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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Ttue majorlty oí sufferers from AstJhraa and kindred eoin plata ts, aíter tryiing doctora and numberless remedie advortised as positiva cures without avail, üiave come bo tfhe conclusión thiat there iis aa cure íor tliits most distresstoig disease, aud thiese same persons wlill le the more im doubt and skepUral when they lea"n througb th-e colunias oi the press that j)r. Rudiolph (Setuílnionn, the í'ecoguized apttowtty who has treated more cáseo oif tüíesu dlseasea th&n any living doctor, has aohLeved success ly perfecting a remedy whi'c'h nofc only glves linmediate relief ia tlie worst cases, but has poBiltively cured tihousands oí Bufferere wbo were cansödered Incurable. Ttuwe Xvere juist as skeptfcal as soma of oai readers now are. Dr. Schillmanm'.s remedy no dioubtpossesses th mwlt whútóh is clalmed for lt or he would n,ot autliori.e tlüs paper to anmoimce that íhe ii9 n,ot only willing bo give free b,o Oach person suffering ínom Astihma, Hay Te'ver of Bronohiitis ii tinis city, oros liberal "fre trial biox" of kis Cure1, but. urgentíy requerió all sufferers bo cali at Groodyear's Drag Store. Aun Arbor, witihli t,he next three daya and receive a package absolutely free c( charge, kaowing tlhat iYi niaking the claim hie does for his Cure, a Btroog doubt may arise Ín 'Mío inimls of inany, and that a personal test, as he offers to all, will be moire eonviincing, and prove lts mérito, th&n the publlshlng of thomsands of testl-monials from peraoTjs Tvho luave been permnnently cured by fae use Of h:is Asthma Cure. "Dr. RcMffmann's Asthma Cure," a lt te called, has been sold by dmKjrlsti of this city everince it was flrst lnti'odnced, althotigh many portons may never have heard of it, and it is witb a view t'o reachini tho-e that he mates this offer. This is eertainly a most genoroiis and facr offer, and all are sufferling froan any of th abovft complaints Phould remember the date and place wheve the diatn-;ín(!oii will bè made, and avall themfplves of the same. Persons Bvítng out of thiis city who desire to test the effücacy of this most wonderful remedy -will receive a package fre by writtnsr to Dr. Behiffmann, 330 Roebel etreet, St. Paul, M'.m.n., providimg their let-ter Ís recelved before Oct. 16tih. as no free samples can be otobaíoed aft-er that date. LESS ÏH1N ONE CENT EiCB ARARF RHANRF FOR subscribers nanL unanut old and new. 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press mates it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takes advantage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuisb THE ANN ARBOR COilER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. The Twta-a-Wflok h te I ti tlie licst I'ussililc Milist i tute for a liaily Paper. Published on Tnesday and Friday Mornings i time to catch tlie Karly 1'rnins. All the l.utrst Sen up to tlie time of golng to ircss. Complete Market Upports in each lsssne. All who cannot get a Daily shonld Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Presa Is offerinf? Premium at Special Low Bates to Subsciibers, and you can easlly save the cost of both papers by takins: advantage of THE MAJÍY BARGAINS OFFERED. WRITE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPT. Ib No Other Way fan Toa (Jet As Much For S Little Jldiic). SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO HOT DEL&Y. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to asslst the thousands of unemployed men in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has establlshed a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers and others In all parts of the country without expense to eithet'. Employers applying should state deHnitely as to the kind of work, wates to be paid, and if rallway fare will be advanced. Address, Labor Bureau, Wohkingmen's Homb, 42 Custnm House Place, Tel. Harrison 243. Chicago, I1U Barrel Salt at Wholesrale and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN& CO., 44 SOI TH MAIX STRKKT. 52-3ml7


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