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The State Senate Has About As

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BHicli lo ve for G-overiior Ptagree as his hionor has for Ui e supremo court. What is sauce Sor the Grecians emghit to le for the Turks. Let the ailwHl powers blockade tJne porta o Turkcy. Gen. Wejtei-'s receefc illness eeems to Wave been flut to the grippe. Bui the disease admitted t'.iat it was omts3assed in meanness, and gave it up. Giov. Pjuigi-ec lias lssukm! a proc :imatiou destenating Friday, April 80, as Arbor day. Kut tree planting lias already begun. And may ib contÜUTje. LíOuú.i 11 iuniished Uiree democratie votes tor the DLng'jey bilí, amtlj Texas two, and Ajabama oma populíBt. Xcght 5b begiiining t.O' d'a.wn down soutli. Xoiv tfluat Auetate. has reached the fcasis oí a".tmost universal suffrage the löea of a'.'licmving tlhie Oreta.n'3 to vote on ttoeèr po'.itical cooidition elionld ííiid auJl.'.M'i' roya1, siipponor. Duiúng tibe sixty years oí Queea Vlctorila's reigii tJie Emglisli debt has "been redoaoed nearly a trillicm do-llars. Eut more than thinee biiliions are leít to test thO fimamciajl skill oí Albe-nt "Eldward. Camadians tlireati a reta:iatory tiajrdïi. They are at Idberty to go alieaü, but must girve up the idea that 5,000,000 CaanaxMans can tshape the legislatiion oí tliis republie of 70,300,000. NitaoCa Tesla belteves ttLat a man ivlio wo'uC'd learn to sleep eiighiteen Éouias a day mfebt live 200 years. Sature proba b",y iatended prevent experimients of t.h5s kind when she inTeníed appeUtes and hio-aae f.'ies. Anobhier Frenchiman proposes to jtiirt ior tliO Tuortíi poOe by balloon, takitaig wirh. him sevcn passengers. Jfore ilriterest wanCH be feit in the Bohème if the pu-Klc were alkra-ed to tóeot th,e passengers by ba-llot. Mr. FHzskmuons expresses a Uesire to take up a career ín -wliicli he can rnjament society. Perli-aps it has aot occuriied to hhn tihat lie can immarta.'Jize hlmself by gotting tlie head ei -eitihier the Salbaa or Gen. Weyler toto olnancery. "Wby slioul'd students who are traugerj. im tlie city, do not pay tiaxes and are sappiOTted by ttbeir ■dacls, be allo-n-ed to vote whiile wonen whio are residemts of the city, ■who support üiemstóves, who pay tases amd ajd in s-jpp.orting the governmant, be dfefranchised ?- Daily Times. Shonücl Xi'v.ula, vrtitb only a Sfew imo;re wtes tinxa thiis county- mot aay more ü women were aUowí to rote here, as there- have two represeirtatives in the United States aeoaite, wliaie tliïs ontire state has ■ftut tlie satme numbsr '.' "Why does "Ülie earth g'o aromad the sun ? Why doesii't the un go around the earth? Tli.e lestelatiire oí Ooicwaflo lias paesed a biCl alíOdisliing capital puai■islumiaif. Tlie expmieuce oi tliat stóte d3ea nol seem to eusfcaiiu the argumente of soine MLchiga.11 iegisaitiors Arko favor a restoratiion oí the death penalty. It seguís tluat Oocbett and i'd.tzsinimoiiis opened tlielf niiü -vvitliout iho aiid of any protective tariff.- Adrián Prese. Il i he Press is as mistaken in otilier miafttere as in tliis, it is Titterly irnretlable. Didii'b tiue 6tate o Nefaüta griaiit tJiem proitection ? You've sjippeid your faTOlly. - Ohelsea Herald. Michigan. League Bulletin, is the name of a 7-coC. folio ttuat is to be Sssued nwubtKy by the Michigan Leag-me oi RepuMcata Clubs. The lirst issue comes Jaaicted witih, good doc'tatoe in plenty, and as the price Ss OinCy tem cents a year it oug-lit to be put lila tilie hands of every persou in tlie state. It is pubiished at Kaaamazoio. The Aun Arb'OU' Oouriier tJuiiks Pingreu shöiCd bare resclgned the governorshc'p and liung tx the raayoraity. Oli, but the supreme oourt decl'aros he oaased u be mayor wheni lie look tlue o;itli as gcfwenmor. Had he ; ii e,l tlue gO'vernarshiilp he wou'Jd mo'w be in tlie unvJaib'Je plig-Ut, of a süp sluod sidewalk iedesti-iau after a rahi of s;eot. - Adri:iin IV Yes, but tlie sam.; ]v.;'s are there that he lias aïways ised. Couldn't lie poCl tlirough agaiiln ? Eep. Donioani's curfew bLll passed the eomnuttee oí tha who-lie without opposition, anld bids iair to beoome a Ja.w. It provides that chiildren betweem S and 16 years oí age muist mot be a'Jowed om the strets l)L'lw-eein 9:30 p. m. and 5:30 a. m., fno m April to November, amü from. 8 p. m., tio 6:30 a. m. irom Norember to Apill. Violaticmis of the law are panishaWe by a fin of $2, or the vioja'tors ma ybe treateü as disorderly personis. Is ib any eredi't to EiiropO tliaf the onCy friends the persecuted Christians ia Crebe arad Armenia hiave are tiie Greeks ? Poor, Mtle Greece, bias more manllnooa in her cüizenship than ;i.:i tbe gnat naMons oí Europe ! Thrke armed is he who has his quari-el just. W-ould thafc tvery Grecian hiad the strength of a Samson, aud tliat thefr arms were as stewg as tüose oí tlae jittle band that defended the pass of Thermopotaye. An Amnerst professor vrtno is visIting At hens WTitga f.iat when Prince Gewge of Greeoe lelt iluit oity at mtónig-ht to joiu Ms squadron, a wildly -ntliusáastic niuititude followed lam, amd even sai:o:-s {rom a British ÜueJOf-battie elidp liug-s-e;i him as he em'barked. A trenieiido'us sliout ivtnt u,p -n-hen tiie Pnioce stood in tlie prow of hiis loat, uncovered) his liead and made tlia &xja on' the ci-oss tliree tasmes. The nexfc day Greek regjmeats marcJied through Ihe streets o; Atluens bouind for th8 front, and nearay every ovm of the vasto assembiage oif spectators was in tears. "So oontaigjiotts ia a fereafc idea, so ooutagjOTis ia pa'triotism." says the Amerioan eye-witness. In order to cmsli sucli ardor as Uhis, the powers wjil have to be as cruel as the Turks.


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Ann Arbor Courier