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Forged $357,000 In Bonus

Forged $357,000 In Bonus image
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Tíneare was as arresi mi at Yps&jaati Tu 'oi'ri.y moanding iliat electrj iieid tliie peepee of Urbana, OUo, "wfliiere he was wanted íor extensivo íorgeries. aggregatíng $357,000. TLe iiKiii'.i naino Ls Zaeiiariah. Ï. lenis, and lie ivas a bauk&r aud bickex at Cibaraa íor severa; years, aral so pro mijnent tliat at oae time lie carne near being uominated íor state, treasurer oï Oliio. He has beem, a briC.Orant, tliougii somewhat eiTatio businiess unan, liavinij twite accumulated aige flortujues and lost tkemi Va specu.atiou. He is 47 years oí age, Miough hits last two yars oí hiüiiig amd skuflkimg about t'lie country has aiged hjnn very much, aud he iooks as il he was o ver CO. The stiory fe tiojd this way : Lewfe" p.jan wae a moíst ingeniOTis one and e'asiïy insured Uis iininutiny ïom detecüon tor a loog time. Sec uring possession of choice municipal bonds, he woajd foige copies oí thean and bonow momey on ttem from the great bankioK büuses of Cmcinnati, Boston, Detroit and Xew York. These üorgerdes wouLd thius lie ia the bainteee' luaindá as colateral. This was Ms toost effective pLaia, amd when the crash caniie some of the mosc cooseirva.'tive bamks oí the ooumtry fo-unU tJiemsel.ves in poiseessioa oí AvorthLess paper ia a singie iaatanoe as high as $40,000 ïn face va-Lue. Fnam tbac time uatii yesterday, about lt-ïentyonie mouths, Iewds has been a fuigitive frara justice. AU aver tJie oontinient lne fled. At' one tame tne was arresbed ia Mexico aaid ttoe raco saemed eaded, bu:t lie brtbed t he native oifficer euoá disappeared ag-ain iposn view. Tlnere was $10,000 olffered for Ms oapbure, but he oTuded evei-y one. After Ma Edghit lüs ia.iuily, oouslsting 01' hds wiíe a son and a daughter, removed to Aula Ar"bor, where the two etniCdren hiave ejntered the 'L'niversity and g-ained many ïriends. Tiue iact that hls famïy was loeated here oa-used the detectives to kiep U ejote eye on thi!s city, Bat tstiJl the iugiUve did liu: visib Cis iaiui:y. Atooit -two weeks aigo Detective Kirby, of Uitoa.aa, am-e to Ajiu Arboa-, regiistered nader au assumed name aitd sai duwu to awadJt the oonniïng i-r luis quai-;-y, ifoiíday a camie to tlue Aun Arbor postoötee po'stmarkea YpsLlanrti, and tlue detective recogmized the address as wrlttem in Lewis' hand. Oetting hieCti Kirby visibed Tpsüaati and scouipecl tiue eity. Lew is was iocated afa a prívate house under the assumed name oí E. W. Giiiöün and at 6:30 Tuesdla ymomiug-, arrested whilte etiil In bed. He gave up wïbliioiit a sii-iigiglie, and was lwoughit at once to this city. He biiake döwnj undcr the stirai'u and agreed to accompany the affioer to OhLo, without a. requiBWion. For fear taiat he might clxuig-e his miind he was taken t o To ;d'O on tlue earliiest tnaiii. Tlie man is a mere wreek, liobloweyed and haggard-'.'Olofa'liig, with the ot a hu'nbed böast. He says that Ms ïuoiiey is aJl gans, fchat he can no Xmger endure the agony whtch has beeui hbs Uuri'iig the jMist tvro years, amd that Jne wiM go homxe and ilace the ïmusie. The arrest; caused öonsideraKe exc f tem ent aboiit the city, aaid the maii') famivy have a great fleal ai synipatih.y eiioivai them.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier