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Mack & Co.

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fMAClsTca! TUF CTflBF MACK & CO., { DRYGOODS. I glL O I UflÜBt, FURNITURE. This week our "ad" tells about your EASTER WANTS and EASTER BARGAINS-tells you about the many things you had set your # E heart upon - have been planning for-but between you and which, perhaps, has stood that seemingly unsurmountable barrier-COST. It f Y speaks candidly to you and tells you that now that barrier has been dissolved and displaced, and that you can gratify your taste as you C most desire at the smallest outlay of expense. It mentions only a few tems-things that are most wanted and most seasonable. There M are hundreds of other things equally within the scope of your wants (space does not permit us to mention) as low priced as those men% L f nnpH rn t h i=; nanp m fc LIUUvU Wil tiiiw w y w ■ , I . that puts our ]'% n,,r Omt Prllpntinn 'i j i&Wr JPaiW mi$ & '""rs? crusiied piusi" ór sFitapestrya % M i ajipe -.„ a Ulll ÖUlL UUllCULIUII .KSrHÚ flBfe W 7 ÍrM-BBiWV)K , '--' " suit never equalled in the city at % C r-d"!e 5 ün' Embraces everything that is choice, Cj?&jMmÊR V fö2JïfflMËLm %lc, M 132.00 , our sale price, $24.00 ;.. The Market's newest offering Mahogany M % fOOting Wlth f „0Vel, and desirable- the products JUWPlwjWffil jPigl PBw W?, C ""i lmii: PIC'ces "ll'Islered in velour, enil)roidered backs, until May Chicago, ' yond question. The trimming, (ffi1Vy--MyHfrM!fl JiïSÊwüi I ILJ$ C DINING E00M SUITS. AX EXTRA SPECIAL VALUÉ. C Or even M J „í "L pnKï It is a veritaW? 63S31BWTXV1 # , ,nC 6ight í0Ot Ext T!lbl" ne sideboard, nicely carved French New York. '''■m?s=af t,V!1t t sec tl.eso heanties even it Z'LJ&ÊWHÊmJÊSM!fMliS C lst Vlöï y Cane-seat Chairs' complete suit, until May Reefer Suits, Bolero Suits, The Nordice, FMgj? WmEEÍásSESM (ÉÊ C library tables. Soiid Oak Tabie, 30x48 inch toP; two E % Eton Suits, Blazer Suits, The Eames, ImWBII MM 'SlTff.o%oo v' 00 Brandenburg Braid'ed, CWh W3vxiiáS Bvlw # H San AEhaTdBLEa f ' Mahogany' Cherry' Bird'8 Eye Maple' " L BARGAINS fSilikïelS'SiSeSiSÏ V4 i W átíyESKSM f.DESfS' We show desks from $4.00 to $5 00 each We however X DMnuMinu. prices that you want, $5.00 to $40.00. j7] : ' 7 HjMl j&rgflflB mention only some very specials. One, a Parlor Desk, antique oak, with 4-.50 5.00 5.50 CLJ J S& sffl&Z mi large writing table, has large drawer and shelf, is beautifully carved. The m tit i 'i iro ' -r ei i o 4y=iB==Kjv 9k inside is well flnished, having pigeon holes and two small is k C VALULb Interestmg Skirt helling. Á K?A W& WmB áw worth $9.00, sale price, $7.50. Xext, a solid roll top oakOfñce Desk.well M 3 6S Mohair Skirts, Brilliantine skiris. Canvas Ik '■] , 5W' Kg nSÊ T ünished and made to sell at $15.00. We bought too many and will close M ulilk. andvettanad; wörthïoamfpnTat Ml I l C SCREENS -Pretty ones at $1.00. You've examined screens, C J 4(y ae rice jg 69 M l- BW8 been asked from $1.85 up for them. Our $1.50 screen compares favorably M OlOTOLL patented suits and skirts for cycling, at all -=-J-- JÏS I 114 0110 0 f A m J - H CíASeLS trom 50c np up. êl ADÍES' UNDER 1SLINS, P. REED'S FINEST LADIES SHOES, v M - T„era,„„=; LilUILU UIIULII IIIUUI_II1UI # f especially big in our Mattress Department. Here L J t are all styles, all kinds, all prices from $2.75 to L i ', &... a ., SPri„5 . $i.98 íssaü-asüfíSi a &s ":; 7=% -"- ' -- TfeL - , , with a stock probably tlu-ee times larger than we gizeg wortll f2.75, 3.00, 3.25 and 3.50, until Easter 1.98. % f edges, with just enough excelsior through the M % have ever shown before- with every new idea, every ■ M V - center to keep the cotton from buncliing, covered # new shape and style with which to please the most CDO QO io styles in Ladies' Finest Shoes, all hand 1 % ., wth a Xo. 1 tick and closely tuffted. A Big requiring. The whole stock bas been bought with c+' - made flexible soles, no better at any price in Lo=T0t m U ? ft OO Pale nrice $4 OO - M eference to good values and our chief advantage of t'ie city worth $3.75, 4.00 4.25, 5 00. include the Oxford and i X $5.OQ. .ale pnie, g4,OO. M i f this Great Sale will be a stronger reputation for Bussia Calf Shoes, until Easter 2.98. V- " # Muslin Underwear of absolutely trustworthy grades at Ö5C) A Q Ladies' Spring Oxfords, Ladies' Fine Button ::' L n ir.nnmm=.nn mnnniiN % # unquestionably the lowest priees, VO and Lace Shoes, latest style of last, at 2.48. X P J P Ph AND K ii K h rÍ # 25 dozen Corset Covers V and square neck embroidered and lace _ „ _ ,-.■,„, ,, , ir VXllll JJ 1 KJ =.111111 LJIIIJJM fiijnTmJ'VÏItóillMl! 'S M L . , . ,. . . _ tS6 AG 1 lot Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes, all sizes and 3SÍM C rJffi&aTSái HJ1.! % tnmmed, for this sale 17e. cp . U c? wi(iths, were sold at $3.50, sale price 2.69. E2S Here is the chance you have waited for. Lfü PSP %. 30 dozen Ladies' Muslin Drawers, trimmed with lace and cluster of 1WÁ M Our Kidderminster Carpet known liy=_,_W , flJ rf # tucks, for this sale 19e. CfcQ 7 1 lot Ladies' Fine Button and Lace Dongola 'ÍIÍ %. where as the best, all wool, iiigrain ]7rj,j5:; 1 S'tjK 10 dozen Ladies' White Skirts, trimmed with wide hem and cluster of $ 'ö ' Shoes, $3.00 is none too much for them, but Wgf % made Has long been our leader at 60c yd. fl jfcfftfE? M J tucks, tor this sale 43e. AH extra saper, all wool, ïngrains, the ím7 'C: ]gSÜ f[fey L. l 20 dozen Ladies' Umbrella Drawers, trimmed rjai OQ $2.75 Ladies' Shoes-this line is a job of 100 none ÜBestDfiveWfilÍie' Bodv Brussels Carpet MÉöiFf i-K Sil'feÊs, M with embroidery and cluster of tucks, for this M. CpLOc? better in make or material, style not the newest, yet as styM jtw vLSlöT P ' i B K fer C. # sale 44e. Va, Í!88? Sq aV6rage Sh6 StreS ar6 shmving m'd the price is less that A good Body Brussels, same 'as many M T?; ftdaP # 10 dozen Ladies' Empire Gowus, trimmed f1- halt, l.dy. r dealers cali the best, our price $1.00, until ?■-."- -jÊffL iT""1 with tucks and embroidery, for this sale 55e. 3 Á L. Ma lst' LI 1 .%&- Sfir L 15 dozen Empire and Princess Gowns, ■,luJjS -! THE LARGEST LINE 0F CÜRTAINS I lJMw ƒ # med with embroidery and cluster of tucks, worth ':n5.w1 . 'k "RoVft' RTlf] (il Ia 1 S SllO6S C IN THE COUNTY. ñ W& " fSS' , C $1.50, for this sale 98c. wJaI' 1 J-'J0' wnvi vrii. v . Good Tapestry Portieres at $2.50 pair. P'' %#íMr # % 10 dozen Ladies' Princess and Empire Gowns, XV-I M Others from $3.00 to $11.00 pair. ïïlllilllrlUW L M all are beauties, worth $2.00, for this sale $1.25. Í Y ' '■ For School and Fine Wear. No better in the city. Chenille Curtains from $1.50 up up. ■ „„ 1 t , m. ! 1 r' SA I jm Lace Cuitams from G6c to $20.00 per pair. m i. 30 dozen Ladies White Aprons, check stnpe jl ri ' '1 Jr y M and plain nainsook, 9e. ". $2.00, $1.75, $1.50 and $1.00. E - % -jj-x 1 y i S"írTrS'f Newest Fancies in black grounds k J f VJ- k_s. lik JjGULIIIIi LHuliln with Green, Purple, Red and Blue M &A ÏZZ STEARNS, IVER JOHNSONS, M VhlINPQ mlQ n'aCk dtS' lat6St Style meSh % 'Wlr HUDSONS, MAJESTICS, ES éWash Goods. - S--M - - - - (( ËlfT V )) SÍ.Ü fffiST ÍS ? Chiflón Veiling, Black and White, best grade, k jrÍ' V J) an! 'et's talk tgether about Q ■ Like a glimpse in the flower gardens of SÍ'ttSSU BUk C " V BlCycle' _ C -W niid-summer is the unfolding of those Veiling, 25c. M - ■ M Q$ dainty, fli.nsy, Washable beauties, given Tissue Veiling, all colors, 25c. 'OllP tnk nf R 11 rTG 'r Spring Trade is fe us by Fashion for womans adomment and UU1 ÖIOCK Ol KUgS he ■ burgert and we f pleasure- the fancies of France, the Uffini PlïCeS COÜlin? ÖOWll Like April C consider the best assorted ever shown in the city. We show Imperial % ings of Germany, the art of England and nnrQfl ShOWerS. g Smyraa Rugs, the best wearinj; rug made. The sizes and prices are as M the genius of America in the most UHtöÖ AU our impOrted Dress Novelties 9 x 12 feet, regular price $45, Sale price $39. X EASTER GLOVES. ful harmonies of the loom- The time for 1 [M Q which we have been selling for 1.00, J 7x10 feet, regular price $33, Sale price $29. M M r Style, Durability. Two important making up vvash goods is here, the price time to om price c C 6x9 feet, regular price $22. Sale price $19. % combinjd ir?anVunIauaf wayTrou7splefindid has been made t? your liking until Easter. Imported Novelties 'in Check, Diagonal , Che4 x 7 feet, regular price $9.50, Sale price $8. W # ter showW ü,ese two auairtieaie especiallv Scoteh Mixtures, 50 inch. Storm Serges 3x0 feet, regular price $6, Sale price $5. E C seen in our New Dorris Gloves. a 2 clasp Tissue Mozambique. doublé and twist Tweed-late purchases at large 2x5 feet, regular price $4.25, Sale price $3.50. % V pique glove ind, taí.Trown and mode, at Lace Jaconas. reduct.ons-are placed on our counters this week cheaper qua,Uy Smyma Rugs {;om M V nïïETrOr't' iïïaSftïïS ÜSfSS O61-5"11 ES SteJRSíteft! JAPANESE RUGS. A handBome good weg rug, a popular art m m black, willow, tan 'ood' brown, white, Guipure Lattice. }ittle jnciined to stick, Plain f ' "L iele at a low price : M C teLadies'ar1eeukrntl.00'Glo'ves, 4-buttoned glacé, Applique Couvert. Serges, Henriettas and L Size 9 x 12 feet, was $10.50, Sale price $8.50. % m brown, red, green, navy, tan, from now until Gaze Cordonnet. Sill h't!rt l'qQr PI f& Size 9x 10á feet, was $9.50. Sale price $7-50. M A Easter 79c. Mincosa a, . av 1 t , JfcJL Sf Size 72-xl0 feet, was $8.25, Sale price $6.50. % % This is no job but a regular $1 glove. mincosa. All Wool 38 inch wide iáOsL__ o:.p fi q epM ..... .,; cn „„,' . A Kr. m % Ladies' Foster Glove, Fowler, 4 large hooks, Lappet Mulls. Iress Goods, all Wool @O c A l ' 1112' pne $f 50 M f brown, tan, red and modes, worth $1.75, $1 .25. 1 ' ings, Serges and Henriettas Kw "A' 4 X ' '(''t' Was 3-65' Sal Price 2.9O. E C Ladies' $2.00 Foster Gloves, 7-hook, primrose In -rminds of whitp rlt-.h f-,.„ afe 25c 29c and 39c Viï1ües 1(l7SïSSrJ Size 3x6 feet, was $1.95, Sale price $1.50. % 5O. 4ic in örounds ol white, diab, fawn, black, at .... IScISLIVj Size 2 x 5 feet, was $1.35, Sale price $1.OO. # Ladies' 8-in. Suede, in colors, worth $2, $1.50 ombre shadings of greens, blues and pinks. Wit Mv Size iX9 feet wis 'ï'ïp ShIp nrim ïb % Ladies' swell 3-clasp Gloves, embroidered in Sbri'S of flowers and flaintv tranprip nf üi===; 1 M ai tn leet'ds 55c feale Pnce 38e. % black- tan, willow, oxblood, brown and red öPrlós 0I nowers and dainty tracenesot ; -XiW A large stock of the newest styles m Ingrain Art Squares. Every one M M brown, $1.00. rambow colorings, beautiful, fabrics. marked down for this Sale. C DEY G-OODS. 54 S. Main St, Telephone 164. V ANN ARBOR. FTJuisriTXjRii:. 56, 58 and 60 3. Main St, Telephone 50. # ANN ARBOR. f


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