasliing-ton recentjj-, were biougiit hiere for burdial in Highiand Cemetei'y. He was ia business hiere sonae yeara ag-o. It is said thiat tlue democratie statiesmeiii of tlue ,5th ward llave smoked tbe pipe of peoce, and wül pipe peiace from now on. The young men are om top of Joba Terns t.hiis time. M. J. Oavanaugli, oí Ana Arbor, carne do'wn here jast Friday, deifended llai'joai Lyians aigaiiist a charge of lareemy, dia Justice Ohild's court, and the jury returnad a verdtot oí raot girííty. H. P. GXvvcr hias bouglïb the interest oí G. H. Bohiarf in the Tag, Box & Labe1! Co., and now hoids T-Stl) ol the stock. I). P. 'SuMmui liaa been put in charge of uhe i'actory for the presen't. Carda are out aomaiincdng tliie marïiiiage, on Tuesday eveming April 14, of Herbert C. Amermain, anid Miss allai-y Eva Heradniiok. Thiey wLU be at hö'me afber Muy lst, at 119 Adams streeit. The cwok with the retreating iorehea'd -whio diishes uip the stat-e news stew íor: tb.e Detroit Free Press, oughi to know tJuit Laka te a {ar more important town toan ía.ded and ■w.ri'nkled Dexter, or green and grunting Stockbnidge. - Grass Lake News. The "Wo-nian's ParDiamemtary Club, at lts meeting Friday afternuxra, discusse'd t,his questiO'iv : "Resolved, That woiman oouta rfo more to mato the woi-id better by nuakiing home attractiive tluan throuigh public effort." Of oourse tbe argument was ou the afiirmaitive. The democratis the foilowámg aldeTmen In the vario'us wards last Friday eveniiiig : let Ward- CSSfiotPd lï, Heustcxn. 2d Ward- W'm. I. Feil. 3d Ward- Gco. B. Jackson. 4th Waru- Frank P. AViorden. 5th Ward - Wm. A. Ho ore.


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